Chapter 11: " Quite the Hero. "

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( Yuri's POV )

   I sighed as I sat down at my desk, running my finger against it's edges. Class really isn't passing very quickly is it? How bothersome-I just want to go and see Monika and her new club. I glanced up and noticed a few girls snickering at me with a dark gaze. I shuddered. I knew I could edit the files of the game of the original characters, but I could effect NPC's, so it was pointless to try and edit my way out of this. I looked down at my desk, keeping my gaze away from them.

  The bell rang and the teacher began dismissal, " Alright class, remember your homework. Class dismissed. " I wasted no time getting out of my seat and walking out of the class, down the hallways and upstairs. I suddenly felt a strong force hit my back and shove me to the ground.

  " Oof! " I hit the floor, my book falling on the floor, scattering my papers. I sat up onto my knees, straightening out my skirt. I heard chuckling behind me.

   " Hehe, hey there you sly slut. Think you could run away from me? " The girl in the middle chuckled. " Nice try! " The other two girls grabbed both my wrists and immobilized me. Don't act brash Yuri-just let it happen. It'll be over before you know it. The main girl reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out a small box cutter. " Now, why don't we show you why you don't enter our terf. "

  " W-wait! Don't-please-! " I yelped. I know what she's going to do-she can't! I don't want that again! Not again-please! The girls rolled up my sleeve as I tried to squirm away. " Don't touch me with that! " They didn't listen and she pressed the box cutter closer to my skin. I suddenly heard rapid footsteps running in our direction.

  " Let go of her! " A familiar voice hissed, knocking the girls off of me. It was Monika. " What do you think you're doing to this amusing to you? " Monika stood between me and the girls, glaring at them.

  " M-monika? You know this girl? " The original girl stammered. " This-loser? "

  Monika's brow furrowed as if she was frustrated, " That ' loser ' is my dear friend. Now give me that. " Monika snatched the box cutter from the girls and stuffed it into her own pocket. " I will confiscate that and report you to the principal. Next time I see you bother Yuri or anyone else again, I wont leave you off with this small punishment. Now get out of here. " The girls took no time to wait and they bolted off, grumbling angrily. Monika turned to look at me, holding her hand out. " Hey..are you okay? Did they hurt you? "

  I took Monika's hand and shakily stood up, " Y-yeah...I'm f-fine.. " I looked at Monika's pocket where the box cutter resided. I saw Monika had a concerned expression, like this wasn't the first time she experienced something like this. " I-..erm..thank you, Monika.. " As I stood up straight, Monika brushed off my shoulders, kneeled down, and began to pick up the scattered papers and book. " O-oh! I can get that- " I kneeled down to grab a paper but Monika was also reaching for it, causing my hand to grab hers. " -! "

  " Agh! Sorry-! " Monika said quickly, pulling her hand back. "...... I erm..we have to get to the club-someone is wanting to join, so..ehe.. " Monika brushed her hair out of her face, looking away from me. It must be Natsuki, I expected her at some point. Monika motioned for me to follow. " Come on-! S-she would love to meet you! " I quickly got back up and followed Monika to the club room.

  ( Monika's POV )

   I opened the club room door, motioning for Yuri to come inside. I waved at Natsuki, who's head poked up from behind her manga book.

  " Oh, you're back- " Natsuki paused as she saw Yuri, and I noticed her face went red. " Pfft! Who is this w-weirdo-? " I chuckled and walked over to Natsuki, smiling.

   " Natsuki, this is Yuri, " I motioned to Yuri as I introduced her. " And I think you two would make a great pair. " I felt a small ache in my heart as Natsuki's face got even more red and she hit behind her manga. She must like her too-she is more of Yuri's type. I sighed. " I think I'm going to work on some club paperwork-! You two should really talk and get to know each other. "

    " Oh, alright, " Yuri said as she sat down next to Natsuki. I turned away from them and walked to my desk, a frown forming across my face. I sat down and rubbed my forehead, beginning to do some paperwork. I heard Natsuki talking about all her hobbies and I tried to pick up on anything important, but I couldn't really focus. 

    " Yeah, I guess I can let you read this book, " Natsuki groaned and opened her manga to the first page. Yuri just sighed and leaned in to read it. I need a breather. I got up and quietly left the classroom, taking in a deep breath as the door closed behind me.

   " Alright, " I took in a deep inhale, putting my hands together and pressing them against my face. " Just get a quick breather and go back inside. No need to be jealous, that's childish. " I sat down on the bench outside of the club room and opened up my poem notebook, beginning to write. But, before I could even have an idea, my pen just sat in the same spot and an ink puddle began to form. I don't know why I am so frustrated-I am being irrational..!

    " Monika? " I slammed my notebook shut, pressing it against my lap.

   " Oh-hello Yuri-! Is there anything you need? " I asked, forcing a smile onto my face. Yuri walked over and sat down next to me, leaving a bit of space between us.

   " Is something bothering you..? " Yuri stared at the floor, but was staring at me from the corner of her eye.

   I gave a small chuckle, " No! of course not, Yuri. I have been a bit busy is all. " Yuri scooted slightly closer to me.

   " Would you be honest with me if I asked you to? "

  " Of course-! I have no reason to lie to you, Yuri..! "

  " honest with me, " Yuri placed her hand on my leg, looking at me with a serious look. Yuri has never been so serious with me before-she means business... I sighed and rubbed my shoulders. " Please..for me at least? "

   "'s just- " I bit my lip. " I'm sorry... " I got up and glanced at Yuri, walking into the club room, leaving Yuri in the hall.


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