Chapter 19: " What is Going On?! "

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( Monika's POV )

   I felt a small amount of pressure on my chest, like someone was laying their head against my chest. I wasn't able to open my eyes, so I moved my aching hands around until I felt a strand of silky hair. Who is this? I moved my hand up the strand of hair with my hand slowly before feeling a hand on my wrist gently.

  " Monika, " I heard Yuri's voice speak up, sounding tired. " Are you awake..? " Even though I couldn't see, I nodded in reply. " Do you want me to stay in here..? " I felt Yuri's grip on my wrist tighten slightly, but gently. I nodded, the room growing silent. Yuri put her hand over mine and moved around until I felt her laying beside me. " I promise..I wont do it again...I'm sorry. " Yuri's arms wrapped around me like she was giving me a hug. Before I could reply, I was already falling back asleep in Yuri's embrace.

  - Dream -

 " What are you thinking? " Libitina grabbed my arm and tugged me to my feet. " What do you think you're doing?! " She repeated more sternly.

  I gave a confused glance, " What..? I don't understand.. "

 Libitina gave an aggravated sigh, " Of course you don't understand... " She suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged my along, despite my refusal. " Stop..struggling! I am going to show you what you need to see! " She sat me down on the ground and walked ahead of me, turning a light on. I saw Natsuki, Yuri, and even Sayori sitting down calmly.

  " Wha-what is this? " I stammered, confused. " What are you going to show me..? "

  Libitina opened what looked like a file, " You have memory files. Why don't I show you a few things you have forgot- "

  " No.. " I whimpered, but stood my ground. " N-no more...I just want to help them! I don't..need any more memories.. no more..please.. " Libitina looked down on me, as if she was annoyed. I looked down at the floor, rubbing my wrist.

  I suddenly felt her hand on my cheek as she pressed her forehead against mine, " Of course..of course...I am sorry for being so rough on you. " I looked at Libitina, seeing her face have a soft and sympathetic expression. " I will never do that again. Allow me to make it up to you. " And before I knew it, she was leaning in and pressing her lips against mine. I was unable to move, giving a shocked expression, until she leaned away from me, brushing her lips with her fingers as a smile began spreading across her face.

 - End of Dream -

   I woke up with a small gasp, covering my mouth slightly. I looked over and noticed Yuri was asleep next to me, so I calmed myself down to not disturb her. I stared at the ceiling, trying to relax before I got up. Yuri groaned and turned away from me as I stepped away from the bed, causing me to pause to make sure she wasn't awake. I opened the door and stepped out, feeling something under my foot, causing me to jump.

  " Ow..! What the...fu- " Natsuki tiredly rubbed head before noticing I was there. " Oh hey-! You're awa-! " I covered her mouth, shushing her tiredly. " Mmph! "

   " Yuri is asleep...and you seem tired too, " I whispered, helping Natsuki to her feet, but nearly stumbling myself. " I think you should get some sleep somewhere comfortable instead of the floor. "

    " Hah! My dad never let me sleep anywhere comfortable, I can handle it, " Natsuki remarked, causing me to look down at the ground, the painful memories coming back to me slowly. " ..Woah...hey..was it something I said? "

     " Oh- " I looked up. " No, of course not. I think I am going to go in the kitchen and wrap up my hands. " I pat Natsuki's back and walked downstairs, going into the kitchen. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head.

   ' Monika..can you hear me? '

    ' Libitina..? About that dream... '

   ' No time for that. Someone is trying to separate me from you and I think I have found them. '

    ' Found them? Who is it and why? '

     Suddenly I felt a light hand tug into my arm, causing me to pull away in reaction.

     " Monika, you're spacing out, " Natsuki quietly whispered with a concerned look. " Do you really think I am the one that needs to sleep? For someone who slept a few hours, you look exhausted. " I put one hand on my eye and shook my head slightly.

  " Do I really look that tired..? "

   " Um, yeah. You do. "

    " Erh-I think it's just me visually! I'm fine..I just damaged my hands a bit is all, " I sighed, grabbing the bandages and wrapping my hands. Natsuki gave an angry huff before grabbing my shoulder and turning me towards her violently.

     " Hey! " Natsuki grabbed my shoulders and stared at me with a serious expression. " You still have a fever and I am not letting you ignore your health! Now get your ass back upstairs, get in bed, and rest god dam it! " Natsuki shoved me up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. " Now go to sleep! " Yuri's eyes shot open and she slowly looked at us.

    " What is going on..Monika..why are you up? " Yuri slowly sat up and got to her feet, walking over to Natsuki and I. 

    " She was up and staring off into nowhere again! " Natsuki explained, Yuri acknowledging her slightly. " I think she was planning on going somewhere. "

    " Wait, what? " Yuri's expression went serious before looking at me. " W-were you? " I felt my heart drop as a pitiful expression crossed Yuri's face. I frowned and looked away from her.

   " No, of course not... " I murmured. Yuri walked closer to me, putting her face extremely close to mind, staring into my eyes.

   " You're lying to me, " Yuri whispered. " I know that look from anywhere. " 

   " I-how do you.. " I paused. " Of course you would know... " Yuri seemed surprised I made that remark, but returned it with a confused expression.

   " What do you mean? "

    I sighed, rubbing my head, " I's just my fever getting to me. I should go rest. " I turned and walked into the room, laying down in the bed. Suddenly, the door closed quietly and I looked to see Yuri staring at me from the door.

   " M-Monika... what...w-what do you know...? "

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