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"Oh my god, seriously! Right in front of my noodles!"

Namjoon and Jimin pulled away from their passionate makeout session, both of their cheeks flushed pink. Hoseok only sighed in reply, immediately losing his appetite. Though Jeongguk hasn't known him as long as Jimin, Jung Hoseok was still a good friend of both of the boys. He had moved to Busan last year, and ever since then, the three had been good friends.

But now that Jimin had a boyfriend, Namjoon always hung around them to the point where he was eventually apart of their friendship group now. Though Hoseok and Jeongguk both liked Namjoon, they both disliked how much he and Jimin made-out (for different reasons, though).

"We're going to have to start coming up with new ways to stop them from being so flirty," Hoseok said, nudging Jungkook. He only nodded in reply.

"Well, you both are going to have to learn to deal with it" Jimin joked, he placed his finger under Namjoon's chin as he pulled him in for another kiss, making Hoseok cringe at their noises.

"We are way too single" Hoseok mumbled to Jeongguk as they both stared at the couple "wanna hook up?"

"Hell no," the younger replied, playfully hitting Hoseok "you're not even my type."

The older laughed "wait, what even is your type?"

Jeongguk glanced towards Jimin, but he stopped himself from saying what he was thinking "kind, sensitive, smart, handsome, basically someone whom I can feel comfortable around."

"Wow. I just want a guy" Hoseok replied "but I'm kind! And handsome! And also incredibly smart-"

"I know that" Jeongguk smiled "but, you're one of my best friends. Dating or hooking up with you would just feel wrong, you know?"

"I get that," Hoseok said, wrapping his arm around the younger "don't worry about it, I'll find another way to get a boyfriend, one way or another."

Jeongguk heard whispers and giggles from other people passing by their table, which made him grow irritated. Hoseok began to notice, and he took his arm off of him, frowning at the younger "is it about the-"

"Yeah, it always is, isn't it?" Jeongguk mumbled, looking down at his feet "I don't get it, all that stuff happened years ago, why are people still talking about it?"

"Because this is Busan" Hoseok replied, "here, the town is so small and boring that people will keep talking about interesting news that happened five or more years ago."

Jeongguk bit his lip, and it definitely didn't help his anger that he could see Jimin and Namjoon shoving their tongues down each other's throats right in front of him. But he decided to try and ignore it because eventually, it went away.

Sadly, Hoseok had been right.

Busan was a small and boring town where whenever drama happened, it was always talked about. 

And Jeongguk has been stuck there his entire life, and it didn't look like he was ever going to escape it.


"So, can you tell me why we're going here again?" Jeongguk asked, which made Hoseok blow out an irritated sigh in reply.

The two were standing outside an old antique shop. Hoseok had said that he needed to run a couple errands for his mother and Jeongguk suggested coming with him since he knew he had nothing better to do with his afternoon.

"I already told you, my mom said she needed me to get her this stone that banishes evil spirits or some shit" the older replied, "I swear, sometimes I wonder if she's slowly going insane."

Jeongguk grinned a little, and the two boys walked inside, the smell of dust and huge furniture welcoming them. Up at the counter, Jeongguk saw that a young man was already up there.

He suddenly recognized his silver hair.

"Are you sure this is real?" The man at behind the counter spoke: "this artifact is thousands of years old, and it's impossible for anyone to even still have it-"

"I assure you, sir, that this is very much real" Taehyung spoke, smiling.

Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek. He didn't think he would ever have to see that bastard again, but there he was.

Once he was done with his exchange, Hoseok took the other boy's place, and Jeongguk decided to follow Taehyung as he wandered around the store some more.

"Where'd you get the artifact?" Jeongguk said, approaching the older "I heard it was super old and rare."

Taehyung flashed that confident smile that he always seemed to have "my family members passed in onto me. So, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just with a friend" Jeongguk replied "what about you? Are you still following random teenage boys into abandoned buildings?"

Taehyung laughed, turning to face the younger completely "you're still hung up on that? How long has it been - two days?"

"You know what, I don't really like your name," Jeongguk said, completely ignoring the older's last comment, "I think asshole suits you a lot better, actually."

Taehyung grinned, amused "if I were you, I'd be careful about what you said to me."

"Why?" Jeongguk asked, taking a step closer "or, is that just another one of your excuses?"

Taehyung was quiet, then he took another step closer: "you have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Well, you have no idea what I'm capable of" Jeongguk snapped in reply.

Instead of saying anything else, the two boys just stared at one another, each waiting for the other to say something else. Though Jeongguk didn't want to admit it, Taehyung imitated him. But he knew he wasn't going to let himself give into him, and he also knew that he didn't want Taehyung to think of him as someone easy to mess with.

"Jeongguk! Let's go!" Hoseok said, making the younger turnaround.

"Give me one second!" Jeongguk replied, then he turned back to Taehyung, getting his backpack out.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, watching as the younger went through his things.

"There's something that I forgot to give you," Jeongguk said, continuing to search through his backpack.

Finally, he pulled out his middle finger.

"See you around, asshole" Jeongguk said as he walked away, leaving the older in awe.

The two other boys left the shop, and as Jeongguk opened the door for both of them, Hoseok turned to him.

"Who was that?" He asked, "the guy you were talking too?"

"Oh" the younger replied "him? He's nobody."

As Hoseok and Jeongguk walked away from the small shop, Taehyung was watching one of the two from inside. 

Believe it or not, he admired Jeongguk's confidence.

And strangely enough, he was beginning to find himself attracted to the young human.  

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now