Chapter 20: " Confined and Secured. "

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( Monika's POV )

   " Yuri... " I stared at her, wide - eyed. I don't know how to handle this situation-and my contact with Libitina is fuzzy right now, so no help from her this time. I'm on my own on this one. " I...don't know what you mean. "

   Yuri's eyes narrowed and she held the door handle tighter, her knuckles turning white, " Monika...I know you know something. That odd comment you made just a moment ago. Y-you know! You...y-you remember...d-don't you? " I kept my act.

   " Know what? " I questioned. " Are you feeling alright, Yuri? Maybe you should go re- " I felt Yuri's hand press my chest, pushing me down onto the floor from the bed, and her other hand pulling my hands behind my back. She sat on my legs, making me unable to move, and pressed my face against the floor, securing me. " -! "

    " Monika! Just be honest with me-! P-please..! " Yuri's voice shook, but her grip on my was strong. I tried to move my face away from the floor to face Yuri, but she pressed it down again. " God dam it answer me! " I heard the door open and a small gasp from the doorway.

   Natsuki spoke up, " Yuri! What the hell are you doing?! "

  " Get a chair and something to tie her down with, now, " Yuri ordered and I tensed up. She can't be serious...she isn't going to keep me here until I answer her...she wouldn't-! Would she...?

     " What the hell? No- "

   " Just fucking get it! " Yuri yelled, not looking away from me as she held me down. Natsuki struggled, but didn't protest, and within a few minutes, I heard a chair being set on the ground. I tried to wiggle out of Yuri's grasp, but she didn't release me.

   " Yuri..I don't know what this is about-but we shouldn't do this to Monika, " Natsuki murmured. " It's kind of...messed up to do it at random. "

   Yuri began tying ropes around my legs and hands, " D-do you think I want to do this?! " Yuri set me down on the chair, typing me to it. I winced because of how tight the ropes were.

  " Y-you're making...i-it difficult to..breathe.. " I wheezed, panting slightly. Natsuki gave me a concerned glance while Yuri didn't even make eye contact with me, but sweat dribbled down her forehead as she grit her teeth.

  " Yuri, maybe we shou- " 

  " Stop! Stop...I...want to ask Monika questions in private... " Yuri stated, trying to slowly tell Natsuki to leave. " I think you should go home. "

  " But-Yuri! This isn't- " Natsuki was cut off by Yuri glaring at her. " Okay...okay.. " Natsuki began walking out, but looked at me and mouthed ' Call me if anything goes wrong ' before leaving. As soon as Natsuki left, Yuri walked over to me, getting quite close.

   " Libitina.. " Yuri murmured. " When I said her name last reacted as if you were startled or shocked. " Yuri's face was just an inch away from mine as she stared at me with an intent, but serious expression. " You know her...don't you? "

   "...." I looked away from Yuri, keeping a straight face. Yuri backed away from me, walking over to the bed and sitting down, rubbing her knees. It was quiet and neither of us spoke for a good 10 minutes. I finally said something, " Yuri- "

   " No...I have to keep my promise, " Yuri bit the corner of her lip, glancing at me. " I have to keep you here...away from everyone else. For everyone's safety. " Yuri looked at me and then looked away, leaving the room. What in the Player really tell her to imprison me if I get...what.. ' out of hand ' ?!

   " Finally....I have regained full contact with you..I am here to rescue you, Monika, " a familiar voice whispered to me. I looked behind me to see Libitina leaning close to my ear to whisper to me and not make a noise. I opened my mouth to speak, but she covered my mouth. "'t talk. Yuri is contacting the Player right now..I can get you out of here, but it will take some time. I used a lot of my energy trying to find you. So, you promise to stay quiet? " I nodded slowly, looking back at the door as Libitina slipped her hand off my mouth and began working at my ropes.

   I lowered my voice to a hushed whisper, " Yuri....seems to hate me. " 

   Libitina sighed, " She does. " I shuddered slightly and glanced over my shoulder at Libitina, who was still trying to untie me. " She hates you quite a lot. " I sunk lower in the chair.

   " So..she really does, " I gave a disappointed sigh. " Am I really that..bad of a person? " Libitina paused and looked up at me. 

    " of course not, dear, " Libitina shook her head and untied the ropes around my arms and legs. " How about we get out of here? I will take you somewhere where you can actually get rid of that... ' fever ' of yours, hm? " She held her hand out to me with a soft smile. " We can save this world and erase all the horrible memories.. "

    " A-all of them...right...? " I asked quietly. " Everyone will be happier..? Sayori will come back too..right..? "

    Libitina nodded, " Of course, of course. Sayori will come back, everyone will be happy, and you can be free of your past..I promise. " There was a pause, and then the door slammed open.

    " Monika-...! Get away from her..! " Yuri spoke sternly, but her voice shook. " Libitina..she's..she's lying to you.. "

    " Monika...quickly-please, " Libitina stated calmly, holding her hand out to me again.

      " Monika, don't take her hand, " Yuri began walking towards us. I looked away from her and back to Libitina.

        " I'm sorry...Yuri, " I grabbed Libitina's hand and felt a stinging pain in my stomach and my knees began to buckle.

        " Monika-! " Yuri's voice became faded as I collapsed onto the floor, blacking out.

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