Chapter 26: " I Wont Let Go of You! "

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( Monika's POV )

I am terrified. I clutched Yuri's hand tighter, trying to steady myself as I slowly looked up. This is the first time in forever that I had looked the Player in the face. As I looked at him, his eyes locked onto mine, his ice cold gaze causing a sweat to drip down to my chin. I kept a brave face, trying not to alert the other girls to my weakness. I'm not someone who needs to be protected. I am the club president! I need to protect my club members! I took a quiet and deep inhale.

 " We will make this a fair fight, " I released Yuri's hand and suddenly got into posture, acting like my normal self again. I could feel a lump in my throat, but I pressed myself on. " You have your admin privileges... " I opened the console, remembering how it worked and revoked Yuri's admin, adding it as mine. " And I have my own. "

" Monika- " Yuri called out. " We're doing this together..! I wont let you go back into another fight just after we got you back.. " Yuri looked at me with a pitiful expression. No. Not just Yuri, Sayori and Natsuki as well. I stared back at them and gave a small, sympathetic smile. " No..wait..Monika..! Don't do this...Don't you dare... " I turned back to the Player. " Monika-don't you DARE! "

" I will deal with you myself, " I stated bluntly, hearing a sudden yelp from Yuri and a thud on the floor as if someone was falling on their knees. I closed my eyes and took a deep inhale. " But I want the others out of the room. They've had enough of your nonsense for one game. " The Player chuckled.

" Just remember that next time you decide to kill them, " He began to giggle as the girls were forced out of the room by some unseen force, Yuri's pleading fading into silence. I looked at the door they were forced through as it shut and then slowly turned back to the Player, feeling my bravery die out quickly. " You seem are afraid of me..You know I can out-play you! " I suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of me as a sudden wave of code glitching went through my body, paralyzing me in place. I whimpered to the pain, only able to move my eyes to follow the Player's movements as he circled me. " I knew it! You've really gone soft...lost, shall I say? " I narrowed my eyes slightly. " I really..always liked Yuri quite a lot...even during my first game play. I always loved her...body structure. "

He wouldn't...

The Player looked at me, a wicked smile crossed his face, " Of I would. The sound of her just screaming my name as I bed-rid her.. " I flinched slightly, gasping quietly.

 " No-stop it... " I felt my voice grow frail and quiet almost instantaneously. " Please...don't do..this to Yuri-don't do this to them.. " My heart began to throb in pain as if my heart was just tearing in half at the seams the more I thought about him touching Yuri that way.

" Or maybe...I could make you watch, " The Player ran his finger over his lips, smiling at me. I screamed at him and began shaking violently now, pressuring my admin command to work so I could move. " Or maybe you both could join! I wouldn't mind a little fun before killing you and keeping Yuri all to myself..." I grit my teeth, feel Adrenalin and anger swell up, replacing my fear.

" You.. " I began thinking of a command string, slowly beginning to move. " Won't... " I stumbled to my feet, sweat dripping from my face from the exhaustion. " Touch her! " I hissed as I began messing with the Player's screen, blinding him temporarily and giving me enough time to knock him tot he ground. " Yuri is not someone to admire just for her body, disgusting pig! " I slammed my foot into his face. " She is kind! " I slammed my foot into his face again, a small crack sounded from his skull. " She is intelligent! " I began deleting parts of the Player's body. " And best of all... " The Player glared at me, half glitching out of existence and half melting. " She looks for the good in people! Even people like you... " I walked towards the Player as he fell to his knees. " I don't know what she saw in you to even give you a second chance at redemption...but I will be your final judgement this time. " I glared down at the Player, hovering over the delete button.

" Of course... " The Player gave a saddened look before it turned bitter. " Monika! " I watched as the Player swiftly clicked his own command prompt, beginning to remove my file. I crumbled to my knees, trying to delete him, but just barely missing my chance.

" N-no..! " I yelped, trying to remove the Player. " No..n-no... " The Player put his foot over my head and smashed it against the floor, sending pain up my face. " Ack! " I coughed up crimson blood as I was forcefully shoved against the floor.

" You're pathetic, " Player sighed. " Where did that monster from before go? The one who wouldn't have lost such a fight? " 

" That monster is gone! " Someone called out loudly. " Monika is practically a angel compared to what you have done! " I heard the sound of running and then the pressure on my head was released as a loud slam sounded. I looked up, coughing up more blood, seeing the Player on the ground with a knife lodged in his forehead. The Player was trying to pull the knife out, but he was unable. I suddenly was lifted off the ground, being held into someones arms.

" Monika..? " A soft voice asked me as whoever was carrying me brushed some hair away from my face. " Monika..speak to me please...let me know you're conscious. " I opened my mouth to speak, but my voice was exhausted and I could barely move. My eyes slightly adjusted and I first noticed the dark purple hair. I mouthed the word ' Yuri ' still unable to properly speak. " It's's me...I'm going to get you out of here. " Yuri began carrying me out of the room, the Player screaming at us. I turned my head to the other side and saw him slowly disintegrating into thing area like ashes in wind. I slowly closed my eyes.

" Just rest for a bit Monika...we'll be there soon.. " And at those words, I began to drift off.

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