Chapter 21: " She has been...Updated. "

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( Yuri's POV )

   " Monika..! " I yelped as I watched her collapse onto the floor, unconscious. I shot an angered glance at Libitina, " Do you really think...I will let you get away with her again..? " I stood my ground, balling my hands into tight fists at my sides. Libitina stared at me blankly before even moving.

    " I made a deal with her, " Libitina said calmly with a sigh, kneeling down and lifting Monika into her arms. " I promised her we were going to fix the game, so that's what we're going to do...and you're not stopping us. " 

   I retorted, " Us? I doubt you have even been honest with her. You and I both know she's now going to blindly follow anyone with the right words. " I narrowed my eyes. " Now why don't you set her down and leave us all alone, Libitina? We can settle this the civil way or the difficult way. " Libitina stared at me and then laughed.

    " I know you quite well, " Libitina spoke in a softer tone as she set Monika down on the ground, stroking her hair slightly. " Intelligent and hardworking. Both admirable in their own sense. But you wouldn't be able to lay a finger on me. Not if she was at stake. " She gestured to Monika, causing me to freeze.

     " You wont lay a finger on her... "

    " Oh, I never would hurt her, " Libitina looked down at Monika and smiled to herself. " But I am bonded to her. I can do...whatever...I want. " Libitina placed her hand on Monika's cheek and smiled at me. " If you hurt me... " She raised her nail to her own cheek and sliced it gently. A mark appeared on Monika's own cheek in the exact same spot. " You hurt her. " Libitina slowly kneeled back down and picked Monika back up.

     " you don't-! " I yelped, running over and shoving Libitina away, causing Monika to fall to the floor. " I don't care who you were in the past. By the time I and the Player are done with you, you'll just be another ghost story.. " I grabbed Monika and pulled her into my arms, her unconscious body was a lot lighter than I expected.

     "Hm, alright then, " Libitina growled. " I accept your challenge. " Her angered face soon changed to a smile. " I will see you later, you two. " Libitina then disappeared into thin air, leaving Monika with me. I didn't think someone like Libitina would have given up so easily...what is she up to?

  ( Unconscious Monika's POV )

     I woke up on the school desk. I rubbed the back of my head, feeling slightly exhausted.

    " Hey Monika! " Sayori called out to me from the classroom doorway. " What are you doing sleeping in here? We should get going home before it gets late! " I grumbled and gave Sayori a small smile.

       " Yeah, of course! " I chuckled, grabbing my bag and walking to the doorway where she was standing. " Come on, lets go. "

   ( Yuri's POV )

  " Monika! " I gasped slightly as she began waking up. I helped her onto a chair so she could sit up. " You're awake..thank god. Are you hurt? " I looked at Monika for a moment before noticing how blanked out her eyes were, almost as if she was in a coma, but her body was still functioning. " Monika- "

   " What do you want now? " Monika gave an annoyed sigh. " All I hear from you is ' Monika, Monika, Monika '. Why don't you just go find someone else to bother and leave me alone. " Monika got up and walked to the front door, leaving the house.

   " W-what...what in the world.." I stammered. " That's...not like Monika at all. " Libitina has something to do with this..doesn't she? I knew she wouldn't give up so easily unless she had a plan. I walked to the door, which was still left open. There's no way Monika could be in a healthy state right now if that's the case. I walked outside, looking for which way Monika could have gone. I began walking down the sidewalk, keeping my gaze fixed on my surroundings for any sign of a wandering Monika.

( Unconscious Monika's POV )

  " You know, Monika, " Sayori gave my side a little nudge with her elbow. " I am excited about the club! I am glad you made me your vice president! " Sayori suddenly tripped and nearly fell on her face, but I luckily caught her in time, pulling her back to her feet.

   " A very clumsy one, " I added. 

    Sayori gasped, " Wa-! Meanie..! " I pat her head, giggling at her. " I'm not that clumsy.. "

   " Of course, of course, " I smiled, somehow feeling happy and slightly unsettled. " Hey, do you feel a little..weird? " Sayori perked up and looked at me.

    " Heh! No! Why? " Sayori stood on her toes with her hands behind her back. " Something hanging in the back of your mind? " I froze. That word-Wait...

    " Sayori-... " I paused.

    " Hm? look nervous? " Sayori gave a concerned look and suddenly, multi-colored particles began distorting her face and body. I stumbled backwards, a strong feeling of fear causing me to plant myself where I stood. " Monika? What's up with you? " 

   "' died..! " I yelped. " You're... " I choked on my words.

    " Monika, what are you talking about? I'm right here... " Sayori walked over to me, the particles covering her entire body. She reached out and grabbed my arm, the particles spreading over to my arm. " Monika...why? Why did you leave me there..alone..? It's all...your...fault! " The glitching particles began covering my own body, making it hard to breathe and pain began to shoot through my body. I collapsed on the ground, the only sound I could hear anymore was white static.

   It hurts...

   I can't see anything....!



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