Chapter 17: " Contact. "

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( Monika's POV )

  I exited the school, not even remembering what I just did. I rubbed my head and looked at Libitina, who was walking next to me, only visible by the pale moonlight.

  " What did you do? " I asked, feeling a headache consume my thoughts. " I don't remember the past seven minutes...I feel like this is your doing. " Libitina looked at me and looked back forward, brushing off my question. Well, that was a bit rude. I bit my lip and stared back forward, continuing to walk in pace with her. " So, you're not going to answer my question because it was that bad? "

  Libitina seemed to flinch, " I only did what was required to get you out of there without being followed. " I shook my head just barely, trying to show my disapproval. " Don't shake your head at me. I was trying my best. "

  " At least tell me you didn't hurt Yuri? " I asked, glancing at Libitina with a concerned look. " I want to save everyone..not hurt them. "

  " No, she is fine..all I did was block her from following you, " Libitina wrapped her arms around me in a gentle hug. " Do you think I would ever lie to you about that? After all, we are partners. "

  " Partners.. " I echoed. " What do you mean..? "

  " Monika... " Libitina let out a small chuckle. " You agreed to my offer...we're connected in more ways then you could ever imagine. " She slowly let go of me, brushing my hair out of my face and continuing to walk towards my house. I was confused, but followed.

( Yuri's POV )

  I went through as many commands I could think of, trying to see if I could contact the original Player. I finally was able to get in contact with him successfully. 

  " What the heck-? Yuri? " Player questioned, his webcam popping up on my screen. I gave a small wave, but shot him a concerned glance. " Oh..something must be going on. What's up? "

  " It's Monika- " I choked on my words. " She..Libitina..! Somethings wrong and I don't know how to fix it! I need your h-help! " The Player's face went from annoyed to concerned and stern. He grabbed his mouth and began typing something on his keyboard.

  " Yuri, have you even tried to use your admin powers to de-ride the virus or Libitina? " He asked, glancing up at me, then back at his keyboard.

  " No...I haven't.. " I sighed, twirling my fingers through my hair. " B-but..still! I am worried about Monika.. " The Player stopped typing and slowly looked up at me through his webcam.

  " Do you.. possibly like Monika, Yuri? " I flinched and covered my face with my hair, mumbling to myself. " So you do? No wonder you and Monika got so close while I was gone. You didn't even give Sayori or Natsuki a chance, did you? " He chuckled and I squeaked.

  " Can we not discuss t-this right now...?! " I yelped. " W-we have a sit-situation.... " I looked down to the side as Player just continued to laugh and type quickly. It only took a few moments before he began to speak again.

  " Alright, I think I've found a way for you to save Monika before dealing with Libitina, " The Player remarked. " I have given you a teleportation admin command specifically connected Monika. Libitina, if she already has already corrupt Monika, wont notice it for a few days. If you can get Monika away from Libitina before that time runs out, you will be in the green. But remember, Libitina is connected to Monika's mind, so she may try to possess Monika. Monika may act out of character, that's your hint to secure her and make sure she can't run away from you. "

  I sighed, " So you're saying...Libitina is connected to Monika's mind..and can mess with her...manipulate her..? " The Player nodded in reply, a solemn expression on his face. 

The Player explained, " She is the whole reason Monika went haywire the last game. Monika would't consciously hurt you. Libitina manipulates Monika by saying that she is trying to help her save you and the others. Monika just blindly follows in hopes of helping everyone. " I but my lip and frowned, remembering that video file I found of Monika a couple days ago.

  " Hey-there is something I want to show you.. " I said, but Player cut me off.

   " We don't have time! You need to get Monika out of can happen later, " The Player's admin command prompt appeared before my eyes, showing a string of python commands. A button appeared asking if I would like to activate the command. " Good luck and save your girlfriend. " I gawked at the Player as his webcam dissipated. I will talk to him about that later. I pressed the command activation and a few seconds passed before Monika appeared in front of me, looking exhausted. I ran to her side and helped her onto her feet, leaning her body against mine so i could help her walk. She was unconscious. The teleportation must have knocked her out. I could hear distant screeching and angered yelling, but it slowly faded, and when I looked at Monika's face, her brow was furrowed, like she having a nightmare.                                                                            

   " Don't worry Monika.. " I whispered, helping Monika to my house. " We're going to save you and everyone else...Libitina wont hurt you any more.. "

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