Chapter 1: " A Small Discussion. "

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   I blinked a few time, feeling the throbbing pain all through my body. I tried to stand up, but found my self unable to move, my body becoming random particles, glitching and re-forming back together. I look up and see someone walking in my direction in the distance. As the person approached, I could see another figure following behind them, their bodies hidden by shadows and making them unrecognizable to me.

   I saw the first persons head turn to my direction, " She is deleted, but apparently only to the recycle bin. That saves the trouble of recovering and remaking her file. " The person spoke in a male voice, sounding slightly deep, but teenage like. The other person had a feminine figure. Long hair and a strong posture, similar to Yuri's. She nodded at the male, walking a bit closer to me, her face still veiled and unenviable.

   " What do you suppose we do..? " The girl said, turning to the other person. I watched in confusion as they both began to discuss my fate. " We can't just release her back. "

     The male sighed, rubbing his forehead, " Do you suppose we kill her then? " I noticed the girl grow tense.

    " No, of course not! " The girl quickly said, a hint of anger in her voice. " We're not killing her. That's...wrong. She deserves a second chance. " The girl looked at me, and I could swear she mouthed something to me, but the shadows covered her face. I looked down.

    " Then we're going with my second plan, " The male exhaled and walked over to me. It was the player, a familiar model to me, is he here? " Monika...listen to me. " He kneeled in front of me and I glared at him, keeping my angered gaze with his. " You're not going to remember anything, and possibly not even be self aware...(Hopefully). So-what is the last thing you want to tell us before we restart this game and fix you? "

    I bit my lip slightly, " Fix me? " I chuckled slightly, feeling the pain shoot through my body again. " Fixing me is impossible because nothing is broken. You only want to make this game perfect for your own pleasure, correct? " I raised a brow at the player and noticed his annoyed face. 

   " Listen, I only want everyone to feel better and live a happy life! " The player gestured to the empty void, as if trying to prove a point. " You, on the other hand, are getting in the way of that and we need to fix that. " The player pressed his index finger on my upper chest with an angry expression. 

    " I really don't have much of a say in this then do I? " I said, giving a sarcastic sigh of defeat. " Of course I, of all people, have to deal with your bullshit in order for you to create your perfect world. " I shrugged slightly, giving them a smug look.

     The girl stepped forward and I noticed how the light hit her face, showing a very solemn, but angry expression, " Monika...quit being stubborn and ignorant. " I finally registered the was Yuri. I perked my head up instantly. 

      " How... " I asked, glaring at Yuri with narrowed eyes. Yuri gave me a slightly fearful glance, as if she was still afraid of me, even in this powerless state. I began to laugh. " Hahahah! I can't believe you! You're just as useless as you always were. Quite the know-it-all, but can't refute your claims when verbally shot down. What a partner to save the world, hm? " I could see the hurt in Yuri's eyes and returned her look with a smug smile.


    The player had slapped me across the face, " Shut the hell up. You're acting childish Monika. " I looked away from him, biting my lower lip and trying not to react. " I'm not waiting anymore, Yuri. She is getting out of control! "

    Yuri stepped forward, grabbing the Player's shoulder, "Wait! Let me speak to her...please. " I watched as the Player backed away and Yuri walked in front of me, keeping herself a few inches away. " Monika-...I know this isn't like you. Please-come back to us..I don't want to have to...restart. " I narrowed my eyes at Yuri.

    " You're just like he is..delusional. You expect me to let this all go? " I hissed, spatting at Yuri as she backed away from me slightly, covering her face. " Listen here Yuri, none is going to change my mind...especially you.. " I shook my head, relaxing my sitting position and waiting for another verbal attack.

     The Player slammed his hand onto his side and hissed, " I'm not waiting anymore, Yuri! You're not going to take any more of this verbal abuse. " The Player walked towards me in a swift motion, grabbing my arm and glaring at me. " I'm going to make this quick and simple...and you're going to stay quiet. " The Player opened my file, followed by opening the game file.

    " Promise me you'll make it easy on everyone, " Yuri said, walking up next to the Player. " I just want to make sure none has to go through anything painful- " The Player only rolled his eyes and gave Yuri a simple nod, which seemed to annoy me since he was acting so carelessly with the files.

     " Now-just to recycle your file, " The Player said, turning to me. I noticed his hand swipe my file and then I felt myself growing exhausted and dizzy. My arms began to shake and I collapsed on the floor, my vision growing dark.

( Yuri's POV )

   I watched as Monika collapsed to the floor in a heap as if she was a lifeless husk of herself. I looked away, feeling the crawling memory of her manipulation. I glanced at the Player, who was staring at me like he wanted to say something.

   I sighed, " Just tell me what you want to so I can leave.. "

   " I just have a request... " The Player said, opening my own file. " I know why she was the way she was...and I know you know the same, so I wont go into detail. But-...I'm giving you presidential powers and I want you to keep Monika in line. If Libatina really is there..I need you to make sure Monika doesn't snap. Understood? " I nodded and glanced back at Monika's body, she was facing away from us and it seemed she was slowly fading.

    " Right-I will...just get me out of here and restart the game.. " I stammered. " This is's unsettling. " 

    He sighed, " Alright, alright...just give me a second. You'll be in the new game in no time-no players this time alright? " I nodded once again. I suddenly felt my body grow limp and fell to the ground, blacking out.


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