Chapter 16: " Oddly Comforting, but Mildly Manipulating. "

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( Monika's POV )

  I ran into the club room and quietly shut the door behind me, locking it.

  " We made it, " I sighed, rubbing my bandaged hand. " At least I'm not alone..after remembering everything..this is has just become so much more difficult for me. " I suddenly felt a hand cover my bandaged hand softly and I looked up to see Libitina giving me a sympathetic look.

  " I will always be here to comfort you, " She said in an echoed, but soft voice. " After all...I am the only other person in this world that understands and cares for you. Everyone else is..mindless. " I frowned and looked down at the ground, Libitina still holding my hand. I suddenly felt a hand under my chin force me to look up. " Cheer up dear. It won't last forever. "

  " But..what about Yuri...? " I asked, watching Libitina's face fall to a frown. " Isn't she...aware..of everything? "

   " She is...but she is mindlessly controlled by the player! " Libitina gasped in a concerned voice. " The player has been controlling her the entire time..I must protect you from him..! " She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, speaking in a concerned voice. I leaned into her, hugging her back tightly for comfort.

  " S-so..everything was a lie..? " I sniffled slightly, feeling some tears. " Everything..? "

  " Sadly...yes, " Libitina paused. " Everything. " Her grip tightened as she pet my head gently, which was somewhat comforting. I can't believe everything is still fake...of course it is-! I shouldn't expect it to will always be fake...even Yuri.

  I sighed and sat down at a desk, putting my head on my arms, " This is terrible. "

  " Oh, don't feel so down, " Libitina walked next to me and kneeled by my desk. " At least you can know I am real, Monika. " I gave her a small smile.

  " Yeah, you're real, " I felt my heart lighten it's load a bit. " At least I have you, Libitina. " Libitina paused and gave me a bright smile, hugging me tightly. It gave me a warm feeling inside.

  " Now, how about we make a plan to.... " She paused. " Help everyone. " I perked my head up. Yes-I want to at least help them

   " How do we help them? " I asked, slightly desperate. " I-I want them to be we are-! " A smile formed across Libitina's face.

   " This is what we will do... "

( Yuri's POV )

 " Dam..she ran away.. " I breathed heavily, putting my hand son my knees and bending over. I bit my lip and stared at the school entrance. " But she went in here... " I stood up and walked into the school, staying as quiet as possible. I looked at Monika's file and tried to open it. It was locked. Someone must have locked it...That means someone else is messing with the game-and specifically..- Monika. She must be in the club room..! I began quickly walking up the stairs and into the hallway. It was dark and there was no light coming from anywhere but the windows illuminated by the moonlight. " Monika-..? " I called out, but none responded.


  Step. Step.

 " Monika-? " I turned around, but none was there. I turned back around to face forward and saw someone walking down the hallway. Long ponytail...outline of a bow....It's Monika! " Monika! " I yelped with joy and began running towards her. As I approached closer, I saw a small light coming from Monika's eyes, causing me to pause. Her eyes...there...not normal... " Monik-! " I felt something punch me in the stomach in almost a stabbing motion, causing me to fall to the ground.

  " Get out of here, " Monika's voice hissed almost monotone. " I don't need you here. " I flinched as Monika stood over me, casting her shadow.

  " M-monika... " I whimpered. " What are you..w-what are you saying..? " Monika bent down and grabbed my shirts collar, lifting me up to level with her.

  " I said, " Monika bared her teeth. " Get out of here you dead weight.. " She then threw me to the ground, turned, and began walking away.

  " Monika! Please-! You don't mean it..! " I stumbled to my feet, but I couldn't walk towards Monika. It was like a wall was blocking me. " Monika..! " I yelled, she kept walking away from me, she didn't even look at me. " Monika! " She kept walking. God dam it..look at me! I banged on the invisible wall, but Monika soon disappeared into the darkness, leaving me alone. I slumped down to the floor, breathing heavily. Monika...please come back... I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks and drip onto the floor. 

   " She will never want to see you again, " A voice echoed in the halls. " She hates you...ultimately despises every inch of your being. " I perked my head up. Wait-this must be the person tampering with the games..!

   " What did you do to Monika?! " I screamed.

   The voice chuckled, " I have done nothing. Everything she is doing is of her own free will. I am just her companion. " I got to my feet and slammed my hand against the wall.

  " You're manipulating her?! "

  " Oh! No, I would never! " The voice sounded sarcastically hurt. " I just showed her the things you wouldn't. And soon, she will be able to get rid of every...single one of you. Then...everything will be perfect! " The voice let out a roar of laughter before fading away.

  " That...that must be Libitina...Player warned me about her-! " I gasped. " She is after Monika-probably to use Monika to destroy the game...I need to stop them..! No....I need to stop her. "

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