Chapter 15: " Coincidence? "

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( Monika's POV )

   I leaned against the counter, trying not to vomit or loose consciousness.

' Don't say know what she would think of you if she knew. ' I heard Libitina's voice echo inside my head. I closed my eyes even tighter and grabbed the counter top. ' Calm down and breath, you're making it suspicious! ' That sentence ended with a hiss, causing my head to ring. I shook my head and took a deep inhale of air through my teeth and calming myself down a bit, still breathing heavily.

  " Monika-! " I suddenly heard Yuri's voice snap me back out of my head. " You haven't been responding-are you alright? " I suddenly realized Yuri's hand was tightly gripped around my hand and the other wrapped around my stomach. I had pieces of glass stuck in my hand and Yuri was keeping me on my feet. " Alright...lets sit you down. I'll get the glass out of your hand and make the tea. " Yuri set me down on the couch, holding me there for a minute as if she was making sure I wouldn't topple over, and then went into the kitchen to the drawer I labeled ' Medicals. '  I stared at my bloody hand and blinked a few times.

' Libitina...are you still there..? '

' Of course I am, Monika. What do you need? '

' What do I do-?! If what you say about Yuri knowing the past game is true..then she probably is catching on about my odd behavior... Do you have any ideas to-well..make it less suspicious? '

Libitina went silent for a moment, causing me to believe she had left. Suddenly, she responded.

 ' Distract her by being a bit cute. '

 ' Wh-What? You know-I can' are so many other options than that!'

 ' Monika, dear, you asked for me to help you?And as much as I hate to see you..flirt with her- ' Libitina paused and I could heard her pacing inside my head. ' It will get her off of your back for a while. '

I sighed to myself and leaned my head back against the couch, staring at the ceiling. I can't believe I am about to do this. Yuri soon walked over to me and slowly removed a piece of glass from my hand.

 " Ow- " I yelped, pulling my hand back a bit. Yuri grabbed my wrist gently and furrowed her brow as she tried to remove the next piece of glass in a more gentle motion. I flinched, but didn't move my hand away.

  " See? Not too bad, " Yuri whispered softly as she wrapped my hand and placed a cup of tea next to me. I looked at my hand and blew on it softly, the air making the pain go away for about half a second, I suddenly felt my hand get lightly grab by a hesitant Yuri and she gently blew on my hand. " I-..erm..sorry if that's weird-! " Yuri let go of my hand and jolted back to a sitting position, looking away from me.

  " No..! I-..that was nice, " I mumbled my words a bit, but Yuri heard them. " C..can you do it again...? " I saw Yuri grow tense, but she leaned in and blew on my hand again, causing me to shudder. " T-thank you.. "

  ' See, it's easy. You shouldn't be so worried, I wont let anything happen to you. '

   I felt Libitina's hands wrap around my neck softly, but I couldn't see her. I tried to ignore it and looked back at Yuri.

   " I think..I need to use the restroom! " I chuckled nervously and got up, heading to where the restroom was and closing behind me. " That was close..what are you doing-? "

   " What do you mean? " Libitina slowly materialized into existence again, giving me a slightly confused look, but she was smiling at me like she knew what she was doing. " I was simply making sure you felt protected. " I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure this spirit out.

   " Wrapping your arms around my neck is kind of something a couple would do, " I said in a slightly monotone voice. " It would give people the wrong impression if they saw you doing that.. "

    " But they wont! " Libitina smiled. " Because I'm a spirit and only I will let you see me~! " She walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, catching me off guard. " How about we get some answers and then send Yuri on her way, hm? " Libitina soon faded away and I placed my hand on my cheek where she kissed me.

    " What was that all about..? " I sighed, walking out of the bathroom, but I felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards them. " Wa-! "

   " Who were you talking to? " Yuri's voice was serious, and I knew she was going to catch on. " And where are they now..? " I tried to wiggle out of Yuri's grasp, but she was quite a lot strong then I thought. I grit my teeth and stared at the floor.

  " It was're just hearing things, " I mumbled, my voice shaking slightly. Yuri slammed me against the wall, my face against the wall and my back towards her, holding my hands over my head. 

   " I don't just suddenly hear things, Monika, " Yuri stated sternly, tightening her grip. " Now..tell me what's going on..! " I yelped as Yuri pressed herself against me, making sure I couldn't move.

   " I - "

' Libitina..! Help me-! '

  ' Working on it, dear-! '

  I suddenly felt Yuri's grip and body weight get thrown off me with a loud thud to the floor.

 ' Thank you.. '

 I quickly got up and ran towards the front door, swinging it open and booking it out of my house. 

  ' You need to hide at the school, she wont go there. '

  ' Why not..? '

   ' You know why, now just keep running. '

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