CLOSING: " A New World in the Making "

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" I think I'm going to try and make something new today, " Monika murmured, pressing the pen against her bottom lip and staring at her list. Suddenly, she was distracted by someone putting their head on her shoulder and kissing her cheek.

" Hm? " Yuri asked groggily, still tired from waking up.

Monika pressed the edge of the pen against the list and sighed, " What do you think, Yuri? Should I make the new vacation mod, " Monika slid her pen slowly down the paper to another part of the list. " Or should I add a greenhouse to the school? " Yuri looked at the paper over Monika's shoulder and made a face as if she was deep in thought.

" Hmmm.. " Yuri pondered before putting her hand on Monika's cheek and turning Monika's head in her direction, giving her a peck on the lips. " I think you should do whatever you feels right. " Monika put her hand on her mouth, blushing as she looked back down at her paper while mumbling, ' you're really not fair sometimes. ' " Anyways, in my opinion, I think you should relax. Ever since we brought you back, you've been modding the game non-stop. " Monika sighed, frowning.

" You know I want to make this as enjoyable as possible, " Monika stated, causing Yuri to roll her eyes. " Especially to make up for the last two games! " Yuri pat Monika's head and two knocks were heard. " Mind getting the door? "

" Of course, " Yuri slid her hand off of Monika's head and walked to the door, opening it.

" Hey get off me-! " Natsuki grumbled as Sayori wrapped her arms around her. " It's not my fault I didn't wear a scarf..I didn't know it would have snowed! " Natsuki finally realized I had opened the door and stood up straight, pushing Sayori's arm off of her.

Sayori beamed, " We cam to visit! Monika hasn't come out that much so we decided to bring the party to her! " In Sayori's arms were a bunch of snacks while Natsuki held a tray of cupcakes. I gave them a light smile and made a ' shh ' motion to them, sneaking them inside.

I whispered to them, " Hide in the kitchen, I'll get Monika. Stay quiet you two. " Sayori and Natsuki gave muffled chuckles as Yuri left the living room and walked into the bedroom. Monika was still laying there, staring at her list and crossing things off as she hummed to herself that all too familiar tune. " Monika, " Yuri spoke quietly, causing Monika to put her list down and sit up. " Come on, lets get you at least to the kitchen. "

" Hmmm, " Monika began thinking sarcastically. " What will you give me if I do go into the kitchen? "

" A kiss? " 

Monika got to her feet, brushing off her blankets, " That sounds like a deal for me! Lets go to the kitchen. " They both made their way into the kitchen, Monika was oblivious to the guests who were waiting for her. As Monika turned the corner to go into the kitchen, she paused by the entrance.

" Hm? Why did you stop? " Yuri questioned, stopping beside Monika.

" I want my kiss first~ " Monika gave a smug smile, putting her hands behind her back. Yuri gave a slightly baffled expression. " Don't look so surprised! After all, you did say you would give me one. " 

" That is true, " Yuri nodded. " Come here, you. " Yuri wrapped her arms around Monika, pressing their foreheads together. " You're sweet, you know? " Yuri smiled and pressed her lips against Monika's, having a kiss that's longer than their usual. Monika broke away trying to catch her breath.

" That's so cute! " Sayori squealed, peeking from her hiding spot. " You two never told us you were that close! " Natsuki also perked up, pulling out her phone.

" Nice try, " Monika snickered, Natsuki's phone glitching out. " But I am glad to see you two! Come here! " Sayori ran over and tackled Monika into a hug. " Natsuki, don't skip out on me now. " 

"Hmph, " Natsuki trudged over and hugged Monika, Monika not sparing a moment to wrap her arms tightly around them. Yuri decided to join in as well, hugging everyone. They all had a moment of embracing each other before letting go.

" We brought snacks ladies! " Natsuki called out, walking in with the tray of cupcakes.

" Woah! " Monika smiled, almost starry eyed. " I haven't had your cupcakes in forever..! " Natsuki plucked a cupcake from the tray and handed two to Yuri, giving Sayori one as well.

Yuri gave Natsuki a puzzled look, " Why did you give me two and not Monika one-.. " Yuri suddenly realized what Natsuki was hinting at, causing Yuri's face to get hot and red. Yuri then looked at Monika, who was talking to Sayori at the moment, so Yuri walked over and bent over beside Monika's seat.

" And that's what I have been doing for the past month, " Monika sighed, waving her hand in a small circular motion. Yuri gently tapped Monika shoulder, causing Monika to turn and look at her. " Hm? "

" Open your mouth..p-please, " Yuri stammered, obviously nervous. Monika did so, opening her mouth slightly and Yuri gently plucked a piece of the cupcake with a fork, putting it in Monika's mouth. Monika smiled at Yuri, enjoying the sentimental moment. " S-sorry-! It was- "

" It's fine! I like it, " Monika grabbed Yuri's hand and motioned for Yuri to sit down next to her. Meanwhile, Sayori and Natsuki were chuckling and starting their own conversation. 

Yuri played with her hair, " I'm..glad you liked that...I did too. " Monika casually scooted her chair closer to Yuri, snuggling close against her. "I-! "

" It's cold outside.. " Monika mumbled, snuggling against Yuri. " And you're really warm.. " Yuri's blushing face intensified as Monika snuggled against Yuri, practically sitting on her lap as she scooted closer. Monika closed her eyes and her breathing steadied, Yuri wrapping her arms around Monika with a small comforted smile.

" Glad to see you're finally back with us again, Monika. "

Monika mumbled, " I love you Yuri. "

" Love you too, Monika. "

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