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"How did everything go? Were you nice? Did you talk about me? If you talked about me did you say any dumb shit-"

"-Hyung, it was fine" Taehyung replied, emotionlessly. He had just gotten home, and he fell onto the couch, wishing that he could just curl into it and disappear.

Seeing Jeongguk had sparked something inside of him. Taehyung didn't know exactly what, but now he couldn't get the younger out of his head, which was the complete opposite of what he was trying to do.

Like he told Jeongguk, this all felt like some nightmare. Taehyung kept waiting to wake up from it, then tell himself that it was all his imagination, but it never happened.

Taehyung blamed himself.

He thought he did something wrong and found his mere existence a disgrace. He understood why Jeongguk didn't want to be with him; in the beginning, he was anticipating the day that Jeongguk told him he didn't want to be with him because he was nothing more than a monster.

But the more their relationship grew, the more comfortable Taehyung grew. Especially that night, when Jeongguk took his face in his palms and told him that he wasn't a monster before Taehyung collapsed and cried in his arms because that was the first time he believed anyone when they told him something like that.

But it was all a lie.

Taehyung couldn't believe that Jeongguk had just been messing with him, the whole idea seemed completely foreign to him and he was still unable to wrap his head around it.

Yoongi noticed how distraught Taehyung seemed, and he looked over at him, a frown now present on his pale face: "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine" Taehyung lied. He was on the verge of tears and wanted nothing more than to scream into the pillow right next to him.

Yoongi sat down in the empty space next to Taehyung on the couch. "I've lived with you for centuries, I can tell when you lie. What's wrong?"

"You're off. I told you, I'm fine" Taehyung said. He didn't want to be a nuisance to Yoongi, and also vent about his problems that neither of them could fix.

"No, something's wrong" Yoongi replied "you were fine before though. Did something happen while you were out?"

"Hyung I said I'm fine, so will you just leave me alone?!" Taehyung snapped, standing up.

Yoongi's frown deepened as he got up and followed the younger. "God Tae, I'm trying to be here for you; I'm trying to help but you don't-"

"What do you want from me?!" Taehyung spun around, catching the older off guard. "When will you ever just leave me alone?! I get that you're lonely, but can't you just understand that you can't always bother me?! You're not my fucking Dad or some shit!"

Yoongi's face dropped, and Taehyung immediately felt guilt in his stomach.

"H-Hyung I'm so sorry," Taehyung said softly, feeling his throat well up. "I-I didn't mean it, I swear I'm just-"

Suddenly, Taehyung couldn't control himself anymore, and the tears were falling down his cheeks so fast that Yoongi became nothing but a blur to the younger.

Taehyung began sobbing right there, and he felt Yoongi wrap his arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. Taehyung cried into his shoulder, and the two boys stayed like that for so long that Taehyung lost all track of time.

Eventually, Yoongi led him back to the couch. Taehyung sniffled and wiped away his tears with his sleeve, though it didn't help very much.

"Now do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Yoongi said a small smile on his lips. Taehyung bit back a grin of his own.

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