Chapter 9: " A Closer Friendship from a Terrible Tragedy. "

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( Monika's POV )

   I put on a silky white dress, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I hope this isn't going over-board. After all, this isn't a date, just something to get my mind off of... I shuddered, rubbing my shoulders and gulping quietly. Sayori... I quickly pushed some water over my face and glared in the mirror. Don't bring down the mood for Yuri! You can mourn later when you have time. I was jolted back to reality by a small knock on the door.

   " Who is it? " I asked, clearing my throat so my voice crack wasn't so obvious. 

   Yuri's soft voice sounded from the other side, " It's me. Are you okay? You have been on there for a while.. " I tapped the sinks edge with my finger and walked over to the door, opening it slowly. I saw Yuri's eyes widen slightly, staring at me.

  " Ah-is it too much? " I asked, looking down at my outfit and back to Yuri. Yuri gave me a shy smile and shook her head.

   " No-no! It's not too much at all, " Yuri looked at my outfit again before saying anything else. " I like it. The dress is really-n-nice.. " I gave a small sigh of relief and walked out of the bathroom, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a wallet.

   " Well...I again want to thank you, " I said quietly, checking the amount of cash I had in my wallet hand bag before holding it against my stomach. " I owe you a lot. I really do. " I finished my sentence off by giving Yuri a kind smile.

   "'t really- " Yuri began to stammer and I quickly put one hand over hers, causing Yuri to calmly inhale and exhale. " I want to be there for you, Monika...I want to be a better..friend. " Yuri seemed to struggle to get out the word friend, but I paid no attention to it and gave her arm a small squeeze.

      " Hey, " I looked directly into Yuri's eyes, keeping a strong and serious gaze. " You have already been amazing. You're my bes- " I paused, remembering what I told Sayori.    

   '  You'll always be my best friend Sayori, you know that! '

     " You're...a really good friend, " I finished, feeling myself holding my breath. " A really good friend to m-me.. " I felt Yuri's gaze tighten on me, like she knew exactly what I was thinking. I looked away from her slowly, narrowing my eyes. " I just-don't want to stay here right now, if you don't mind. " 

   Yuri sighed, but didn't move an inch, "'re still thinking about her? Are you afraid to say something to me because of..her..? " I refused to look at Yuri, afraid of the face she would be making at me. Yes-you're right..but...I can't-I can't tell Yuri that

   " Pfft-no... " I mumbled. " It's nothing, really. You're just getting yourself worked up! See? I'm already over her. It's fi- " Yuri grabbed my cheeks and pulled my face close in front of hers, so close I could feel her breath. Yuri's eyes seemed to look all around my face, trying to find something. I squinted my eyes and yelped slightly.

  " You are still thinking about her, " Yuri spoke in a more stern voice, as if she was insulted by that fact. " If it's really bothering you so much-why don't I help you? "

   " H-help me..? " I asked, scrunching my shoulders together. " How..? I can't just forget about her.. " I felt Yuri's hand's grip tighten on mine as she smiled slightly.

   " But you can.. " Yuri said calmly. " I can make you forget all of the pain. I can make it go away.. " 

  " Yuri wha- " I suddenly felt my body weight grow heavy and I fell to the floor, breathing heavily. I feel like I'm forgetting something-! It's like my memories..are just...fading away..Sayori...Sa-...I can't remember her name! " What did you d-do to me..?! " I yelped as Yuri kneeled in front of me.

   " It's going to be's just to make you feel better, " Yuri spoke in her same, soft tone. " Now...sleep. " Yuri put her hand over my head, gently pressing it against the floor. My vision blurred and I could hear my rapid heart beat, and suddenly...everything black out.

( Yuri's POV )

 Now that Sayori's...death isn't bothering her anymore. I'll just replace Sayori with me-that way..she'll be closer to me. It will make all of this easier on me and Monika. I sighed and picked Monika up in my arms. I'll have to do the same thing for everyone else but it'll be easier. Now, Monika just needs to rest. I laid Monika down on her bed, pulling her covers over her.

  " Rest well Monika, " I smiled to myself slightly. " See you at the club tomorrow. " I slowly opened the door and left, walking down the stairs. Monika's mother was standing there, staring at the wall. I walked out the front door and down the sidewalk to Sayori's house. Police weren't there, since I canceled their script. " Tsk, tsk. I really hate to do this to an old friend, but you leave me no choice. You really did hurt her this time. " I walked inside Sayori's house, up to her bedroom. Sayori was still hanging there, her empty expression staring at the floor. " Now, this will be as painless as possible. " I opened the file folder, and Sayori's file was there, but corrupt. I quickly removed her file and deleted it, making it un-recoverable. I know this is against the Player's wishes..but he can;t do anything. I am the one who needs to protect everyone-and if I can't fix Sayori..then she can't be here. It's for the better of everyone. It's for the better...

( Authors Note:

  Hello everyone! I hope this chapter was enjoyable and entertained all of you! The next few chapters are going to be quite vulgar and a lot of references to suicide, insanity, etc. If you do not like those subjects, I inquire you to not read the next few chapters. If you're thinking of suicide or any form of self harm, please get some help from a professional or a doctor. Anyways, enjoy your day and see you next chapter~! <3 )

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