Doing My Head In

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Many parents fly
With little children
But there are those
That haven't the slightest idea
How to quiet the kids

After waking up at 5am
And being on a 3 hour flight
One baby's constant wailing is
Doing my head in

There are different things
That can be given safely
To help them sleep during flights
Children's Benadryl
Tylenol among others

The air pressure hurts their ears
Is understandable
But parents need to be prepared
First and foremost for the poor kid
Than be mindful of the
200 something passengers on the plane

Not everyone can
Deal with that kind of racket
Inside a fiberglass machine
Without an escape route

For all new parents out there
Please have mercy on all
Have your kid sleep through the trip
Or wait until they are
Old enough to deal with this

On behalf of everyone
Aboard this flight
You may now return
To your regular scheduled snoring

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