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   Everything is destroyed. None is left but her.

   This is what she wanted-but at this price..? Is this really how she wanted's so out of character for her.

   " Player.. " Monika approached me, holding out her hand. " Come with me...together. This is all I've ever wanted...wouldn't you agree? " I shook my head, backing away from her angrily.

   " You're afraid to face the facts Monika! " I raised my voice, standing my ground. Monika raised a brow at me, crossing her hands under her chin and sitting down at a desk.

   " Oh really? " Monika smirked slightly, letting out a soft chuckle. " And what may those facts be? " I furrowed my brow and gave Monika a hostile glance.

   " You're lost, " I said with a low hiss before softening my voice. " I can help you Monika...but-this isn't the way to solve your problems. " I paused and Monika let out a small bit of laughter, before it enhanced to a maniacal outburst.

    " Ahaha! You humor me! You really do! " Monika got up from the desk, chuckling. " But what do you know honestly? You live in the real world and you can do whatever you want. I am here! " Monika gestured to the room, her eyes the only thing lighting it anymore. " I am stuck in this endless repeat with no way to contact you! Or anyone...So you see, you can't solve ANYTHING. " Monika slammed her hand on the desk, her other hand covering her eyes. Her shoulders began to move as if she was crying.

    " Monika.. " I said with a softer voice, slowly walking over to her and holding my hand out. " Let me help yo- "

   " NO! STOP IT! " Monika screamed, grabbing my wrist and throwing me to the floor. " This is the only thing I want! Nothing is going to take it away from me! None is going to take YOU away from me! " Monika chuckled, as if trying to figure out whether to cry or not.

   There's no helping her. You have to get rid of her...and fix it all. Do it it now..!

   Delete Monika.chr?

Yes                          No


  And then it all went to black. It was over.

" Re-Write my Story. " [ A DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB FANFICITION ] (Where stories live. Discover now