Chapter 12: " A Small Confrontation with a Little Heartbreak. "

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( Yuris POV )

   I sat on the bench and stared at the club room door, baffled. Monika wont tell me what's going on...I guess I have to find it out myself. I got up and walked to the bathroom, closing myself into a stall. I closed my eyes and tried to find my way into Monika's mind. It was a little difficult, seeing as she is always closed, so her mind is just as resistant, but I eventually got in. Her mind was in a dark abyss. It was extremely cold, but I persisted and began walking until I heard someone murmuring to themselves.

   " Just get over it-I can't believe I left her in the hallway like that... " Monika's thoughts echoed. I stood still and kept calm, listening on. " That just shows how pitiful I am. I need to stop being so jealous of everyone and keep my composure. " So Monika is upset about something..maybe I can act as her consciousness to get some answers and see if I can solve the problem.

  " Monika, " I interjected Monika's thoughts with my own. It was like telepathic communication, but Monika can't hear my thoughts that I don't allow her to hear, but I can hear all of hers. " Can you hear me? "

  " Yuri..? " Monika's thoughts began to slowly shut down, as if she was confused or afraid. " I-why am I thinking about you right now..? I just need to focus- "

  " Wait! " I squinted my eyes shut to be more focused. I need to keep her in her head right now or this will be useless. " Why are you so jealous? Are you really going to beat yourself down because of a feeling? " I tried to imitate Monika's voice, so she thought it was her own thoughts. I could hear her externally sigh.

  " I just..I wish I could be what Yuri wants me to be.. " Monika thought. " Natsuki is a way better pitch than I could ever be-! Natsuki likes Yuri can't even compete. " Monika's thoughts sudden;y shut off, causing me to snap back into reality. What the-how did she just...never mind, I need to get back there. I got up and walked quickly towards the club room, opening the door and seeing Monika rubbing her head and getting up from her desk.

   " Alr- oh-! Yuri, you're back! " Monika smiled, but it seemed forced. She really is distressed about this. " I was just about to dismiss the club. " I took one step towards Monika, but Natsuki was already at my side, her hand son her hips with a pouting lip.

   Natsuki spoke with a slightly angry tone, " Hey! You kind of just left you know! Pfft! Not like I care, it's just mean! " I narrowed my eyes at Natsuki as she was just barely blushing. This idiot-I swear to god.

   I rubbed the bridge of my nose and mumbled to myself, " Jesus Christ. " I looked at Monika, who was fiddling with her fingers just barely, and her body language was uncomfortable. " Natsuki, do you mind if we talk outside? One on one? "

  " W-well..yeah I guess..pfft, " Natsuki crossed her arms, giving me the slight annoyed edge. I motioned for her to follow me and she did, but I looked at Monika from the corner of my eye and saw her disappointed look. Don't worry Monika...don't worry. As Natsuki and I entered the hallway, I could see Natsuki's blushing slowly grow worse. I decided to approach this in a different way. " So..why did you take me out here? You're kind of wasting my time! "

  " Oh Natsuki, " I softened my voice, having a quiet and soft spoken tone. Natsuki's eyes quickly widened. " I just...can't help but think about you sometimes.. "

  " T-think about me..? " Natsuki looked away, flustered. " I mean-...I-that's kind of weird. " I moved closer to Natsuki, my face very close to hers. Natsuki's eyes looked into mind with a longing gaze. I put my hand under her chin and Natsuki quickly closed her eyes and I acted as if I was leaning in for a kiss, but stopped just inches from her face. Natsuki's eyes opened with confusion.

  " I can't help but think about how annoying you are, " I narrowed my eyes and my voice went from soft spoken to a low hiss. Natsuki's eyes widened in sadness and fear, as my other hand grabbed her arm tightly. " I see the way you look at me...and I don't return those feelings. I am into someone back off. " Natsuki shuddered and pulled her arm away from me.

  Natsuki's voice shook, but she kept her aggressive tone, " What the hell! Who do you think you are-messing with me like that! What's your fucking problem, Yuri? " I stood up straight, putting my lips close to natsuki's ear. " E-eh?! "

   " Why don't you look under the vending machine to find more cents, you tiny twig, " I hissed and then backed away from her with my hands behind my back.

   " bitch! Monika will hear about thi- Mph! " I covered Natsuki's mouth.

  " Say anything to Monika.. " I took a deep inhale. " And I will make sure you regret it...after're dad isn't the only thing that will discipline you if they have to. "

  " How do you know..about-.. " Natsuki's voice quavered. I gave a dark smile at Natsuki.

  " I know everything. Sorry old friend, but this is for Monika's good, " I sighed and rubbed my forehead. " Don't take this the wrong way...but I must ensure her safety..starting with her mental health. It's a promise I must keep. "

  " But..why- am I an old friend?! You bitch-! Answer me! " Natsuki screamed at me as I walked away from her to the club room. " ANSWER ME! " I walked into the club room, leaving Natsuki in the hallway alone.

   " Hey, where did Natsuki go? I thought you two were going to walk home together? " Monika asked, her bag already packed and all she was doing now was finalized paper work. 

   " Hm? No, she went home on her own, so I decided to walk home with you, " I gave a shy smile, walking over to Monika. " Of course, if that's alright. " I saw Monika's face lighten up slightly, and even a few tears at the corner of her eyes, but she wiped them away.

   " Y-yeah-! " Monika smiled, this time..genuine. " Of course! "


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