Disorganized Confusion

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For nearly 2 years
I have been going about
My dissertation topic
A certain way
Never once did anyone give me
An inkling I should be looking at it differently

My 3rd workshop only a few weeks ago
Left me depressed
Stressed and anxious

Though my topic doesn't change, overall
I can't look at it medically supposedly
It has to be from a leadership perspective
Because that's my degree

It is the outmost of
Disorganized confusion
No one told me during my first
Workshop about this
Instead, choose a topic you're
Passionate about
They said

I'm passionate about bringing down
And every bullshit nonprofit organization
Taking money from people with ME
For their own gain

I'm passionate about finding justice
For the over 30 years of neglect towards
ME folks from leaders in the
Medical profession

I'm passionate about being a volunteer
For an organization that doesn't just
Talk the talk, but walks the walk
Those who advocate for proper
Diagnostic criteria not crippling, burying
Garbage for cash and private treatment

So though I'm utterly confused
With all this wishy washy information from
My school, I will do my dissertation the way
It deserves to be done, one way or another
And it will be on ME

Once I get into DP 1; I will iron out the
Small stuff as I continue to gather all of the
Information for everything I can
Nothing and no one will stop me
For I know my path

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