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Wednesday, May 8, 1502

Daegu, South Korea.

"Hey! Ji!" Taehyung called, trying to catch up with the young girl. He had been walking home, and by coincidence, seen her walking down the street as well. 

The young girl turned around, noticing the older "Taehyung? What are you doing here?"

"I was heading home" Taehyung replied, a bit out of breath "what about you?"

"I was too" Ji replied, "what a coincidence we ran into each other."

Taehyung smiled. He has had a crush on Park Ji for a while now. The young girl was in the same class as him, and ever since the first day he laid eyes on her he has been crazy about her. All of Taehyung's classmates couldn't see what the young boy saw in her, Ji was so different from the other girls in their village. She didn't mind getting her clothes dirty, she liked being alone, and she always seemed to miss her classes. 

But that was what Taehyung liked about her. She was different.

He had never met someone like her before. 

"I can walk you home, if you don't mind" Taehyung suggested, "I mean, it would be impolite of me to leave a young woman out here all alone when it's so dark at night." 

Ji smiled "you're so sweet, always caring about other people. But, there's nothing I can't handle."

As she continued walking, Taehyung blanked out for a second before running after her again. "Wait! Are you sure I can't just come with you? I promise I won't bother you and I'll-"

"-Fine, you may walk beside me" Ji interupped, smiling at the older.

Taehyung nodded, feeling himself smile with pure joy as he was proud of his accomplishment. The two continued walking, with Taehyung trying to keep with the girl as she seemed to a fast walker.

"May I ask you a question, though?" Ji said, slowing her pace. 

Taehyung nodded encouragingly "yes, ask me anything and I'll answer it for you."

Ji smiled lightly before turning to Taehyung "why do you like me so much? All of the boys in our class look at me strangely and whisper things about me when they think I'm not listening. But you...you worry about me and show interest in what I say. Why?"

"Because...you're just so cool," Taehyung told her, truthfully "you aren't like the other girls, you do what you want regardless of what the others think; you also stand up for what you believe in and don't just care about looking good or cleaning all of the time. I just think that's cool. That's what I like about you."

Ji felt herself blush, and there was a quick bit of silence between the two until she decided to break it. "You really like me?"

Taehyung nodded "I do."

Ji stopped walking, and Taehyung did the same, looking at her as she was looking at him "do you like me so much that you would like to be together forever?"

Taehyung thought about it for a moment. Just her and him, Taehyung and Ji. Forever and ever. He wanted that, he wanted her.

"Yes," he replied, "yes I would."

Ji's eyes widened, and she took a step closer to Taehyung. He froze, his heartbeat increasing by the second. "I want you to hold still and trust me, okay?"

"Okay," he said.

Then, everything happened lightning fast.

Ji bit Taehyung's neck and pain tore through his entire body. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't get anything out. Once Ji finished drawing enough blood, Taehyung's feet gave out and she held the young boy in her arms as his body shook. She bit her arm, blood starting to drip.

"Open your mouth" she demanded.

Taehyung shook his head, more scared than ever in his life.

"Open your mouth. Trust me!" Ji exclaimed.

Taehyung still didn't listen to her. He had no idea what was happening to him, but all he knew was that now he didn't want to be anywhere near Ji "y-you're crazy! get away from me!"

"You said you wanted to be with me!" Ji exclaimed, her voice sounding hysterical "now open your mouth and drink my blood, now."

Finally, Taehyung did what she asked, and strangely enough, her blood tasted good. Once he started drinking it, he found himself unable to stop. Eventually, Ji pulled her arm away, and the older felt his consciousness begin to slip away from him.

The last thing Taehyung remembered was seeing Ji's long raven black hair, and thinking about how much he wanted to touch it. He remembered reaching his hand out, wanting to feel the softness of her hair between his fingertips, but the world had faded from his sight. 

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