Chapter 14: " Suspicion. "

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( Yuri's POV )

  I called Monika again. No answer. I sighed and stared at my phone.

  " I can't help but worry about you.. " I mumbled, resting my head on my knees and staring at the phone screen. " Who knows what could happen to you.. " I closed my eyes and took in a deep inhale, but jumped when I heard a ding from my phone. " Monika-! " I gasped quietly, seeing the message from her.

Monika: Hey, sorry I haven't been answering! Can you come over later? I want to talk to you about something.

 Talk to me about something? I stared at the phone screen for a minute before typing a reply.

 Yuri: Yes, I would be glad to. In an hour, if that's alright?

 Monika: Yeah! That is perfect!

 I bit my lip and shut my phone off, walking to my closet. I should wear something decent. I reached into my closet and pulled out a sweater and black tights. I checked my phone again before getting myself dressed. I took my phone and walked to my front door, staring back at the phone screen. I wonder what she wants to talk to me about so late at night. I felt a blush spread across my face. N-not that! She w-wouldn't-! I put my hands over my face and shook my head, flustered.

  " Get your head out of the gutter, Yuri! " I yelped to myself, blushing with my lips slightly departed. " You may start day-dreaming.. " I bit my lip tightly, focusing on getting level headed as I walked out the door. I kept my phone in my hand as I kept pace, making my way to Monika's front door. I put my hand on the handle, but heard the noise of something hitting the ground, so I pressed my ear against the door and listened.

   " What did you do to me..? " I heard Monika's muffled voice, sounding slightly distraught, but calm.

   " I restored you, " A echoed female voice said, followed by muffled whispers I couldn't make out. Suddenly, the front door swung open.

  " Yuri-! " Monika smiled and walked into me, hugging me. " I'm so glad you decided to come! " Her mood and entirely different... I stood there and slowly wrapped my arms around Monika. Her whole body language is's almost like-how she originally was before we re-made her. Monika pulled away slightly, " You seem upset. What's eating at you, Yuri? "

  I stammered slightly, trying not to give my suspicions away, "'s just s-so late.. " I sighed to myself, at least getting a decent cover-up answer out. Monika wrinkled her nose and gently pulled me inside, closing the door. Oh hormones are acting up-This is not the time..! " A-ah..! Ok-okay..! Lets about what you wanted t-to talk about.. " I sat down on the couch, holding my hands sandwiched between my legs.

  Monika sighed as she sat down next to me, " I have a question..a very important question to ask you. " Monika rubbed her thumbs against her lips, as if thinking. " And it may sound..absurd..but-have you ever thought of reality as fake? " Why this question?! Out of all the things Monika had to ask..why this-plus her acting strange..Something is wrong with Monika and she isn't telling me.

  I gave an awkward smile and shrugged, " No, not exactly. It seems very out of possibility and unlikely. I will agree, it's an odd question. " Monika's eyes seemed to darken slightly and she turned swiftly, grabbing my arms and pinning me to the couch, keeping her knee between my legs. " M-Monika-! "

  " You're not telling me something.. " Monika's pupils dilated as she stared at me with a stern expression. I couldn't help but blush from either fear or being slightly aroused. Monika's grip tightened on my arms, " You would be honest with me..wouldn't you? "

  " O-of...c-cou-course..! " I yelped, barely able to steady my voice. Monika breathed heavily, causing me to breath at a rapid pace. Monika sighed and let go, getting off of me and walking to the edge of the room. I covered my mouth, trying to hide my heavy breathing.

  " Apologies, " Monika murmured, brushing her bangs out of her face. Her face was a dark red tint across her face, but a solemn look in her eyes with a hint of hostility. " I think you should head home soon, though. "

  " Was that all y-you c-.. " I paused, trying to breath. " Is that a-all you c-..called me for..? " I bit my bottom lip, the Adrenalin still exciting me from Monika pinning me down. Monika turned to look at me, her expression completely relaxed and different.

  " Of course you can stay a bit longer, " Monika walked into the kitchen next to the living room and opened a cabinet. " I can make you some warm tea. " I stayed on the couch, leaning against it's arm and staring at Monika.

  " Tea sounds wonderful, " I said, getting a small realization. " Oh-hey..I have a question of my own. "

  " Hm? " Monika pulled her arm slightly out of the cabinet, holding two cups. " And what may that be? "

  I took a deep inhale, " you know anyone named Libitina..? " Monika gasped and I heard the cups shatter across the floor. I sat up quickly and Monika covered her mouth, wide eyed as if she was going to get sick or having a traumatic moment. " Monika..? " 

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