Chapter 4: " Memories. " ( SHORT CHAPTER. )

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( Yuri's POV )

   I walked home, still confused why Monika acted so weird. I hope that she wasn't showing any signs of anything It can't be-she's just acting like a simple teenage girl like we all are supposed to. Nothing out of the ordinary. I sat down on my couch and pulled the black box back up again. Curiosity was getting the better of me and I pressed the box again, the many files and folders pulling up. A file stood out, something that obviously didn't come with the game when it started. It was something added. ' Memories. ' I checked the file properties and it was created by Monika as a admin entity.

   " Monika made a file..? Why didn't this impact the game- " I whispered to myself, glancing at the other files that were untouched. " Obviously I must investigate...for the sake of the game...and my own curiosity. " I opened the file and there was a single video inside. A video? I didn't even know Monika was able to make videos..but why did she make this? I clicked the video and sat and watched.

* The Video *

  Monika sat there in a dark box, holding what looked like a video file tightly in her hands. She kept muttering something to herself as she opened it.

   " Just one more time... " Monika began to whimper as if she was on the brink of crying. " I just want to see them one more time.. " The video pulled up and a set of ' Memories ' appeared. Monika clicked a memory labeled ' wine ' and sat on the floor, pressing her knees against her chest.

   On the screen, Yuri pulled out a wine bottle and shook it, shyly smiling.

   " I brought some wine...anyone want some? " Yuri shook the bottle again, slightly. Everyone's heads perked up. The video seemed to be in a first person perspective in Monika's view. Monika walked over to Yuri and stiffened up.

   " Y-Yuri! Wine? We're in school-plus..we're underage..! " Monika shifted nervously. " Put t-that away..! " Natsuki began to laugh out loud and Sayori squealed with curious excitement. Meanwhile, the Monika watching the video unfold covered her mouth and began to sob, putting her face onto her knees murmuring to herself.

    " I'm sorry.. " Monika sobbed. " I' guys-.. " And then the video turned itself off.

  * End of Video *

    " .... " I was at a loss for words. All of us viewed Monika as a cruel, sadistic monster after the incident before we restarted, but she was truly just hurting the entire time. How could we be so blind sighted! It's foolish of us to assume she's different now. Monika's happier now already. Soon-everything will be as it's supposed to be. I closed the files and shook my head, laying down on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

   " I hope she's okay... " I murmured to myself. " Knowing that-...I'm suddenly worried... " I began to have worrisome thoughts. Is she okay-? Can she handle being alone..? If we amplified some of her emotions..which ones did we amplify? Were they the right ones? What if- I shut my eyes and took in a deep inhale, blocking out the thoughts. " Why am I worrying..? This is Monika I am thinking of-even without her powers..she is able to handle anything..! " I rubbed my forehead. " I'm just exhausted and thinking irrationally. " I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off.

 ( Monika's POV )

12:00 A.M

    I can't stop worrying. Sayori has all the symptoms of Depression but she hasn't told me anything! I should trust her to come out about it to me on her own-..but what if she doesn't...? I paced back and forth, checking my phone just in case Sayori has said anything. I'm getting too worked up over a hunch-calm yourself down Monika! You're supposed to be the rational one..! I sighed and took in multiple deep breaths. I began to calm myself down and laid down on my bed, resting my hands against my chest.

   " It's going to be fine, Monika.. " I whispered to myself. " I just need to calm down and sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. " I curled up in my bed and closed my eyes, eventually falling asleep.

( Ello, Author-chan here! This chapter was just for information to add to the pile! But-I hope you enjoyed! Aaaa -Poof- )

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