Chapter 27: " Dying.. "

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( Yuri's POV )

I could tell Monika was easily lighter than she has been before, which concerns me. I looked down at Monika and noticed she was already out of it, barely clinging on to what little consciousness she had left.

" Come on..hang with me here, Monika, " I murmured as I quickly exited the school and made my way down to Sayori's house. I felt hesitant to enter, remembering what happened to Monika before. I saw Natsuki swing the door open violently.

" Oh my god! Stop standing outside and get IN HERE! " Natsuki grunted as she ran outside, shoving me through the door. This ultimately caused me to stumble and nearly drop Monika on the floor. " Don't drop her! " Natsuki gave e a sharp look before disappearing into the hallway. I put Monika onto the couch and watched her lay as still as possible.

" Why are you not moving.. " I mumble quietly as I began inspecting Monika. I noticed half of her body seemed to just barely be in the game. I looked up and saw Sayori looking at me, then at the heap on the couch. " She isn't... " 

" I know.. " Sayori's voice even seemed to waver as she walked over to the couch, looking down at Monika. " The..Player got to her first. " She lowered her head and wiped some tears from her eyes. I walked over to Sayori's side and put my arms around her into a hug, causing Sayori to burst into tears. " I wish she didn't do it alone! " The yelping caused Natsuki to run into the room.

" Hey! What's going on? " Natsuki breathed heavily, but slowly steadied herself as she saw Sayori. Natsuki stammered as she slowly looked at the couch, " Wait- "

I shook my head, " She's...not going to make it. "

Natsuki threw herself to the arm of the couch, looking down at Monika. Her eyes began to glaze over as tears fell down her cheeks, " You can't be s-serious! You have the admin..! " Natsuki looked down at Monika, who seemed to have stopped working completely. I shook my head.

" Monika.. " I began to choke on my words. " Took the admin from me...and..I am not skilled enough to take it back in enough time. " I noticed how Natsuki flashed me an angered glare, the girl who used to admire me gone.

" You're just not trying! " Natsuki hissed at me, looking back down at Monika, her expression falling. " You're...not even going to try.. " Natsuki slammed her hand against the arm of the couch and stormed out of the room, the distant slam of a door causing Sayori to jump. Sayori looked up, giving me a pitiful look and then looked back at Monika.

" B-...b-bye Monika... " Sayori sniffled, rubbing her now intensely crying eyes. " I..w-will! " Sayori suddenly ran to Monika and collapsed hugging her. " P-please don't leave us..! We love you s-so..much! " I put one hand on Sayori's shoulder, slowly pulling her away from Monika. "Why d-did you do it! " Sayori kept screaming and crying. I slowly watched as Sayori ran out of the room in a fit of tears. I sat down next to the couch, holding Monika's hand.

I put my forehead against Monika's chest, realizing there was no heartbeat anymore. I closed my eyes tightly and began to quietly sob. " I wish you were still I could tell you...everything- " I whimpered, holding Monika's limp hand tighter. " T-things..I to tell you.. " I sat there in silence, still laying my head against Monika's chest, sobbing. I suddenly felt a hand very weakly pet my head. 

" I...I'm g-glad.... " I heard Monika's very faint voice, causing me to look up quickly. I saw Monika's eyes open and her hand was placed on my head. She was barely even conscious, and I was aware of that, but she was alive. That's all I needed.

" Monika..! " I quietly gasped, putting both my hands over Monika's. " You're..a-alive...! I'm so glad.. " I saw Monika's light smile fall to a frown as her eyes seemed to flick closed then slowly back open as if she was struggling to cling onto what little life she had left in her. " don't look like you're doing so great.. " My excitement fell into a solemn tone.

Monika coughed lightly, covering her mouth with her other hand. I could see the agony on Monika's expression, " I...I can feel my file slowly fading away..but..there's..something I want you to know.. " I perked up, grabbing my chest with one hand.

" I-I need to tell you something..too.. " I added, seeing Monika's eyes flicker again.

" We will say it...together.. " Monika mumbled, looking at me slowly. I nodded and lifted my fingers, beginning to count.

" 3... "

" 2... "

" 1... "

We both spoke at the same time, " I love you. "

We both went silent and I felt my grip on Monika's hand tighten. Monika looked at me weakly baffled, but I could see tears rolling down her cheeks from her eyes.

" D..did I say something wrong? " I quickly asked, giving Monika a concerned look. But Monika only wiped away a tear from her eye and smiled at me weakly.

" No.. " Monika spoke in practically a whisper. " I'm hear you say it.. " Monika put her other hand over mine and I noticed how her head slowly began to sink against the couch.

" Wait- " I whimpered. " Monika..! It isn't too late..! " I gripped Monika's hands tightly as her eyes looked at me pitifully, but they were slowly closing by every passing second. " G-give me the admin..! Please...I can..recover your file..! Do something-! " Monika's body began to glitch, and her voice began to distort as she tried to speak to me. I noticed Sayori and Natsuki had ran into the room at the sound of my alarmed voice and they both looked shocked.

" She's.. " Sayori began to speak but I shot her a wide-eyed look. I looked back at Monika, who was practically unrecognizable by this point.

" Monika! " I yelped. " Don't leave me! " And suddenly, she was gone. Just disappeared....gone.

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