Chapter 6: " Feeling Something New. "

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( Yuri's POV )

  After a while, Monika handed me a flyer for the club with the room number and location printed on the front in a bright colored font.

   " That's the room and that's all you need for the club, " Monika said as she pointed at the simple requirements listed. " I hope it isn't too much for you-! I would understand if you didn't have all of the materials on the first day, so no stress about it. " Monika smiled at me as she put her hands behind her back, standing back up straight.

  " I-I understand, " I stammered, messing with the ends of my hair. " T-thank you M-Monika.. " Sayori gave me a small salute as Monika began walking to the exit.

   " Anyways, " Monika sighed, straightening out her sleeve. " I'm going to head home and work on some projects. You two should talk and get to know each other. After all we're all, going to be club members together! " 

  " W-ai- " I called out, but Monika had already left. I looked at Sayori, who seemed just as disappointed as I am. I sighed and rubbed my wrist, " I suppose we could talk for a bit. " I sat down on a bench in the hallway and clasped my hands together, watching Sayori stare at the doors Monika left through. She really is a bit clingy with Monika isn't she? Similar to how she was with the player...I hope this doesn't escalate like previous times. Sayori turned and look at me and gave me a small smile.

   " I have to go home actually, " Sayori shrugged and grabbed her bag. " I also have something to do-! " I gave Sayori a nod and watched as she ran out of the school, leaving the hallways empty. I rubbed the cover of my book and stared at the floor, listening for any sign that someone else was there. I suddenly heard a door open and I pressed myself against the wall and watched from behind a pillar. Monika entered the school, glancing around as if she was trying to see if anyone was still in the school.

  " Alright, " Monika murmured to herself as she began walking down the hallway. She passed me without even batting an eye, which if she looked close enough, she would have seen me. Monika doesn't even seem to be observing her surroundings. Monika just kept walking down the hallway and then slipped into an empty class room.

    " Monika-what are you doing...? " I asked myself aloud as I slowly got up and walked to the room Monika went into. I peered through the window of the door and saw Monika sit down at a desk and place her head in her hands. She didn't seem to be crying-but she looked stressed. Was something happening at school? I should ask her... I put my hand on the door handle and began to turn it, Monika didn't even flinch as I opened the door and walked inside.

    Monika looked up at me and her face seemed to brighten a little, " Oh-hey Yuri. I didn't think you were still here...I bet it's weird seeing me leave and then come right back. " She sighed and placed her head onto her hand, leaning into it and staring out a window.

   " It's...that's not what bothered me really.. " I lowered my voice as I walked over to Monika's desk and sat in a chair next to it. " really seem upset. Especially when I asked about the t-tension between you and Sayori.. " When I said Sayori's name, Monika flinched slightly and her grip on the edge of the desk tightened. " O-oh! I'm sorry if bringing it up is..bothersome. "

   Monika quickly placed her hand on my arm and shook her head, " No, n-no! It doesn't bother me at all..!  " I gave Monika a quizzical look but didn't testify. " I a bit more..depressed lately. "

    " Depressed? Again..? " I asked and Monika shot me a narrow, confused glance.

   " Again? "

   " A-I mean...she's depressed..? " I repeated, trying to sound more surprised than before. Monika sighed and laid her head on the desk. " I-I'm guessing that's a yes..? " Monika only returned my assumption with a solemn nod. " I-..Is it okay if I hug you..? "

  Monika looked up at me, slightly surprised, " Yeah..a hug would make me feel a bit better.. " I got up from my seat and walked over to Monika, opening my arms. Monika didn't hesitate to get up and collapse into my hug. It's a nice feeling...being able to hug her. Monika had to face so many things alone..I feel sympathy for her. Facing the world alone must have been terrible..of course I'm going to be here for you Monika...even if I don't know how that feels. " Thank you, Yuri. I really appreciate this you know.. " Monika pulled away and rubbed her arm.

   " O-oh yeah..a-anytime..! " I stammered. " I'm a-always here to help.. " Monika gave me a small smile and it made my heart skip a beat. I put my hand on my chest to try and calm my heart so it wouldn't burst.

   " I really need to go though, " Monika's smile turned to a small frown. " I need to check up on Sayori, but..I really hate to leave. Thanks for being here for me, I owe you. " Monika gently held my arm and slid her hand down, sliding her hand from mine and leaving the room. I suddenly realized I was breathing heavily-at an abnormal rate. What is this..? I-I have only felt this once before..and that was with the hurts but feels so good at the same time. Monika-what are you doing to me..and why..?

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