Chapter 9: Taupo Pt. 1

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Taehyung's POV

We were in New Zealand in a cabin we rented out the second the plane landed. We spent a day in our room to rest up from the constant traveling and planned what we should do the next day.

It was nine o'clock when I had woken up. Jimin was already out of bed and probably at the breakfast area by now. I stayed in bed for a couple of minutes just rolling around stretching across the soft sheets.

"Are you going to get up soon?" I heard a familiar voice come from the door. "I brought you some food. They had an American styled breakfast, so it's bacon, pancakes and eggs."

I groaned while I sat up with one of my legs draped on one side. I looked over to the plate in his hands, lips curving in amusement. "I never knew they served breakfast in bed."

He placed the plate on the nightstand next to me. "Oh, shut up. They're about to clean up after the mess we made."


"Yeah, there are about a couple other people here that rented out some other rooms. They're really nice people."

I nodded my head as I took in the information. "So should we head out to the fishing area?"

"Sure, but we don't have any equipment, and I'm not sure if they offer any."

"I think they do. When I was reading the website, I think it said they rent out fishing stuff somewhere near the area."

"We should go ask then."

After figuring out where to ask for directions, we followed the given information to get the necessary equipment. It took us an hour to finally achieve our goal because the driver had taken a wrong turn.

"Well we finally got here." I sighed setting some of our stuff down. "It may have taken an hour to get our stuff, but all that matters now is that we're here now."

"Yeah, you're right." Jimin said, wiping off some of the beads of sweat that formed across his forehead. "So, how do you do this?"

I widened my eyes and looked at him in shock. "You mean you don't know how to fish?"

"No? I thought you knew because you suggested it."

"Well, I thought you knew how because you agreed to it."

"You've got to be kidding me." I said sulking a little, but then I thought of something that could brighten the mood. "It shouldn't be that hard, right? You just hook the bait at the end and throw it. At least, that's what I've seen in movies."

"I guess you're right. What can go wrong?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders and sat down on one of the benches by the edge of the lake.

We stayed still for thirty minutes talking about random events that have happened to us. Eventually, we grew tired of waiting, until there was a slight tug on my fishing pole.

"I think I got one!" I yelled excitedly.

"Reel it in!"

I hurriedly pulled in the string at a very fast pace, but once it was out of the water, there was no fish at the end of it. I set the pole down and let out a loud scream of frustration. "Argh!!! I'm tired! Let's just go back!"

I picked up my stuff and started walking the opposite direction away from the lake.

"TaeTae!" He yelled behind me trying to catch up. "Fishing takes patience."

"Yeah, well I don't have patience!" I huffed with my cheeks slightly puffed out. "Fishing is stupid anyways! It's for old people!"

"You're the one who suggested it, old man." Jimin muttered under his breath trying not to be heard by me but failing.

"I heard that! Either way you're older than me, so you're an even older man, probably ancient!"

"I'm only a few month older than you!"


Suddenly, I felt droplet of water coming from above. I looked up, and sure enough, I saw dark gray clouds covering up the once beautiful bluejay sky. I turn to him and looked him dead in the eye.

"This is your fault."

"And how's that?" He asked confused. "I'm not Mother Nature."

"Earlier you said 'what can go wrong?'. That's always the thing people say before something goes wrong."

"At least it isn't raining any harder."

When he said that, the wind blew harder and the rain started falling down even more.


"Yeah, I'll shut up now."

Quickly, we ran to find some shelter in the trees outstretched branches. Luckily, there was a small little wooden shelter not to far from us, and together, we ran towards it.

As we were running, I stopped in the middle of a small open patch of grass. In all honesty, the rain hitting my body felt good. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back, and opened my mouth. I had never played in the rain because my mother never allowed me to go out when it was raining.

"What are you doing?!" Jimin yelled from the shelter.

"Come here! It feels great!" I said smiling as I walked towards him. I sat my stuff down and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the open air. "Doesn't it just make you feel so... free!"

I saw him close his eyes and stand still. He smiled joyfully when he opened his eyes to meet mine.

"It feels nice!" He said laughing. He let go of my hand and ran around the trees and slightly tall grass areas. "Bet you can't catch me!"

"Watch me!"

We ran through the rain not even caring if there were any consequences afterwards. Our childhood was robbed from us years ago by our parents demand, but now we found our innocence once again.

It didn't matter about our social status or where we came from. We were just to people wanting to return to our imagination and have days filled with care and emotion.

I looked at Jimin. He was smiling and laughing as if he's never done either before in his life.

He turned to me and said, "If I get sick, you'll have to take care of me!"

"Then, I'll just have to nurse you back to health!" I'm glad he's my best friend. I smiled fondly, looking at his drenched back while he ran.

While Jimin was happy because of the rain, I was happy because of him.


  A/N: Hey guys! I got back from my dad not too long ago. It was nice seeing him because we rarely get the chance to, but today is my sister's birthday.
  Our dad bought her shoes and then surprised her with mariachis. Since we don't usually hang out, it felt nice.
  Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 11/27/19
Word count: 1134 words

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