Chapter 22: " Kill Yourself. "

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( Yuri's POV )

  I continued walking until I found Monika's house. It seemed empty, no lights were on and no cars in the driveway. I opened the gate and walked to the front door, raising my hand to knock, but hesitating. Something just doesn't seem right. I decided to inspect around the perimeter of the house, walking around the sides and seeing if I could view inside one of the windows. I noticed a small light through one of the curtains in an room upstairs, so I looked around for a ladder.

  " There's a shed out back.. " I murmured, walking over to the shed and quietly opening the door. A ladder was sitting in the back of the shed, so I pulled it out, leaning it against the wall of the house. Something..just still doesn't seem right. Everything is so convenient...I just have an uneasy feeling. I climbed the ladder slowly until I reached the window, peering through the crack of the curtains. It was just a standard bedroom, but none was inside. " Why was the light on- " The ladder buckled and I toppled over, falling onto the ground. 

   " Of course, " An annoyed voice sighed. " I should have expected someone as stupid as you to follow me to my own home. " I looked up to see Monika giving me a blank slate look, holding the bottom of the ladder.

   I groaned in pain, " What is wrong with you? Knocking the ladder out from under me...I could have gotten injured. " I gave Monika a narrow look as she chuckled slightly.

   " Alright then, " Monika kneeled next to me. " How about this. " She gently placed her hands over my leg.

   " What are you...doi-! " Monika began twisting my leg until a snapping noise was heard, followed by multiple crunches, and pain began to pulse up my leg. I grit my teeth as Monika stood up, glaring down at me. She put her foot on my head, pressing it against the ground.

   " I told you to leave me alone, " Monika spoke in a monotone voice. " I am not giving anymore warnings. Next time, I will leave you with more than a broken leg. " She pressed her foot onto my head harder, causing my face to bury into the ground. I could see from the corner of my eye, someone else standing on the other side of the yard, watching us.

   " Monika...stop- " I yelped as Monika kept pressing her foot onto my head. I began to feel pressure build up, as if my skull was going to crack at any moment. But Monika kept pressing harder and harder, refusing to listen to me. " Monika...stop! " Suddenly, the pressure was released from my head, and Monika toppled to the ground with a thud.

    " Get off her! " Natsuki hissed. " I don't know what the hell is up with you, but you seriously need to back off, Monika! " I looked up to see Natsuki standing where Monika was previously with her hands on her hips.

    Monika rubbed her back, slowly getting up, " Hm, seems like he didn't knock enough sense into you...looks like I have to do the dirty work myself. "

    " Wait-what d-do you mean..he? And...what dirty work?!  "

      " Oh, you really don't get it? " Monika chuckled, but started laughing aloud. " I mean your father, Natsuki, of course. " Monika walked over to Natsuki, seemingly towering over her. I looked over at Natsuki, noticing her standing in fear, wide eyed and frozen.

    " H-how do you.. "

   " I know..everything, " Monika remarked. " Now, then...why don't you think on that? " Monika raised her hand and slapped Natsuki across the face, causing Natsuki to fall onto the ground.

   " .... " Natsuki stared at the ground as she placed her hand on the spot where Monika slapped her, her eyes wide. We both seemed baffled and both of us were aware something was wrong. Monika turned around and walked inside her house, the clicking of the door locking breaking Natsuki and I out of our trance. " W-what...what the hell is...up with-her.. "

   I sat up and rubbed my broken leg, trying not to cry out in pain, " There is a lot..I need to tell you-but for now...we need to get as far away from Monika as we can... " 

( Unconscious Monika's POV )

  " You're an absolute failure, Monika. "

  I winced, looking down at the ground.

  " You couldn't even save me, you best friend. "

   " I..I kn-know..I'm...sorry.. " I stammered, beginning to cry slightly. " I..didn't..m-mean for it to h-happen...! "

  " Stop crying, " Sayori growled. " After all, it wasn't your first time killing me. You're just the same sick monster you always can never change. " She kneeled in front of me, wiping my tears away. " And you know what..Monika. "

  " W-...what...? "

   " I absolutely hate you. We all do. " I raised my head to see Natsuki and Yuri standing beside Sayori with disappointed expressions. 

   " You're a freak! " Natsuki called out to me, kicking me in the side. I coughed slightly, hunching over and holding my injured stomach. " You ruined our lives! " 

   " I..I'm...sorry..! " I yelped out, but felt a hard blow to the head. I rolled onto my back, covering my head as the ringing intensified.

    " Sorry doesn't fix anything, Monika, " Yuri glared down at me as she spoke, pacing around me. " It would be better off if you just killed yourself. " I felt my eyes grow wide.

   " Y-yuri....but- " I pleaded, feeling tears hit my palms.

   " But? You thought I cared for you? " Yuri remarked, chuckling. " That's laughable! "

   Sayori stood behind me, her shadow looming over me and blocking any sunlight, " Now don't you see? You're unwanted...unloved... "

    The ringing in my ears intensified, causing me to cover my ears and press my head against the ground.

  " We all wish you were dead, Monika... "

  I began to scream out in pain, begging them to stop. But the ringing only got worse.

   " Kill yourself Monika.. "

    Suddenly, it all stopped as I felt someone wrap their arms around me. The embrace was warm and comforting, causing the pain to subside. I slowly opened my eyes.

    " Monika...don't listen to them, " Libitina spoke in a soft voice, petting my hair. " It will be alright...I am here for you.. " I began to break down, crying into Libitina's shoulder. She pulled my closer, " Shh...shh...let it all out...I am here. "

    " P-please..d-don't leave me... " I whimpered. " You're..all I have left.. "

   " I would never leave you for the world... " Libitina assured. " Unlike them....I care for you...I understand you...your pain.. " She put her hand under my chin, lifting my face to hers. " I can get rid of you want me to get rid of your pain..? "

   " Y-yes...I want...the pain gone, " I stammered. I felt Libitina's hand slide over my shirt, unbuttoning it. I whimpered as she began kissing my neck and rubbing my thighs.

    " I can get rid of the pain... " She repeated, pushing me onto the ground and pinning me. " Now...hold still for me... " She wrapped her arms around me, pressing her knee in between my legs. There was no more pain...and it feels so good...I am loosing my senses...I can't feel anything else...

     " I-I love you... " I stated, not even thinking.

    She let out a small chuckle, licking my neck, " Of course you do, dear... "

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