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Taehyung felt his phone ring for the fourth time.

He assumed that it was some random telemarketer since he usually gets dumb calls from them all the time. But a part of him wondered if it was Jeongguk.

Lately, whenever Taehyung asked if they could hang out, Jeongguk would either reply three days late or say that he was too busy. Taehyung was wondering if he was avoiding him and tried thinking if he had said or done anything offense in the past few weeks.

Taehyung tried to tell himself that he was exaggerating because the thought of Jeongguk avoiding him scared him too much.

Right now, he was in his room and was doing nothing. Seung-Ah had come over and Yoongi was with her, and because Taehyung didn't feel like third-wheeling he left them by themselves to do whatever the hell they wanted.

Taehyung pulled his phone out of his pocket, annoyed at this point. But once he saw that Jeongguk had called him not once but now four times in a row, he felt his stomach drop.

Something was wrong.

Taehyung immediately called him back as the worst circumstances came to life inside of his head. He got even more scared when Jeongguk wasn't picking up, and Taehyung suddenly wished he had looked at his phone sooner.

"Hello? Jeongguk?!" Taehyung asked once Jeongguk picked up. It was quiet, and no sound could be heard from the other line.

Suddenly, he heard a sob. "oh my god...Tae I can't believe it's you."

"What's wrong? What happened?!" Taehyung asked. Worried was an understatement for how he was currently feeling.

"I'm in some really deep shit, Tae," Jeongguk said, though he was whispering for some reason "I was stupid and - I ran into Ji and she's about to kill me."

Those were words that Taehyung didn't think he would ever hear the younger say. Taehyung tried to force the many questions that just appeared out of his head and focus on the younger, but it was difficult, to say the least. 

"Ji? She's in Busan?" Taehyung asked, shocked.

Jeongguk choked back a sob "yeah, I'll explain everything later its just...I don't know how much time I have left a-and I'm bleeding badly so she'll probably find me easier-"

"Hey, hey, calm down" Taehyung spoke softly, though he knew it was probably the worst thing to say. "Do you know where you are? I'm gonna come and get you out of there."

"I-I'm in that rich neighborhood right by my house," Jeongguk said, "I don't remember the address but I just know that there's a giant metal flamingo in the front yard -"

Suddenly, the younger hung up.

"Jeongguk? Jeongguk?" Taehyung said, seeing if he could hear the younger. He had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he ran to the door as he grabbed his coat and went to his car.

He got in and started driving, as fast as the damn thing could carry him. Taehyung didn't see his Hyung anywhere on his way out and knew that he didn't have time to tell him where he was going, so he just left and assumed that he was busy doing something (or someone).

Taehyung wasn't religious, he never has been. But he still prayed to himself, hoping that Jeongguk would be okay until he got there.

The thought of something happening to the younger was almost too agonizing to think about.


Jeongguk's heart was pounding.

He had heard Ji yelling his name, so he immediately hung up his call with Taehyung, fearing she would hear him. She was on the same floor as him now, taking her sweet time as she looked through every single room to find him.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now