Chapter 2: " A Match of Volleyball. "

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   ( Yuri's POV )

     I shot up from my bed, feeling exhausted. I vividly remember what the Player had told me and every time I thought of it, it made my head sting. I shouldn't worry about it right now-the game has only just restarted...With these new powers, I can supervise everyone better, starting with Monika. I fumbled through my head and finally found a way to see Monika. I saw a black box appear in front of me and I pressed my index finger against it, files appearing in a set in front of me.

    " Oh dear-that's a lot of did Monika get through all of this so quickly..? " I asked myself aloud as I scanned the files. I found a folder labeled ' Characters ' and I opened it, surprised to see my own file with a protection lock on it. He took safety precautions...I can respect that decision. I clicked Monika's filed and noticed a smaller menu pop up. I glanced over the options until I found a ' Supervise ' button, not hesitating to select it.

( Monika's POV )

  I laid in my bed, trying to wake myself up. As I sat up, I could feel a strong, aching feeling shoot through my body. Oh dear-that really hurts-I must have reacted badly to that terrible nightmare... I got up and stretched, pressing my back inward and outstretching my arms in the air.

   " Monika, " My mother called through the door. " Breakfast is ready! Just come downstairs when you're ready. "

    I held my bow between my teeth as I put in my ponytail, " Mrph! Yeah mom, give me a moment! " I adjusted my bow in the desired position and opened my bedroom door, walking to the kitchen. " Alright, I'm here. " My mother gestured to the table and set a plate of pancakes down in front of me. I poked at my food with my fork a bit.

    My mother shook her head and sighed, " Are you not going to eat your food? It's comfort food, it'll help you wake uuup! " She said that final sentence in a sing songy tone, making me sigh with slight annoyance.

     I got up from my seat, " I think I'm going to go down to the local volleyball court and practice some serves. I'll be back before late! " I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, barely hearing my mother grumble about how I didn't eat my breakfast before I shut the door. I did a light jog down the roads and took a small turn to the volleyball court. None was there, which is perfect for me to have some practice. I slid my bag down my arm and onto the ground, tacking off my shirt so I could be in my sports bra. I reached into my bag and pulled out my leather black and white striped ball and bounced it in my hand a bit.

     " Oh-hey there.... " I heard a timid voice shyly speak from behind me and I quickly turned to see who it was. It was a tall, slender girl with long, silky purple hair. I didn't recognize her, but I assume she went to my school.

    I gave a friendly smiled, " Hey there! Didn't know anyone else was here. Are you wanting to play a match? " I raised a brow and gave the girl a moment to answer. She replied by shaking her head.

    " No, I am not that into playing sports, but I would love to watch you practice if that's alright with you..? " She said in a hesitant voice, as if thinking she was being rude by asking. 

   " Of course it's alright, " I said as I served the ball against the wall and caught the rebound. " I'm glad there's someone else here I can talk to. " I sighed as I began my normal practice routine and the girl simply reading her book under the shade of a tree. It was mostly silence, but her company really was better than being alone, so it was good enough for me. After about an hour, I decided to take a break and try to make small talk with the girl. " I never properly introduced myself. I'm Monika, pleasure to meet you. "

     " A-ah..erm..Y-Yuri...pleasure is all mine.. " Yuri stammered and I sat down next to her, opening my water bottle and taking a drink. I stared at the leaves of the tree, trying to think of a conversation to start.

    " So-what brings you out here anyways, " I asked, glancing at her, " You know-since you don't really do sports. "

    " I just like spending time out here, " Yuri replied, closing her book. " It's perfect for spending time and though to yourself. The scenery, the's just wonderful. " Yuri closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, leaning her head against the tree. I waved my hand in a circular motion, mustering up some words.

    I chuckled, " One to enjoy scenery? It is nice out here! " Pressing my knees against my chest, I gave Yuri a quick glance. She seems familiar to me-I don't know why. I don't know anyone else like her, but..her name and her visual figure..just seems familiar to me. It's beginning to bother me.. I quickly got up grabbing my bag. " Anyways..I need to go. See you later sometime! " I said with a quick wave before jogging off. I don't really get it, but she even spoke to me like she had some familiarity of me as's weird-maybe a coincidence, so I'll pass it off until later.

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