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Taehyung was losing his mind.

Even after everything that had happened at the party, Taehyung still continued fasting. He had thought that he was growing weaker and that if he tested himself without blood then eventually, he would be able to control himself.

But it only made things worse.

Taehyung had gone forty-eight hours without food, and he felt like he was dying. He wanted - needed - to eat something because everything little thing around him reminded him of blood.

That was what Taehyung hated most about being a vampire; he hated the fact that you couldn't go more than a day without blood before losing your mind, before slowly forgetting yourselves and others because you needed that red liquid.

Because that was what was happening to him now.

Taehyung decided to say fuck it, he was giving up. Even after all of his hard work and dedication, he couldn't take it anymore. Taehyung needed to eat something before he was going to do something he would regret.

Now Taehyung was in the streets, and it was around eleven o'clock at night. He knew that if he could just make it to the woods, then he would be fine; he would eat and then he could feel fine again. 

Suddenly, Taehyung smelt blood. Human blood. 

It was a mile away from him, but he still smelt it because his senses were on tenfold since he was starving.

"No," Taehyung told himself. He was going to go to the woods and get an animal; that was it. But his body craved that blood, it needed it. Even though Taehyung's thoughts screamed at him to stop, but every inch of his body was longing for that blood.

And in the end, his body won. 

Taehyung was losing complete control of himself, and the monster within him took place, now sneaking behind the human.

It was a man, who seemed to be in his late thirties. He had a grocery bag in his hand and was walking home in the cold night. It was the perfect time to attack.

Taehyung snuck around in the shadows, beginning to make the man self-conscious. They were in front of a small restaurant which was named Choi's Korean BBQ, and it happened to be right beside a large ally. The young man took a turn into the ally, afraid that someone might be following him. 

Taehyung walked into the ally with him, and everything after that happened lightning fast. 

Before Taehyung knew it he had the man by his neck and was draining all of the blood out of him. Even when his mind told him he had enough, he knew that he really needed all the blood the human had in his body. 

Taehyung wasn't able to stop because of his cravings, but he also was unable to stop because a part of him enjoyed it. 

An evil, twisted part of him enjoyed this because it made him powerfull. It was almost like a drug, it had the ability to make him feel like he was on cloud 9 and like he was the most powerful yet only person in the entire world. 

It also made him feel good, and as much as he tried to deny it to himself Taehyung knew that that would always the truth. He knew Yoongi felt that way and he knew other vampires did too; because that was just the way it was.

Taehyung also never eats human blood, so the mere taste of him was enough to get him addicted. Human blood was completely different from an animal's; it left vampires going crazy, and it also made them more powerful.

Eventually, the voice in Taehyung's head grew so loud that he finally pulled himself from the man, blood dripping down his mouth. Taehyung felt himself snap back into it, and once he saw the sight in front of him he felt sick to his stomach.

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