Chapter 15: December 30

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Taehyung's POV

Although I knew on the outside I seemed calm walking down the streets of Los Angeles, my mind was like someone driving on the highway at a hundred miles per hour with a blindfold over their eyes.

I'm an idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. How could I over react like that? All of this started, when I got jealous. I knew it caused trouble, but my idiot ass decided to let it consume me. Now, look where we're at.

I don't even know why I was jealous. After all, these feelings might just be me lusting for him. But then again, I could like him. Why is this so frustrating?!

Suddenly, an image popped up in my head of who could help me how to fix our friendship. I quickly took out my phone, but instantly stopped.

  If I call him, mom is definitely going to track me down.

  I walked further down the streets in search of a pay phone. It took me a couple turns before I found one. I rushed to it and proceeded to pay and dial my brother's phone number. After a couple of rings, someone finally answered the phone.


  "Hi, is this Namjoon?"

  "No, this is his husband, Seokjin. May I know who this is?"

  "It's Taehyung, and I'm glad the call went through. I wasn't sure if I had done the process right. Jimin isn't here to help me with the English speaking voice machine."

  "Oh, Tae, why'd you call? Did something happen?"

  "Uh... yes actually. I need your help."

  "Did you get hurt? Did Jimin? Did he die?!"

  "No, Jin, calm down. I don't have much time on this thing."

  "Ok, ok go ahead and explain."

  "Jimin and I had a fight-"

  "What?! Why?!"


  "Right, sorry."

  "But it was my fault because I... I got jealous, and I'm not sure why."

  "Hold up, tell me from the beginning. Like are you two dating or what?"

  "No, but Jimin and I got drunk about a month ago. We kissed that night, but he didn't remember. I started having feelings for him after that. However, I'm unsure if I like him or the kiss has me liking the idea of being in love with him."

  The line on the other end was silent for two seconds before a laugh erupted.

  "You seriously called me for that?!"

  "Don't laugh it's serious."

  "I remember when I was unsure of my sexuality. Thanks to Namjoon though, I'm bi, but let me tell you something. I knew the whole time I liked Joonie, but I denied that fact because I was scared. So tell me Tae, what are you scared of?"

  "I-It's not-" I sigh and took a moment to rethink my answer. "I'm scared it'll ruin our friendship. We are supposed to be traveling together, yet I feel like I'm weighing him down."

  "Tae, if you really were, I'm sure he would've told you."

  "No, because he's too selfless, too nice, too-"

  "You have five minutes before the line ends."

  "I'm sure he wouldn't lie to you because at one point the truth comes out, and it would hurt you. He probably would've taken that into consideration. Plus, drunk people always tell the truth. You can trust me on that one."

  "Ok, thank you for the advice, Hyung. I'll talk to you another day. Goodbye."

  "Goodbye, Tae. Be safe."

  "I will."

  And just like that, I hung up the phone and continued to wander with thoughts about Jimin clouding my mind.

When I got back into the hotel, I was met with a surprising picture. The ceiling was barely visible through the amounts of balloons, and the walls were clothed in party decorations.


  "Surprise!" He jumped out the closet with a present in one hand and his phone in the other, taking picture of my shocked face in the process. "I know this isn't much, but I don't want us to be fighting. Whatever I did, I'm sorry and- Why are you crying?"

Guilty tears tripped over my lashes and tumbled over my cheeks. Jimin put down the cake and hesitated to embrace me in his warmth, but I plunged myself into his arms without thinking.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm such a horrible friend!" This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so insecure.

He wrapped his arms around me, comforting me with a yellow tone. "Tae... I care about you a lot. How many more times do I have to tell you, huh?"

"It's not that simple. I haven't exactly been the greatest friend, and it's making me feel like shit."

He sighed and pulled me down to the bed. He slowly peeled me off of him and brushed my tears away. He looked me right in the eyes, causing my heart to thump against my chest.

"You don't have to tell me what you're having troubles with, but I'll be here to listen. Just know it isn't good to hold back your tears with a dam. I'm here with you. We did this together. I promised you to take you to see the ocean.

You were my first real friend. You are the first to make me feel happy with just your presence. You are the reason why I'm so free. You are the reason for this great adventure, so don't feel like a burden and don't bring yourself down.

I care about you. I care about you a lot. I care, I care, I care, and I care. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I care about you. You are the only one that I care about right now."

But would you still if you knew how I feel? I'm scared. I'm so damn scared.

"Jimin..." I whispered fearfully.

"What is it?" He whispered back.


I'm afraid.


I'm so afraid.

"Thank you for being here with me. You're my best friend."

I'm pathetically afraid.


  A/N: Hey guys! It's Tae's birthday!!!! Well it's late know, but I'm technically a day behind Korea's time. Anyway, sorry I didn't write a happy ending for this chapter, but I know it is not easy to say you like someone especially if you don't know if they're not straight(?).
Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 12/30/19
Word count: 1058 words

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