Chapter 23: Seoul Pt. 3

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Taehyung's POV

  I found myself once again locked up in my room. Although the day was bright and sky was clear, the feelings inside contrasted in many ways.

  "It's wonderful seeing you again."

  I turned away from the window to see the witch who took me away form my happiness.

"Of course, it is what I would have said if you hadn't disobeyed me!"

"I left because of you!"

"Don't give me that crap! You and I know that you left because of how much of a disappointment you are!"

"No, I left because I was tired and sick of trying to impress someone who could never tell me I was enough."

"Watch your mouth, boy! I am your mother."

"That fact doesn't mean anything to me! Just tell me what you did with Jimin!"

"Oh, the lowlife you were with? He's going to pay for ruining our families reputation! Giving you ideas of running away is simply ridiculous! Because of him, he could ruin everything your brother and I worked for!"

"I left in my own free will, and you didn't give Namjoon much of an option! Just let him go because I left with him willingly!"

"Oh, but no one has to know." She said devilishly.

"What?" My blood ran ice cold as I heard her reaction. It was cool and collective as if she found a way to make us look better in the public's eyes.

"You'll pay for running away by watching him suffer as he makes headline news!"

"What the hell did you do?!"

"Oh, you'll find out, but if you try and pull something, I'll stage an 'accident'. Don't think I don't know about your feelings for that scumbag. My people tell me everything."

When I heard what she had planned out, I felt devastated. If only Jimin had never met me, he wouldn't have to suffer. Jimin could still be studying and working hard. It'd be better that to spend years of his life in jail because of me.

"Don't worry, Taehyung." She spoke in her arctic voice. "As long as you don't rebel again, I won't touch a hair in his body. Yet..."

I couldn't move. I felt empty. This was my fault, and she would hold it over my head just to get me to do anything she want.

With one last look of a sinister smile, she faced towards the door, walked out, and slammed the door behind her.

What have I done?

Jimin's POV

  Waking up with a pain in my neck, I looked around the room, squinting because of the dim lighting. I tried moving my arms, but realized that they were cuffed to the table.

  What the hell?

  I kept pulling at the chain and trying to slip them off my wrists. Nothing was working, and I ended up giving up.

  The last thing I remembered was being injected with something behind my neck. It was after they shoved me in another car and took Taehyung away.

  Taehyung?! Where is he?!

  The door started to creek open to reveal an old man. He sat in front of me with a grunt.

  "I'm going to quickly ask you a few questions, and I need you to answer them truthfully."

  I nodded my head in confusion. Where was I? Who was the man interrogating me?

  "What did you want with the boy?"

  "What boy?"

  "Don't play dumb with me kid."

  "But I don't know what you're talking about?"

  He pulled out a suit case and took out a of Taehyung. He slid it forward and tapped the picture. "Mr. Kim Taehyung went missing after a trip to Europe. No one knows exactly where he was last spotted. There are a few clues and not enough information.

  Our only lead is you, who was there when he was found unconscious at an airport parking lot. His mother suggested that you kidnapped him."

  "What?" I say in utter disbelief.

  "She believes that her son would never do anything to scare her like that. She deems her son is loyal and respects his mother's wishes, so our so called 'leads' points to you."

  This can't be happening. Tae never liked his mother because of her expectations. He always hated being locked away in a birds cage while watching others fly.

  "This must be a mistake. He left on his own. You can ask him." I said, trying to defend myself. "I didn't take him forcefully or kidnap him. He told me he'd go with me to Europe."

  "I'm sorry, kid, but right now there are accusations against you. We have no other choice, but to keep you here until then."

  "B-but we ran away! We left because of our families!"

  "I can't do much for you except look at the facts. Right now, you have no evidence. We have a public lawyer working on your case since your parents can't afford a private one."

  "But this can't be right."

  "The jury will decide if you're guilty or not."

  "What about Taehyung? Is he alright?"

  "I can't give you information about the victim." He looked at his watch. Then turned back at me. "I have to go. I have some matters to take care of."


  "Sorry, I don't have any more time."

  Just like that, he left and left me by myself. The scene kept replaying in my mind over and over again. However, one thought always came after every replay.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be.


  A/N: Hey guys! I got BTS tickets!!! I'm so happy, but a small part of me wished I had gotten the ones that were a bit closer to the stage. I don't think there were any four seats that were together in those areas though. Whatever, at least I them!
  Thank you for reading!

Date: 02/06/20
Word count: 982 words

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