!SPECIAL! " Happy Birthday Yoywero! "

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(( Just before this special starts, yes I know it's FUCKING 3 AM- but....someone specials birthday is here..and I can not STAND-...SIT IDLY BY! Happy birthday Yoywero, thanks for being my first supporter and first person I came out to! You're the best friend I've never had! <3  Yes, I wrote this in your view Yoywero, just..if your not her..DON'T BE CONFUSED!!!))

" Psst-you there! Yes..you! " Monika poked the screen, catching your attention. " I need you to put this on. " Monika held out a blindfold and wrapped it over your eyes, tightening it so you were blinded. " Perfect! Now-steady steps..don't want you to fall over! " Monika began leading you to some place you had no idea where. " So-I know you hate these..first person narratives involving you, the reader, but-I hope this can be a small pass? After all-we want you to feel the immersion, Yoywero! You're important to us! "

   " Monika, " Yuri sighed, grabbing your arm. " You're leading her the wrong way- " Monika let out a small ' Psfft ' before grabbing your other arm. Both girls sat you down in a chair and left you alone. Suddenly, the light was revealed as the blindfold was taken from your face.

  " Tada~! " Sayori leaped in front of you, waving her arms. The room was decorated with posters and a large array of foods. " Well-you can't actually eat..or do anything unless...author-kun writes you doing it....which-sucks... "

    " Buuut! " Monika gently moved Sayori aside, smiling at you and booping your nose. " No worries! We don't need the cake or anything! We have special things Author-kun wanted us to read to you from her! "

   " But I wanted the cake.. " ;<

 " Shut up Sayori! " Natsuki thumped Sayori on the head with her fist slightly.

  " I go first, " Yuri sighed, walking in front of you and clearing her throat. " Yoywero, this is a special thanks from Author-kun for being her first constant reader! Without your reading and comments, there wouldn't be any stories on this account today. You're very encouraging to her, along with all the other wonderful comments. Without you, this magic wouldn't be possible. Thank you-for everything. "

   " Pfft! Back off with that sappy shit! I have something WAY better than that! " Natsuki huffed, unfolding her paper. " Lets appreciate the finest thing here, ladies! The overwhelming GAYNESS of you two may I add? Just commenting to each other about being gay about your own little crushes is fucking adorable! But yeah, you let her come out of her shell to her parents and stuff, which has impacted her life QUITE A LOT, may I add! So-my girl, you're pretty fucking great in my book! " Natsuki huffs and sits in a seat, tapping her fingers.

   " Well, " Sayori piped up. " You've been...a real friend.  And, Author-kun really hopes that...she can help you accomplish so many things you want to! Like-...getting that one girl you like..or needing someone to vent to. Because that's what you've been for her...and she really thanks you for that! P.S: Free hugs are available anytime~! "

   " And finally, " Monika cleared her throat. " We saved the best quote ( And best girl, hehe! ) for last. Thanks for being you! God-how can we express that enough you big loof? We all have grown fond of your personality, and we really don't want to see it go away! So you better stay your gay, expressive, comedic self or else I will have to hunt you down myself! Anyways, with that said, how about we all enjoy your birthday and take a moment to appreciate how amazing you are? "



  Anywho, Yoywero, buddy chum pal and rice ball buddy, thanks for being your flawless gay self! Happy Birthday and to many more to come! - Author-kun

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