Chapter 25 " It Isn't Over Yet. "

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( Yuri's POV )

  I noticed Monika twitched slightly before jolting back into her previous position, furrowing her brows and grunting quietly. I leaned closer to Monika, practically touching her face with mine. It's worth a shot

  I parted my lips slightly, " C-come on Monika...wake up.. " I closed my eyes and leaned closer to Monika's face, but Monika quickly shuffled, causing my to jolt back and cover my mouth. Monika was laying there wide eyed and pale as if she had just seen a ghost. " Mo- "

   Monika threw her hands on her forehead, breathing heavily, " I'm sorry-! I'm sorry! " She then quickly bolted upright and hugged my tightly, her grip in a dead lock. Monika buried her face into my shoulder, sobbing, " Please...don't hate me-! Don't hate me again.. " At first, I was frozen, looking froward, but I slowly lowered my chin around to Monika's shoulder and hugged her back.

    " I- " I paused. Why am I pausing..? I cleared my throat. " I don't hate one does. " I felt Monika's head slowly move side to side on my shoulder, her eyes just barely looking up at me, glassy eyed and foggy. I lowered my voice to a soft tone, " I realized a long time ago wasn't you doing those things. But you were manipulated to think that way. You're just a girl who's scared and afraid..just like the rest of us. " Monika mumbled something, but it was muffled by my shoulder. The sound of approaching foot prints sounded down the hallway and they sped up. Monika seemed to not have registered the sounds until Sayori and Natsuki were practically there, causing Monika to throw herself away from them in slight shock.

   " Woah there girl, " Natsuki paused instantly, giving Monika her space, but giving Sayori and I a quizzical glance. Natsuki murmured to us, covering her mouth so Monika couldn't read her lips, " What is up with her? "

Sayori responded with a slightly annoyed tone, " Did you completely forget the whole situation! Geez. " Natsuki stared forward, as if spacing out before slowly nodding her head, figuring out what just happened while mouthing ' oh ' over and over. She looked back at Monika and threw her hands on her hips and throwing her index finger in the air.

 " Listen here young lady! " Natsuki put on her bitchy and assertive voice while Sayori and I just gave each other quizzical glances. Monika seemed to shrink into a ball at the sound of Natsuki raising her voice. " You just attacked us! Wanted to kill us!.. " Natsuki began counting all the situations on her fingers, Monika shrinking more and more after everyone. " But! .... " Natsuki got teary eyed for possibly the first time in forever. " You scared the crap out of me! Never do that again! " She suddenly tackled Monika into a hug, causing Monika to burst into tears again and hug her back tightly.

" Well color me impressed! " Sayori's voice got more cheery. " Natsuki can be a meanie sometimes, but she can be really motivational and emotional! So proud~! " I gave a subtle nod while keeping my eye on Monika. She may be back to normal, but she is severely injured and needs to be treated gingerly. Sayori and I walked over to Natsuki and Monika hugging, but a door slamming caught our attention.

 The Player is here.

I gave a sight of relief, putting one hand over my chest, " I'm glad you're here. We've finally gotten rid of her thanks to your plan. " I noticed Natsuki was putting a protective stance in front of Monika and Sayori stared wide eyed.

The Player nodded, " Yes, all thanks to my plan, everything is going to be 10 times easier on my end. " I paused. Make things 10 times easier? He didn't tell me his plan after so maybe he will recover the game...salvage it. But, my hopes were crushed as the Player continued his sentence, " Now, how about we get rid of the other problem? I have been very patient with this..and now is the time. "

Sayori intervened before I could ask, " Other problem? And other...p r o b l e m? " I noticed the Player slowly looking at Monika and the others noticed that too. Natsuki quickly wrapped her arms around Monika, shielding her from the Player's now harsh gaze.

" You're not touching her! We just got her back! " Natsuki hissed and I noticed Monika's eyes going from extremely calm to slowly widening every second. " Keep your disgusting hands away from our club president... " Natsuki paused and her face got red with anger as she screamed. " And our best friend! " Sayori and I locked eyes for a moment before we both slowly looked at the Player, he looked agitated.

 Player began walking towards us, but I quickly jumped at him, moving sideways and ramming my shoulder into his chest, causing him to stumbled backwards. " Agh!'re..on my side! Stop standing up for your previous murderer and help me! " The Player hissed these words through his gritted teeth, but I moved slowly, standing between him and Monika. I clenched my hands into fists. " You are resenting me now? You hate her, don't you? She killed you...all of you! "

" Shut your mouth you disgusting example of a human being, " I hissed in a hollow and low voice. " You have no idea how I feel...and you have no right blaming Libitina's actions onto Monika! " I slammed my hand on an invisible item with a loud slam and the command prompt opened under my hand. The Player only laughed mockingly.

" You're going to protect her? " The Player began to giggle. " The one who said your deaths didn't matter? Or don't remember screaming at her in her head even in death, causing her pain! Pain she deserves! " I could feel my hands twitching the more he spoke. He continued to list things off, but his voice began to fade from my mind. I turned around slightly, looking over my shoulder, and I could see Monika pressing her face against her knees as if the brave, club president was destroyed into only a small child. I looked back at the Player. " And when she- "

" Stop..! " I interrupted him without hesitation. " I can deal with you insulting Libitina...or how we behaved in the past... " I paused and glared at him. Suddenly, I noticed Natsuki and Sayori standing by my side. I took in a deep inhale and felt someone grab my shaking hand. It was Monika. She gave me a weak, reassuring smile as she stood next to me and looked at the Player, her smile fading to a blank expression. I felt Monika's hand tighten around mine. I looked back at the Player, regaining my confidence, " But you about any of us that way. Especially...not our club president. "

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