Chapter 3: " An Interesting Friendship. "

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( Monika's POV )

   It was the next day, and I brushed off the odd feelings from yesterday. Today I need to have my mind set on school instead of some silly stranger that I had a small suspicion of with no evidence. I began getting myself dressed and checked the time on my phone.

   " Oh shoot-! I need to wake Sayori up-! " I yelped aloud, throwing my bedroom door open. I ran towards the door, my books in one hand and my bag slung across my chest.

    My mother quickly greeted me, " Morning sweetheart, would you like some breakfast before you go? " I waved my hand to dismiss the question, swinging the front door open. " Alright then. Guess I'll eat this WONDERFUL food on my own. " I sighed and shut the door behind me, sprinting towards Sayori's house at a quick and steady pace. At least tell me she has her clothes ready! I knocked on Sayori's front door, breathing heavily. No answer. Fuck-she's still asleep..! I reached under the door mat and grabbed the spare keys to Sayori's house, quickly fumbling to get the door unlocked and opened.

    " Sayori you goof, " I called out, jogging upstairs to Sayori's bedroom door, " Wake up! We're both gonna be late if you keep sleeping in like this! " I swung her door open and noticed Sayori curled up in bed, not even awake yet. I sighed and rubbed my face before walking over and shaking Sayori gently.

   Sayori grumbled, " Mmph..! Five more minutes! " I sighed and began tickling Sayori. " ACK! I'M UP! STOP MONIKA STOP! " Sayori struggled before I backed away from her, chuckling to myself. " Meanie.. "

   I looked for Sayori's uniform and grabbed it, patting it down a bit to straighten out the wrinkles the best I can, " It's not my fault you refuse to wake up! I had no other choice, now get ready. I'll make you some toast. " I booped Sayori's nose and walked downstairs, leaving her to changed and get ready as desired. I grabbed some bread and popped it into the toaster, tapping my fingers against the counter as I waited for Sayori to tumble down the stairs.

   " MONIKA! " Sayori yelled from her bedroom, I jogged upstairs and opened the door. " I can't tie it. " Sayori held her red bow in her hands and gave me puppy dog eyes, expecting me to refuse. I sighed and quickly took it in my hands, adjusting it more to the right side of her head.

   " There! Perfect, " I smiled. " Marvelous as always! Now get your toast, we need to get to school. " I pat Sayori's back as we both went downstairs, Sayori grabbing her bag and putting the toast in her mouth. We both walked out the front door, just barely arriving to school on time for the first bell. " Good luck today, stay awake, and make sure you do well on your tests! " I said with a slightly stern voice to Sayori.

    " Pfft, " Sayori rolled her eyes, putting her bag into her locker. " You're not my mom, Monika! I can do things by myself. " I shifted from leg to leg slightly, worrying for Sayori.

    I gave a small sigh of defeat, " I just worry for you sometimes you know..? " I gave Sayori a concerned look and she returned it with a smile.

   Sayori gave me a small hug and quick hug before grabbing her books, " I am fine, Monika! You know I would tell you if anything was wrong. After all, I know you know what's best for me! Tehe! " Sayori smiled and skipped off to class, leaving me even more concerned than before. I sighed and held my books tightly to my chest, turning and walking to class.

- One very long transition to the end of the school day because I'm a lazy bitch. -

    " Monika! " Sayori poked my cheek, causing me to look up from my song sheet I was writing. " I have been trying to talk to you for the past minute and you weren't even listening! " Sayori whined. I put the song sheet into my bag and crossed my arms over the desk, smiling at Sayori.

    " I don't see what you mean, " I gave Sayori a smug look, Sayori gasped at me. " I don't remember you talking. " I chuckled as Sayori gave a slightly angry look at me. " Fine, fine! I'm listening? " I gave Sayori a sincere look, showing her she had my full attention.

   Sayori cleared her throat, " As I was saying...I was at the vending machine...and I didn't have any money on me so-... " I raised a brow and tapped my foot. " can get me " I gave out a long, extended sigh.

   " So, you want me to buy you some food? " I reached into my bag and grabbed my wallet, seeing Sayori's eyes light up. " I really shouldn- "

    Sayori gave a sad sigh, " But it would really make me happy... " God dam it. She's got me.

  " Fine, " I sighed, getting up and grabbing my bag. " Lets get you some food. "

  Sayori squealed with excitement, " Yay! " She bolted down the hallway to the vending machine and I quietly followed her, pulling out 500 yen to pay for the candy bar Sayori was already pointing out. I put the yen into the machine and punched in the numbers for the candy bar, but I noticed someone walking towards us. I turned around and locked eyes with Yuri and I waved my hand at her.

   " Hey, Yuri, " I said with a smile, walking over to her as Sayori snatched the candy bar and followed me. "I didn't know you came to this school. I'm glad we could meet again! "

   "I-I am too, " Yuri stammered, pulling her book closer to her chest. She probably is extremely shy now that I think about it-I need to back off. I turned to Sayori, who was munching her candy bar and just watching us with excitement.

   " I um, " I paused. " Need to drop Sayori off at her house! Yeah-yep, doing that. See you later! Buh-bye Yuri! " I turned and ushered Sayori down the hallway.  I could hear Yuri from behind me telling me goodbye in her quiet voice, but I had my mind set to evacuating myself from the school. I don't even know why I was so nervous to talk to her, but I just wanted to leave and get home.

   Sayori mumbled while eating her candy bar, " Mmmph mmghph? "

   I sighed, " I can't understand you with your mouth full, Sayori. Swallow your food before you try to speak. You could choke you know! " I quickly stated, giving Sayori a silent scolding look. Sayori silently swallowed the food in her mouth and spoke again.

   " Who was she? " Sayori gave me a quizzical look. 

   " Someone I met yesterday over the weekend, " I shrugged, adjusting Sayori's bow as we walked. " Nothing too important. "

   " Oh...she's a friend..? " Sayori asked, sounding slightly disappointed.

   I put my hands on Sayori's shoulders and gave her a soft look, " By the sound of your voice, you're afraid she's going to replace you. You'll always be my best friend Sayori, you know that! " I gave Sayori a rub on the head and she began to giggle.

  " Heheh, thanks Monika, " Sayori gave me her signature bright smile, causing me to smile. It was infectious. " You always know what to say. " I pay Sayori's head once again and opened her front door.

   " Now, get some real sleep and I'll see you in the morning, okay? Text me if you need anything..someone to talk emergency..or- "

  " Monika! " Sayori crossed her arms. " You're going on your worry rant again. Calm down, I'm living right next to you-don't worry. " Sayori gave me a bear hug and then walked inside. I decided it was best to mind my own business and walked to my own house.

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