Chapter 28: " The Ending We All Deserved. "

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( Yuri's POV )

I looked down at my hand, feeling something crumple in my fist. It was a small piece of paper folded neatly into a tiny square like a small note a student would pass in class. I noticed Sayori and Natsuki looking at the paper as well, raising questions in all of our heads.

" What's that paper for..? " Natsuki asked quietly, looking at the paper closely. I shrugged and looked at the couch where Monika was before looking back at the paper.

I held the paper up closer to my face, grabbing the corner crease, " I'm going to unfold it. I think it's something important. " I looked at the others, Sayori and Natsuki both giving slow nods of approval while looking down at the floor. I took a deep breath and began unfolding the small piece of paper, which opened to a large sheet of paper with neat, hand written text on it. I cleared my throat and began to read:

Hey everyone and welcome to my Literature Club!

I'm so glad I finally get to start a club with so many great people that love literature just as much as I do. It took a long time, but I finally did it with the help of all of my friends! Well, now that the introduction is out of the way, I think I should get to the point of this note. I you're reading this, you're probably the Player. I probably have deleted myself by this point, since it was my initial plan. But, that's besides the point! Since you're reading this note, the happy end is already in way. This game has ruined all of my friends lives, so it's time to put it behind us and end everything. I just want everyone to be happy and free. Even if that means getting rid of myself. No worries, it's better for everyone!

But, that isn't why I made this note. I want whoever you are to take care of everyone. Make sure they're happy.

Spend more time with Sayori, give her the love she deserves.

Don't be so hard on Natsuki, she is a softy at heart.

And help Yuri overcome her demons, she needs your support.

The things I never did for these girls...I know you can. Thank you. For everything.

And especially,

Thank you for joining my Literature Club!



I looked down at the paper and pressed it against my heart, beginning to tear up, " All she wanted...was to help us. She really was thinking of us the entire time.. " I wiped tears from my eyes, clearing my vision slightly. I could see both Sayori and Natsuki just as heartbroken as I was, teary eyed and a mess.

Sayori looked up, breathing heavily, " B-but there was something else... A happy end..? " I looked down at the paper and realized happy end had been underlined in heavy pen, like Monika was making that statement a priority. I put my finger over it and accidentally hit something else, opening...the admin commands. I paused and the room went dead silent. What she was saying...what was Monika saying? I stood there, holding the note tightly and staring at the commands, unable to move.

Suddenly, I felt a hand jolt my arm, " Snap out of it, Yuri! You have the admin, use it! " I broke from my thoughts and looked at Natsuki, slowly nodding. I can bring her back...I can bring her back! But as I looked at the commands, there was only one command on the module. ' Happy End. ' I took a deep inhale as I pressed the command and watched as a python string began typing out. One of the strings said ' Deleting Monika.chr file. ' causing my heart to drop. The files opened and showed Monika's file being deleted. I stood there and watched as her file began to remove itself from the game entirely.

" Monika... " I whispered. " Monika. No... Monika! " I yelped as I grabbed Monika's file from the screen, and with a loud crash, everything turned white.




I flickered my eyes open and sat up. I looked around and noticed I was in my my house. Through my curtains, rays of sunlight peeked into my room, one of the rays hitting my face. Without a moments hesitation, I got out of the bed quickly and threw my window open, looking outside.

" The games restarted.. " I whispered. There was a knock on my door, quite a violent knock. I turned around quickly and ran downstairs, flinging my door open. My heart dropped when I saw it was Sayori and Natsuki, Monika.

" Yuri-tell me we're not the only ones that are realizing everything restarted, " Sayori sounded shaken, and I nodded to her, showing her I realized it too. Natsuki was completely silent, besides an occasional shudder.

I walked outside, shutting my front door, " We're going to the school. "

" What? Why..? " Natsuki asked quickly, shaking her head.

" Something tells me we need to go there. "

" We're not going somewhere because of your superstition! " Natsuki angrily answered, but slowly shrunk away from me when I glared at her. " O-okay..fine. " I turned back around and began speed-walking in the direction of the school, Sayori and Natsuki following close behind me.

I approached the school first, " I'm going to the club room, you two wait out here. " They didn't object and they found a bench to sit on while I walked inside. As soon as the school doors shut behind me, I began sprinting down the hallways and up the stairs to the third floor. I kept running until I was two doors away from the club room and I began slowing down to a walk. I hesitantly walked to the club room door and opened it. " No ones in here.. " I thought aloud as I walked into the club room, disappointment flooding me, but as I looked to the front of the room I saw Monika standing wide and teary eyed, staring at me.

" Y-..Yuri..? " Monika put one hand over her mouth, muffling her whimper. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling Monika into a tight hug. " I-it worked..! I knew you could do it..! " Monika hugged me just as tightly, us both hugging each other for what seemed like hours. I pulled away from Monika first, grabbing her hands tightly.

" You''re here.. " I sniffled. " You're alive..! " I ran my hands through Monika's hair and then put them on Monika's cheeks. Monika put her hands over mine, both of us crying tears of joy. In the heat of the moment, I let my heart speak for me, " you Monika..please...never do that to me again. " I looked down at the floor, wiping my eyes. Monika put her hands under my chin and pulled my head up so I could look at her.

" I love you too.. " Monika smiled and then she pressed her lips against mine.

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