Chapter 23: " The Preparation for a Great Battle."

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( Yuri's POV )

    I slowly closed my front door and pressed my ear against it, making sure none had followed us. I looked back at Natsuki, who had a concerned look when she saw my broken leg.

   " I need your help with something, " I lowered my voice to a whisper. " But first..I need you to understand something so it's easier on you. "

    Natsuki tilted her head, throwing her hands on her waist, " What are you going to do? I understand a lot right now thank you very much-! " I pressed my hand against Natsuki's forehead, returning her memories. Natsuki whimpered and stumbled backwards, falling onto the floor, covering her face. " Oh my god! Give me a warning next time, d-dam it! " Natsuki stammered, trying to catch her breath.

    " Oh, " I gave a slightly surprised look. " You handled it better than I did. Impressive, to say the least. " I extended my hand and let Natsuki to her feet as she rubbed her head. " The headache will go away soon, that you're caught up..We're bringing someone back. "

   Natsuki's head perked up, " Bringing...who...back? "

  " Sayori. "

( Monika's POV )

  I woke up to the sound of a load crash and pain shooting through my body.

  " Oh, my apologies-! " Libitina sighed as she helped me to my feet. " Well, welcome back to the real world dear. I think it's time we begin the clean up. " Libitina held her hand out to me, a soft smile spreading across her face.

   " Of course, " I smiled back slightly, grabbing her hand. " Lets do this together. " Libitina began leading me outside of the house and towards the school. I began feeling a sickening feeling in my stomach. " Libitina... "

   " What did I tell you to call me? " Libitina whispered with a slightly strict tone. I nodded and tried again.

    " Dear....I think something is wrong.. " I whispered, clutching onto Libitina's hand a bit harder for some sort of comfort, but I couldn't find that feeling. Libitina turned around and looked at me.

  " I realize that Yuri is...up to say the least, but I promise, " Libitina wrapped her hands around my waist, pulling me close to her. " I wont let them hurt you. " I began to feel this empty feeling before I suddenly felt a strong devotion to Libitina, like nothing else in the world mattered. Of course nothing else does! Libitina is all I have...all I need. I don't need to worry about anyone else as long as she is around. I grabbed Libitina's arm and beamed at her with a smile.

   " I know that! " I gave a small chuckle. " Now lets do this. " Libitina nodded at me and gently took my hand, continuing into the school. I felt my senses stopping, my body wasn't even under my control anymore. It doesn't matter. Libitina's here...whatever is happening..I'm safe. Suddenly, Libitina sat me down on a chair, smiling at me.

     " It's time for the cleaning process, " Libitina grabbed my wrists. " Now...let me into your mind Monika...let me control you! "

  ( Yuri's POV )

   I felt a shudder down my spine.

   " It worked...! " I yelped. " Sayori..wake up. " I kneeled next to Sayori and gently shook her until her eyes opened, coughing.

    " Wha-you guys....! " Sayori's eyes shot open and she grabbed my arms. " I have seen it a-all! Everything..! Monika-Player....You need to kno- " I covered her mouth, shushing her.

    " We know..we know... " I whispered. " And now that you know everything...we need your help to fight back. " Sayori paused and nodded.

    " I-I know what we need to do.. " Sayori whimpered as she stumbled to her feet, rubbing her neck. Sayori then slowly looked at me, " And it involves you. "

* A time skip after a lot of searching and a lot of explaining *

   " think Monika is here? " Natsuki murmured, pointing to the school. I looked down at my bandaged foot as I held the single crutch, nodding. " Really...I really....really...don't want to go in. "

    Sayori looked at Natsuki with a stern expression, " Listen here, Natsuki! I am not going to let this spooky ghost girl mess with my best friend, and I'm not letting you stand out here while she has to fight her past and now her present alone! NOW HELP! " Sayori grabbed Natsuki's shoulders and shoved her into the school, Sayori and I following. I felt the air grow chilled and Sayori grabbed my arm.

   " Huh...? " I jumped slightly.

    Sayori lowered her voice, " Look...she really...really needs you. " Sayori put both her hands over my one hand. " Monika said this to me a long time ago...and now..I think you should know. "

    Sayori pauses, as if she's trying not to cry.

   " It's time to be a fucking hero. "

     " Guys, I think we found her! " Natsuki called out, causing me and Sayori to look down the dark hallway. Red strings were glowing and moving while two green eyes stared at us from down the hallway. " Oh..yeah...not good- "

    An echoing chuckle silently trickled down the hallway, " I knew you two would be coming, but " A light dimmed on over Monika. I could see the red strings were protruding from her veins and her back, she looked in immense pain. Monika tilted her head, the strings acted as her feet as her body dangled there, only her upper body moving. She crept closer to us like a spider, a smile spreading across her face, " What a relief I can deal with all of you at once.... "

    " M-monika... " Sayori stammered, her eyes widened. I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind me.

     " Look, we can't show her fear... " I spoke with a confident voice, but I was trembling on the inside. Monika's eyes moved directly to stare at me, causing me to freeze up. Monika chuckled as she walked over to me, towering over me. I stared at her, keeping a brave expression on my face, but I felt sweat dribble down my forehead.

    " How sweet, " Monika spoke softly and quietly as she reached one hand out and put one hand on my cheek. " I really....really hate it. " Monika's strings began wrapping around me, cutting of my air.

    " Yuri! " Sayori called out, looking at Natsuki. Monika suddenly ran and hit one of the red strings that were holding Monika up, causing Monika to tumble to the floor. Sayori grabbed my arm and tugged me to my feet, keeping us all a few paces away from Monika as she stumbled back upright. " Come on Yuri..only you can do something about this....come on... " Sayori whispered, but kept staring at Monika.

    " Alright... " Monika rubbed her forehead. " Now..I am upset. " Monika clenched her fists and red strings strung across the room like snakes, slithering towards us. " But this is between me and you. " The strings began pushing Natsuki and Sayori back and building a dome around Monika and I. As the strings began blocking the hallways, closing them off, Sayori yelped her final words to me.

    " Fight back Yuri! Fight back! " And suddenly, the dome closed, leaving me...and Monika.

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