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Sunday, August 3, 2019

Busan, South Korea

"I can't believe summer's already over," Jeongguk said, thinking out loud "it just flew by so fast."

Jimin, his best friend, nodded in reply. "Exactly. It almost seems like yesterday that they announced that school was officially over."

The two boys were lying in Jeongguk's bed, side to side looking up at the ceiling. Jeongguk had grinned at Jimin's comment, and he turned to the left, facing the other boy while propping up on one elbow and holding his head in his palm.

"Are you excited that we're going back to school tomorrow?" Jeongguk asked.

Jimin shrugged, looking up at the ceiling instead of at him. "Well...yes and no. I'm not excited about all of the classes and everything, but I'm excited to be spending more time with Namjoon again."

Jeongguk's heart sank at the mention of the other boy's name. Jimin had begun dating Kim Namjoon, a fellow classmate at the end of the school year last year. Only, what Jimin didn't know was that Jungkook had a huge crush on him. He's had it for years. 

The younger had always kept it a secret, of course. Even though he knew Jimin was gay, Jeongguk never told him about his feelings because he was scared that it would ruin their friendship.

But soon enough, someone else had stolen him.

Another reason as to why Jeongguk hadn't asked Jimin out was because he was unsure of what his classmates would think. He was bullied enough as it was, and if everyone knew he was publically dating a boy, it would increase tenfold. 

"Oh, right" Jeongguk replied, "I'm guessing that things are going well between you two?"

Jimin blushed, "y-yeah. They really are."

The other boy was torn. He was happy that his best friend had found someone that he really seemed to love and care about, but at the same time, he wanted to be that person that Jimin cared about. Not Namjoon. 

"So are you guys going to go completely public?" Jeongguk asked "meaning that you're showing PDA and everything?"

Jimin shrugged "I don't really know how he feels about that, but if he's okay with it then I am too."

Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, the silence between them quieter than two strangers on an elevator. He didn't want to continue talking about Namjoon, but he didn't really know what else to say.

"Hey" Jimin spoke, and Jeongguk turned to face him. The urgency in his voice catching him off guard.

"Just because Namjoon and I are dating now doesn't mean that you're not my best friend," Jimin told him "so if you feel like I don't pay attention to you anymore or something, let me know so I can tell you that you're crazy. Because you're my bro."

Jungkook grinned "fine, I will. And don't ever say that again."

"What do you mean, bro?" Jimin joked as Jeongguk hit him with a pillow. 

"But seriously Ggukie - with or without a boyfriend, you're always gonna be my best friend," Jimin told him "remember that, okay?" 

"Okay," he replied, "and you're always gonna be mine."


"Are you sure I can't just come with you?" Taehyung asked, stopping the older boy from leaving.

Years had passed ever since Ji, the girl whom Taehyung used to have a giant crush on, had turned him into a vampire. He's lived life throughout the different generations, never aging and living off of blood. 

If it weren't for Yoongi, Taehyung knew he would be dead by now. The older had found him a couple of days after his transformation when he was starving in the streets and helped him, which was something that Ji never did since she abandoned him after he turned. 

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now