Chapter 8: " Dreams. "

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( Yuri's POV )

   " When you met me? " I asked, trying to read Monika's face for any signs of an answer. Monika only shrugged and rubbed her legs anxiously. " I-..did I do something wrong to her..? "

   " OH n-no! No not at all! " Monika quickly shook her head, giving me a reassuring look. " It's just-...I think she thought I was replacing her. But, of course it's not your fault! You were as kind as ever to her. " I saw Monika's eyes soften as if she was having a fond memory, so I didn't speak as to not interrupt her moment. Monika gave a small, pathetic chuckle, " She used to be afraid of me..right? "

   " What- " I paused and saw Monika look at me with a pained face.

  " You too-...and...there was another girl, " Monika paused. " Natsuki-all of you..were afraid of me. Those bad dreams...they happened didn't they? " I felt slightly panicked and tensed up, grabbing the end of my school skirt.

   " W-what do y-you mean, Monika? " I gave a nervous chuckle. " They're obviously j-just dreams and we don't k-know anyone named Natsuki... " Yet. Monika's eyes narrowed slightly.

   " Yeah.. " Monika sighed, rubbing her thumb over her opposite hand. " Just a dream...but it seemed so real and it- "

   " That's enough Monika, " I replied in a stern voice. Monika seemed surprised and flinched. " It was a simple dream-nothing more. You may have been lucid dreaming and such.. "

  " But- "

   " Monika, " I glared at Monika, trying to signal her to drop it. " Drop the conversation. " Monika sighed and her head sunk lower, causing me to pause right in my tracks. " I-didn't mean to sound so hostile..! S-sorry.. "

   " Hmph, you really shouldn't be so hostile all the time, " Monika sighed with a sarcastic tone, laying her head onto my lap and looking at me. A-aaaaA! O-oh my g-god.... I could feel the sweat dripping down my face as I looked at Monika's head laying on my lap. " Well...I'm glad you came to help me. You're really a life saver. " Monika reached her hands in the air and put them against my cheeks. 

    " I-...o-of course, M-Monika... " I stammered, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, and covered my face with my hands. I suddenly felt Monika put one hand over mine and pulled them away from my face, tilting her head and smiling at me as she sat up.

    " What are you covering your face for? " Monika asked, seemingly unaware of the situation I am in. " Did I do something..? "

   " A-agh, " I quietly cleared my throat. " I-I just..a-are you feeling b-better..? " Monika's face straightened slightly and she nodded. 

   " I don't think I'll be going to school today though, " Monika sighed, putting her school items onto the floor that have been resting beside her on the bed. " I just don't want to think about it anymore. " I gave a small sad sigh as I twirled my fingers with my hair nervously.

   I got up and walked to her bedroom door, " I guess I should go you c-can heal up. " I put my hand on the door and I heard Monika quickly scuffle off the bed and place her hand over mine. I looked at her and saw Monika's panicked look.

   Monika whispered, " P-please don't leave...I d-don't want t-to be by myself... " I felt Monika's grip on my hand tighten as she saw me glance back at the door handle. " Please... " I slowly lifted my hand off the door handle and looked at Monika.

   " Monika... " I gave her a sympathetic look, sighing. " Are you afraid that something may happen..? " I saw Monika fidget with her hands and sway side to side just barely enough to notice. Monika didn't reply, causing me to pull her into a small hug. " Okay...I'll stay with you if you're really that worried... "

   " T-thank you, " Monika sniffled, hugging me back tightly. " Y-you're one of my only real friends you. " I felt that warm feeling in my cheeks intensify as Monika hugged me in silence. Monika called me her friend-...I have been waiting to hear that for..a long time. I sighed and relaxed into Monika's embrace. Monika's voice was barely audible, muffled, " Hey Yuri... "

    I replied tiredly, " Mhm..? "

  " Again..thank you...for everything.. " Monika's voice cracked again slightly, like she was going to cry again. I hugged her tighter.

   " Hey..p-please don't cry again, " I tried to sound reassuring for her. " How about I take you to the park...and...I bring something to eat? L-like a picnic. " 

  Monika gave me a small, starry eyed look, sniffling, " You don't have to...really-! I appreciate you just being here for don't need to go through the trouble of- "

  " No, I insist, Monika, " I replied, still holding Monika close to me. " Now-how about you get yourself ready. We're going to the park. " I nuzzled Monika's head slightly and let her go, even though I wanted the hug to last longer.  Monika gave a small nod and grabbed some clothes, shielding them from my view. It looked like it was made of silky white cloth, a dress as far as I can assume. She then slipped into her closet and closed the door. I feel like this new version of Monika is eye opening. Her personality, her way of acting, it's completely new. But it's refreshing. It's nice, wonderful. I sat down on the edge of Monika's bed and ran my hand along the sheets, feeling every crease. Monika sleeps in this bed every night..and now I'm here...sitting on it. I took a deep inhale of air and released a pleasant exhale. It even smells like her too.. I would stay here forever if I could..I would keep her forever if I could...but-...then again...I can.

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