Chapter 7: " Someone to Lean On. "

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( Monika's POV )

  " Monika, you goof! " Sayori stood outside my door, waving at me and standing on her toes. " I went to check on you and you weren't home! " I wheezed slightly, realizing Sayori usually texts me around this hour, and if I don't answer, she goes and checks on me. Way to go Monika, you don't even plan things out. " Where did you go? "

  " I um-...back to school, " I murmured, rubbing the back of my head and re-adjusting my bow. " I-left a bag at school! So, I went back and got it. " Sayori tried to read my face and see if I was telling the truth. I really hope she wasn't as good at body language as she says. " But-...sorry I didn't answer your texts..kind of rude of me. Hehe- "

    Sayori seemed to frown at me, " Monika. Were you at school moping again? " What? How does this girl even-

     " Er-... " I sighed.

   " Look, everything is a-o-kay on my end of the block! No worries, " Sayori put one arm around my neck and smiled at me. I gave her a smile back and hugged her.

   " Just promise me you'll feel a bit better tomorrow for me then, alright? " I gave Sayori a small friendly head pat, causing her to giggle. " Best you get to sleep though! It's late and I swear to god if I find you watching anime all night I will turn off your cable! "

  " Oh nu! Don't turn off my cable, Monika! " Sayori yelped, clutching my arm. I laughed and Sayori gave me a narrow glance, skipping to her doorway. I walked into my house, greeted by my mother staring me up and down.

   She sighed and slapped my on the head with a spatula, " Monika! How many times do I have to tell you not to stay out late! I was worried, Sayori was too! " I yelped and covered my head, wincing.

   " Yes mother I understand! " I let out a small hiss. " Just-don't-hit-me-with-the-SPATULA! " I waved my hands as my mother hovered it around my head with an evil smirk. " No, no-back off! " I yelped playfully and snatched a spoon from the table, making a jousting position. " Har har! I am undefeated-hehe! "

   " Fine, Fine, " My mother shrugged. " I accept defeat. Now, eat some dinner and get to bed! " I quickly and quietly did as instructed with no hesitance, but I suddenly had this eerie feeling. I keep having this feeling that something terrible is going to happen...

* The Next Morning *

   My alarm, again, went off at its usual time, causing me to sit up instinctively. I rubbed my forehead, recalling my horrible nightmare vividly.

   " Ergh-I keep having the same nightmare..but this time it was more violent- " I shuddered. " Maybe I should stop staying up so late. " I got up, repeated my usual routen of getting ready, and made my way downstairs. Somehow, this is becoming more and more repetitive-like I had done this so many time before, but it also is something so new. I, again, waved to my mother and left to get Sayori. I knocked on her front door, expecting a response.

    "...Sayori..? " I asked, sliding the door open. It was unlocked...she didn't lock it last night. "Sayori?! " I yelped and went up the stairs at a quick pace, stopping at her bedroom door. " Wake up dummy... " I knocked on her bedroom door repeatedly, but I got no response. I know this is something her boyfriend/girlfriend would do but...I have no other choice.

 I gently open the door...

 " Sayo- !" I paused and than threw the door shut, yelping and collapsing to the floor. " Oh my god-...oh no...oh god no- " I covered my eyes and shook my head, whimpering and trying to forget what I saw. This isn't real-this isn't's a sick joke...Sayori wouldn't do that.. " S-sayori...this isn't funny.. " I began to sniffle and my words became slurred. " P-please...the joke isn't funny-.. " She didn't speak, and no sound of movement was made. She-she isn''s.. I pulled out my phone and opened my contacts, barely able to see through my water works of tears. I noticed Yuri's number in my phone. I don't remember getting her number doesn't matter...! I clicked call.

   " Monika? " Yuri answered, confused.

   I began sobbing uncontrollably, " Please- come to Sayori's house..I need your help-she..oh please...please just get here...I don't want to be here alone! Please-! " I clung the phone to my chest, hunching over and sobbing. 

   " Monika-what is going on? " Yuri yelped through the phone, but I could hear her running.

   " I JUST LOST MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND! " I screamed and the phone suddenly hung up. " Please h-hurry... "

( Yuri's POV )

  I don't believe I have ever ran this fast in my life- Monika is stuck in that same situation, this must be terrible for her. She's all alone-I need to be there for her.

  " Monika-! " I panted as I slammed the front door to Sayori's house open. I paused as I saw Monika curled up on the floor, her face buried in her hands as she laid in front of Sayori's bedroom door. It was almost pitiful-seeing a once deity of the game now lying on the ground like a scared child. " Monika-...I'm here.. " I slowly walked up the stairs, keeping a kind gaze on Monika, who was giving me a wide eyed look full of tears. I keeled down and pulled Monika into a hug, rubbing her back.

   " She's... " Monika sniffled and buried her face into my shoulder, grabbing my back. " She's..gone..and it's all my fault.. " I pressed Monika's face more into my shoulder, rubbing her back more.

   " Shhh.. " I spoke softly. " Don't think about it's going to hurt-but..I will help you through this.. " I glared at the door where I presume Sayori was hanging behind. God dam you...why did you have to do it..? If not stay alive or yourself..why not for Monika. Monika kept sobbing, but she refused to move away from me, so I phoned the police. I had to let this settle organically and not mess with the game. I only have these powers for when something terrible..up mostly horrible goes wrong. But-if the game wants Sayori to be like this...then it must be...even if Monika must endure it. " The police are on their you want me to take you home? "

   " W-will you stay with me...? I really...want someone to be there right now... " Monika murmured, muffled by my shoulder. I gave her a small tug to her feet, facing her away from Sayori's door, no matter how hard she tried to look.

    " Of course, " I responded. " I that helps you feel better. " I walked out of the house slowly with Monika and brought her into her own home. Monika instantly went quiet as she saw her mother give her a questioning look.

    " Why are you not at school? " Monika's mother asked and then looked at me. " Brought a friend? Planning on skipping?! How da- "

   " No! " Monika instantly spoke in a loud voice, but backed off quickly. " I-...I'm going to my room. " Monika swiftly made her way upstairs, so I took the initiative to gently explain the situation to Monika's mother. She completely understood and gave her grievances and I quickly excused myself to go accompany Monika.

   " Monika, do you need some time..? " I asked, sitting in a seat on the opposite side of the room while Monika sat on her bed. I wanted her to have her distance.

  " No, " Monika sighed, her voice more steady. " I just-it's hard...I rejected her confession and..everything and now she's-.. "

   " C-confession? " I was startled. It's almost like Monika's position was replacing the Players, but also..I was glad she rejected Sayori..not to the point of killing herself of course-! But..just..agh! What are you doing Yuri-you need to help Monika, not focus on your selfish wants!

  " Yeah, " Monika sighed, curling up against a pillow. 

  " Do you want to talk it out? I hear it's therapeutic, " I said, calmly sitting next to Monika and giving her my kindest smile. She nodded and began.

   " Well it all started to get odd when I met you- "

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