Chapter 18: " What Happened to You? "

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( Yuri's POV )

  " Ergh-what am I doing here.. " Monika groaned, sitting up on the couch, pushing the blanket off. " Wait-what did you do..?! " Monika realized I was in the room and quickly got to her feet, keeping a few paces away from me.

   I quickly tried to walk over to Monika, but she backed away from me, " Monika-! I need you to remain calm. " I reached my arms out slightly, acting as if I was trying to calm down a cornered animal. " I'm not going to hurt you...I'm just here to help you. "

  " I..I don't need your help-! " Monika backed into the corner of the living room, facing away from me slightly. " I just get back... " Monika suddenly began breathing as if she was out of breath, and slurring her speech.

  " This isn't good... " I whispered as I walked over to Monika, who collapsed in my arms, still conscious. " have a high fever! Come on..I need to get you somewhere comfortable. " Monika's eyes were squinted slightly and sweat began to dribble down her forehead. I quickly carried Monika up the stairs and put her into my guest bedroom, putting the covers over her.

   Monika groaned as if she was in immense pain, " Please-....take me back.... " Monika curled up on her side, clutching her stomach. I watched quietly, not knowing what to do. I slowly put my hand on Monika's forehead and felt her temperature getting worse by the passing seconds.

  I gasped quietly, " Monika-wait here...I'll get you some- " I was moving to go get a cloth, but Monika grabbed my sleeve, giving me a concerned look. " Monika... "

  " It hurts...please-don't...leave me...again... " Monika was crying by this point, sounding in physical and emotional pain. Her grip tightened as I looked back at the door. " P-please... " I don't know what to do...Monika's fever is rising, and she needs some help..but..I can't leave her. I gave Monika a small nod and slowly walked out of the room, hearing Monika slightly panic as I shut the door. I closed my eyes tightly and kept walking away from the room, hearing Monika's voice go from a loud yell to panicked screaming.

  " I'm sorry-I'm sorry-! " I quietly yelped to myself, trying to ignore Monika as I walked into the living room. " I promise it will be quick-! It will tire her out...she'll get tired and stop... " I stood in the living room, covering my ears for 15 minutes. Monika kept screaming, not growing tired, but her voice was growing sore and I could tell just by listening to her. I quickly grabbed a heated cloth and walked upstairs, opening the door. I dropped the cloth as I saw Monika kneeling on the floor in tears, her hands and fists bloodied from slamming them onto the door. " Oh my god... " I grabbed Monika's hands gently, only the sound of Monika choking on her own tears filled the room.

   " Please don't go... " Monika kept whispering in a panic, repeating this phrase over and over. Maybe..leaving the room was a bad idea. I looked at Monika's hands, putting mine over them. 

   " I wont go again..I promise and I'm sorry, " I murmured, pulling Monika into a hug and letting her sob into my shoulder. It took a few minutes for Monika to exhaust herself from crying and screaming, and she fell asleep on my shoulder. I lifted her back up and put her under the covers again, placing the warm cloth on her forehead. " I don't....I don't know why this is happening...and who exactly, if not Libitina, did this to you...but I swear..on everything-I will stop this. " I grit my teeth and grabbed my phone, dialing Natsuki's number.

  " Yo, Yuri? Why are you calling me now? " Natsuki answered with a bitter tone. I had to bite my tongue on reply.

  " I need you to come over. Monika is very...ill, and I can't handle her on my own. "

  " Pfft, and what are you going to give me in return? "

  " Are you really going to treat Monika like this? If you're not going to help her, don't bother showing up to the club anymore. " I hissed slightly.

  " Fine, fine..I'll help. I'm on my way. " Natsuki hung up and only a few minutes later the doorbell rang. How in the world... I went downstairs and opened the door, giving Natsuki a confused look.

   " I never told you where I lived, Natsuki, " I paused and Natsuki returned an awkward look. We stood in silence for a few minutes. " Anyways...come on and help me. " I awkwardly motioned for Natsuki to follow, which she did. We went upstairs and opened the guest room door, Monika still laying motionless in the bed.

  " Woah, why are her hands all covered in blood? " Natsuki scrunched her nose. " What the hell did you do to Monika?! " Natsuki quickly ignored me and rushed to Monika's side, checking up on her. Seems like she isn't a cancerous when it comes to helping Monika. What a relief. I watched Natsuki closely, making sure she didn't hurt or touch Monika in any way. Natsuki grabbed Monika's hand and I quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her away from Monika. " What the hell? "

   " Don't... " I said sternly, checking Monika's hand for any damage by Natsuki.

  " Yuri, " Natsuki crossed her arms in annoyance. " I'm just as concerned as you! Let me see her! " Natsuki took one step forward and I shot to my feet, blocking her from coming any closer to Monika. 

   " Wait outside the room, " I ordered. Natsuki shook her head, not moving. I furrowed my brow. " Fine then. " I grabbed Natsuki by her shirt collar, opened the door, and set her outside of the room.

   " Hey! "

   " No, you're staying here, " I pointed at the ground Natsuki was standing on. " I'll let you come in when Monika is awake. Don't destroy anything with that destructive attitude of yours. " I shut the door before Natsuki could reply, walking back to Monika's side. I sighed, brushing my hair away from my face and putting my head against Monika's chest, listening to her soft heartbeat. It was a calming sensation for me as I heard every beat of her heart. I would do anything to keep this feeling forever.

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