Chapter 5: " A New Club - A Eerie Feeling. "

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  ( Monika's POV )

     I heard the sound of my alarm going off and groaned, sitting up in bed and checking my phone, clicking it off to silent. 

     " Ergh-it's a few hours early... " I sighed, collapsing back onto my pillow. " Hmph. Nothing important is even happening toda- " Wait a minute.. I looked back at my alarm, narrowing my eyes. The alarm was titled ' Literature Club! ' and I dropped my phone, shooting out of the bed. " Ah shoot! Of course the one time I forget something-it's important! " I yelped aloud as I grabbed my clothes and began quickly getting dressed. I could hear my mother downstairs, already awake and getting herself ready for work. I suddenly heard my phone ring again and I picked it up.

     " Sayori? " I asked, putting the phone against my ear as I slipped my vest on. " Are you alright? " Sayori sniffled and I pulled the phone in front of my face. " Don't say anything-I'm on my way! " I hang up and put my shoes on, running down the stairs. I waved goodbye to my mother and bursted out the front door, heading to Sayori's house. As soon as I arrived the the front door, I gave it a tender knock and anxiously waited for Sayori to open the door.

   The door slowly slid open with Sayori peeking from the small slit of an opening, " M-monika...? " I gave Sayori a sympathetic smile and she opened the door just enough for me to hug her tightly. " Wha- "

   " What happened? " I asked quickly, pulling away and checking Sayori's face for any remaining tears, wiping them away. " Did someone say something? Do something? " Sayori grabbed both my arms and gently placed them by my sides, shaking her head. I returned her action with a confused look.

    Sayori sighed, " I...I want to tell you something-Monika.. " Sayori invited me inside with a quiet gesture and I hesitantly followed her inside, keeping my eyes on her. This is..slightly out of character for Sayori. I better keep a close eye on her. I sat down on the couch and Sayori stood in front of me.

    " So-what are you wanting to tell me Sayori..? " I asked, listening intently. Sayori took in a deep breath.

    " We...we've been friends for...a long time...right? " Sayori asked and I nodded, gesturing for her to continue. " I-...never really thought I would feel the way I do-but...I began to get this..fuzzy feeling that makes my sadness go away. I-I like that fuzzy feeling, but-I don't want...I don't want you to be with me..because there are so many better, more popular people out there for you. But-I...also really...want with you-"

   " . . . " I stared in disbelief. How am I supposed to answer to that..? I didn't even know and now she's just dumping two things I didn't even know about onto me! I need clarification..! " Before I answer your..upcoming question...I have a question for you. " I put my hands over my lips and thought for a moment, trying to get my wording correct. " When you you mean- ? "

   " Depression? " Sayori cocked her head and gave a painful smile. " Yes, I do mean that. " That smile caused my heart to ache as I opened my mouth, but choked on my words.

   " I-.. Sayori..we... " I rubbed my knees, tightening my grip onto them. " I do l-love you a friend...a very close friend. I'm-...sorry. " Every word I spoke, I saw Sayori crumble a little bit. I quickly got up, but Sayori shook her head and smiled at me again.

   " No need to say anything Monika! I respect your decision, " Sayori hugged me quit tightly. " I'm happy you are honest with me. " I pat Sayori's head and nodded as she let go of me. " H-how about I get ready? School will be starting soon and we don't want to be late-hehe. " Sayori skipped off to her room, leaving me standing there. I waited anxiously for Sayori to come downstairs, pacing the room. Maybe answering no wasn't the best idea-I could make her more happy if I just...went out with her. I should change my answer- Sayori tumbled down the stairs, already in her sing-songy mood, grabbing my hand. " Come on! We need to get to school! "

*- After classes. -*

   " Hey Sayori, " I said with a small sigh.

   " Hm? "

   " I really hope we can still be friends, " I rubbed my shoulder, giving Sayori a small, awkward smile. 

    Sayori chuckled at me, " Duh! You think you not going out with me is going to make me hate you or something? " Sayori grabbed my arm, pressing herself onto it. " Never! Hehe! " I gave a sigh of relief.

  " Well then, " I rolled my eyes. " You wouldn't mean being the vice president of my new Literature Club? " 

  " Wait-really? " Sayori began jumping up and down. " Yes-please! " Sayori began rambling on about how she was going to make the club amazing and exotic compared to the other clubs, I just walked along side her and listened, occasionally chuckling at her remarks.

( Yuri's POV )

  I was following behind Monika and Sayori, keeping myself out of view. I have to keep an eye on Monika-this is normal. Monika would understand why I'm following her if she remembered everything that happened. I saw Monika shifting nervous glances at Sayori every time they took a few steps. What is concerning her so much..? I quickened my pace, now walking directly towards them.

  " We should totally get Yuri in the club too! " Sayori piped up, making Monika's attention snap back to Sayori. " Y'know, since she's a friend of yours and all-! "I watched as Monika nodded, giving a nervous chuckle. I couldn't help but smile slightly as I walked over.

  " G-good evening everyone, " I whispered and waved a bit. Monika gave me a small smile and waved her hand while Sayori began talking again.

    " Yuri, we were just talking about you! " Sayori looked from behind Monika to make eye contact with me. " You like books, right? " I smiled a bit and gestured to the book I was holding, giving a single nod. " Then...would you like to join Monika's Literature Club? " There's the question I have been waiting for. The club was inevitable-so I expect this question, but..not from Sayori.

  I sighed, " Of course. I do enjoy a good a club of literature would be perfect for time to read. " Monika gave me a small thumbs up and Sayori beamed at me. Typical Sayori. Though, seeing Monika act so normal was so odd for me, unsettling almost. I am so used to her being abnormal and pushy that-this just seems so out of place. I just looked away from them and we walked mostly in silence from then. I could feel the heavy tension between Sayori and Monika, and it was becoming a slight nuisance for me. " Something is going on between you two... "

   Monika paused before quickly intervening, " I don't know what you mean, Yuri. Obviously everything is fine. " Monika's voice was bitter and I quickly shut my mouth, refusing to press anymore. Monika may be powerless, but she still can be terrifying. That I can confirm.


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