Chapter 13: " A Mindful Conversation. "

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( Monika's POV )

  " Well, I think I'm going to get some work done, " I adjusted my bag on my shoulder as I walked onto my front step. " See you tomorrow at the club! " I waved goodbye as Yuri walked off before heading inside. I began feeling a throbbing pain in my head, causing me to stumble slightly. " Oh Christ-I must be getting another headache..these are becoming more common every day. " I turned to my medicine cabinet and found the headache pills I use to calm these headaches, but before I could grab it, I felt my hand resist my movement. " What..? Why can't I move-Egh! My..hand! " 

  " That's because I am here, " A soft female voice spoke in my head, a small echo sounding through my skull. A woman with light hair and milky white eyes appeared like a ghostly figure, holding my hand in place. I flinched. " But don't worry, Monika. I am a friend. "

  " F-friend..? How-..who are you? How is this' my head- " I muttered, confused. The girl moved towards me in a swift motion, putting her hand under my chin and pulling her face close to mine. Her milky white eyes glowed slightly.

   " That's because...I am a part of your mind. But- " She paused. " You have forgotten so many things..your mind warped. "

  " Warped..? "

  " Yes, the people who surround you are not who they are, " The spirit circled me, running her hand my back and up to my cheek. " But I am here to help you..remember. "

  " I-..who are you..? " I asked, keeping my eyes locked onto the spirit as her hair flowed as if it was in water.

   " I am Libitina.. " Libitina said in a calm tone, moving in front of me. " And I have a proposal for you, Mrs. President. " She held her hand out to me, and I hesitated. " Don't worry..I don't bite. " I took in a deep inhale and took her hand. A red wire flowed from her veins and wrapped around my arm. " So, it's silently settled. Let me show you your past. " Libitina placed her hand on my forehead and I suddenly felt my mind drift off. I began seeing everything: my epiphany..the player...the files..everyone slowly dying...and then my death.

    " this can't- " I whimpered, collapsing onto my knees and holding my head. " It's not true! Did I...I..killed them! And...Sayori-she's.. "

    " Gone, " Libitina whispered as she put her hand on my back. " But I can help you over come these obstacles.. " I looked up at Libitina, my eyes feeling hot and watery.

    " Y-you can..? " She only replied by nodding. 

    " you take my proposition? " Libitina asked, circling me.

    " "

    "'t mind these.. " Red wires began to poke through her veins as her milk white eyes slowly became bloodshot. " This is only to...seal the deal.. " The wires suddenly dug through my skin and into my veins, some wrapping around my arms, legs and neck. I felt a stinging pain, and couldn't help but release an agonizing yell of pain. " Shh..shh... " She placed one hand over my mouth as my tears fell from my eyes. " It will only hurt for a minute.. " I looked down at the ground, sobbing.

  " It hurts so much-please, " I whimpered. " Stop...- " I clenched my teeth together and shut my eyes tightly, feeling the agonizing pain slowly fade away. I opened my eyes. The wires were still there..but I couldn't feel the pain anymore. " I..feel better.. "

  " Good, " Libitina kneeled in front of me. " Now..time to stop Yuri from getting into your head, that would ruin the whole situation. You are going to rest for a will be quick and painless.. " I suddenly felt the wires crawl up my neck and my eyes began to feel heavy. " Rest well, is the time for redemption. " I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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