Chapter 10: " Stop It! I Can't Do Anything! "

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( Monika's POV )

   I felt cold. I sat up in a dark puddle, my skin was discolored and so were my clothes. I looked around and slowly stood up.

   " H-hello..? " I called out, standing and staring into the darkness. No reply. I sighed and pulled my arms close to my chest. None's here and I don't even know where I am. I should find a way out so I can go back home- I began walking forward, but I heard quiet sobs behind me. I quickly turned and looked over my shoulder, " Huh..? "

   A girl with salmon pink hair and a red bow was lying on the ground, sobbing, " Monika-! Don't leave me! Don't leave me please-! " I was shocked that this strange girl even knew who I was. I stood there awkwardly.

   " I think you... " I paused. She couldn't have mistaken me for someone else..she said my name! " How do you know who I am exactly..? " I saw the girls face fall into a frown as tears resumed flowing from her eyes. " D-did I say something wrong? " I yelped, walking closer to the girl and reaching a hand out.

   The girl looked at me solemnly, " W-why d-did you forget me..? Do you hate me t-that much..Monika..? " I jumped, pulling my hand back as a reel of surprise. " You hate me...don't you? "

   " What..?! N-no..! I just don't know who you are! How d-do you know who I am? Where am I? " I asked, barging the girl with questions. She slowly stood up and her once saddened face became emotionless. " Why am I-...are you alright..? "

   The girl chuckled slightly, " You hate me...heheh...that's why you let me...die-.. " I shuddered and felt a sudden pain in my heart as if I was hit by an emotional truck. " didn't let me, killed me. All I have left are... Happy Thoughts. "

   " Wha- " A sudden slamming noise and a swift motion left me staring at the girl hanging in the air and a stool fallen over. I stumbled slightly, shaking my head. " How-there wasn't even...why?! I'm-... " I bumped into something behind me and turned around.

   " You forgot everything! " A girl with pink hair screamed at me. " You made him beat me again! And again, and again, and again....and again... " The girls voice began to slow down as she looked at me. " What are you, Monika..? WHAT ARE YOU?! " The girls eyes suddenly blanked out and her neck gave a sickening crack. A smile coarse her lips. " Fucking Monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. " She then ran at me, her arms staying in the same tightened position, and I quickly moved away from her. " Play with me! Play with me! " I quickly began sprinting away, hearing the girls voice fade in the distance. I bent over with my hands on my knees, breathing heavily.

   " What the hell is going on..?! " I wheezed out loud to myself. " Why does everyone know me-?! And why are they all dying! " I felt a hand on my shoulder and I nearly yelped, but covered my mouth, looking at whoever it was from the corner of my eye.

   It was Yuri, " Monika....sweet..but ignorant Monika... " I bit my lip.

   " Y-yuri... " I stammered. " Why are you- " I threw Yuri's hand off of me, backing away from her. " Your pupils...are an extreme extent. " Yuri chuckled and moved one of her hands violently onto her sleeve, gripping it. 

   " You're all I need....all I want! Who needs a player when you can have someone like me?! " Yuri sounded out of breath as she chuckled hysterically through every word. " Someone who would do ANYTHING for you! " Yuri pulled her sleeve up in a swift motion, showing fresh cuts on her arm, the blood still seeping down her wrist.

    " Y-Yuri-! No...! " I yelped. " You're scaring me! Please.. Stop! " Yuri stumbled closer to me and I backed away.

    " I just want to...cut your skin open and crawl inside of you! " Yuri began to yell. " Do you accept my confession?! " Why-what am I supposed to do?! She might hurt herself-I don't know..I don't..

     " Yuri I- " Before I could even finish, Yuri began stabbing herself. I screamed and fell down to the floor, covering my eyes as I heard what sounded like metal to bone. It continued-over and over, until I couldn't hear Yuri even breathing anymore. I looked up and saw her corpse and it began to wither and decay. " Yuri! " I reached out for Yuri, but someone else appeared in front of me.

     " Remember this as a warning Monika, " The mysterious person spoke. " We don't want a repeat of last time... "

     " W-wait....what do I do..?! What do I do to help them-! " I yelped, trying to stand up, but unable to.

     " It's too late for Sayori...but you can still save the others, " The person sighed. " It's was a dumb idea to give her admin. "

    " Admin..? "

  " Yes, admin. But that's besides the point. You can calm her...I know you can. "

  " B-but who is it..? "

   " Her name is YuHDHJ#(94jD. She has admin, and it's getting out of control. "

   " Wait-I didin't get her na- "

   " It's time to be a fucking hero, Monika. " My vision slowly began to fade.

   " Wait! Her name-! What's her name?! "

   " It's YuHDHJ#- "

And then I woke up. It was all just a nightmare....

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