Chapter 20: Victoria Falls

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Taehyung's POV

  Jimin and I always wanted to see a waterfall, so we went to a place located in a continent we haven't visited yet. After visiting a safari, here in Africa, we searched up other beautiful places.

Victoria falls happened to be one of them which reminded us of our wish. It was the following day of our arrival, and we were reaching the building that held tours for foreigners.

Everyone was gathered in certain groups, mingling with one another. We were in a group somewhat close to the middle and was made up of different ethnicities.

The trip there felt great with the wind blowing in our faces and the sun bathing our skin. We took a turn off the main road into a cluster of trees. Birds whirled around us in the air as if they were a painting, and they marked the sky.

Once we arrived to the edge, the smell of rushing water filled the air as we got closer to the waterfall. The water glittered under the sunshine, and the noise produced by the body of water filled our ears.

"Look, we're here." I pointed to the setting before us as we came to a complete stop.

"Let's go take pictures!"

Taehyung took my hand and rushed us to the rocks near the edge. Others had started gathering near the waterfall, taking pictures of their companions along the way.

"Say cheese!"

He held up his phone while I turned around and smiled at the camera. Thankfully, I had sunglasses on to block out the rays of the sun. I saw Taehyung laughing in the process as I did more funny poses for him to capture.

"Take pictures of me, please!" He said excitedly.

Passing by Taehyung, I took the phone from his hand. He quickly positioned himself on the rocks where the waterfall cane out in the background. After enjoying the view and talking to one another, we asked a young, American couple to take a picture of us.

"Stay still, Tae."

"Well, sorry. I'm just trying to get into a good position."

We heard the two people in front of us laugh at our behavior. They looked at us and apologized which only made us embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for taking up your time." I said in English.

"Oh no it's fine." The lady said through laughter. "You just remind me of my parents because they're always fighting over the littlest things, but after they fight, they make up with each other."

I could feel a blush resting on my face. "O-Oh thank you."

"So how long have you been together?" Her boyfriend asked.

"W-we're aren't together. Actually, a lot of people confuse us as a couple, but we're just best friends."

"Oh, I'm sorry." The guy said. "Let me just take a picture and be out of your way."

Taehyung rested his hand on my shoulder, slightly tilted his head with his signature smile, and raised peace sign up with his free hand. I wrapped my arm around his waist by instinct and waved at the camera with the other.

Even though it was a short moment of contact, my stomach felt like I just jumped from a cliff and my heart thundered against my chest. It was the little moments that him and I shared. Everything made me feel so warm.

About thirty minutes later, we returned back to the town and looked for something to eat. We found one not too far of from our location, and we were sat at a booth in the from corner of the structure.

I thought about an idea that had been nesting in my mind as we were looking over the menus. Though I knew it was going to be a risky trip, I had made a promise that wasn't planning to ever brake.

"TaeTae?" I carefully spoke.

He looked up from the menu and straight into my eyes. "What is it, Minnie?"

"I want to go on a trip, but there is a problem..."

"Where do you want to go?" He quirked his eyebrow up, giving me a questioning look.

"There is a place that I want us to visit, but it's in... Europe."

In shock, Taehyung exclaimed in an inside voice, "What?! You want to go back to Europe!"

"Look, I know it's risky-"

"Well of course it's risky."

"Let me finish."

He stared at me before nodding his head in approval.

"The place is somewhat special, and I want you to see it."

"I thought you've never been out of Korea?"

"I haven't, but I want you to see it with me. It's a place I've always wanted to visit, and if you don't want to go, then we don't have to."

Taehyung sighed, rubbing his forehead in the process. "Just give me some time ok?"

"Of course."

Thank God. This'll give me a chance and for more time because I'm still not sure of my plan. If he had said yes right away, I don't know if I'm ready to tell him.

Should I tell him?


  A/N: Hey guys! My projects due Monday, but I finished! Maybe now I'll have more time. Also, I'm really excited BTS is coming to my state I can't wait! I'm really trying to get tickets because me and my siblings are going to see them together. Wish me luck 'cause this is our first time going!
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 01/25/20
Word count: 9018 words

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