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"Are you sure we should do this?"

Jimin was scared. He was so scared that his hands were practically shaking, though he tried hard to hide them from Hoseok. After lots of debating and arguing, the two had finally decided that they needed to tell Jeongguk that they knew.

At first, Jimin didn't see the point. He knew Taehyung and Jeongguk were over now, so he didn't see the point in letting the younger know that they were over. Jimin didn't think he would get involved with anything vampire, anyway.

Hoseok convinced him that they needed to tell Jeongguk the truth in the end. Even if he and Taehyung broke up, the two were Jeongguk's best friends. They couldn't such a big secret from him, and Hoseok thought that maybe they could get more answers from the younger.

"Positive" Hoseok replied. The three were over at Hoseok's house, and they had invited Jeongguk. The younger was running a bit late, though; so the two of them were sitting in the silence of Hoseok's home, both waiting.

"Fuck" Jimin mumbled "what if he gets mad at us? What if he freaks out and says-"

"-Hey," Hoseok said. Without even thinking about it, he reached out and grabbed Jimin's hand, holding it. Jimin felt his heart flutter, and he didn't even think about pulling away.

"It'll be all right" Hoseok reassured him. "No matter how he reacts, we'll handle it. Okay?"

Jimin nodded, trying to smile. "Okay."

The two looked at each other, and Hoseok didn't pull his hand away.

When they went to the movies together, Jimin did have fun; but during the whole movie Hoseok seemed tense, and whenever their hands brushed one another Jimin's heart would skip a beat. He didn't know what was happening to him - he's never felt this way with anyone before, especially Hoseok.

Not even Jeongguk.

The two stared at each other, both not saying anything but each feeling something in their hearts. Suddenly, Jimin felt Hoseok reach others and pull a strand of hair behind his ear.

"You're so beautiful" Hoseok whispered, leaving Jimin speechless.

Hoseok began leaning in closer, so close that their faces were almost touching. Jimin didn't stop him, he didn't try to fight him once. To be honest, he wanted Hoseok to get closer to him until there was no space between them.

Then before Jimin knew it, Hoseok's lips were brushing against his and-

Ding dong.

"Shit-" Hoseok pulled away from Jimin quickly, hearing the doorbell ring. "Jeongguk's here."

"Yeah" Jimin replied, though he didn't really know what to say. His face was a light shade of pink now.

"Coming!" Hoseok yelled as he left Jimin to go get the door. He took a deep breath before opening it and then frowning once he saw the sight in front of him.

It was Jeongguk, only his arm was in a sling and a scar along his lip.

"What the hell happened to you?" Hoseok exclaimed, looking him up in down. "Did you get into a fight or something?"

"Let's just say I took a tumble" Jeongguk smiled "but don't worry about it, my arm's only sprained."

Hoseok let him in and led him to Jimin. Jeongguk and Jimin awkwardly greeted each other; Jimin asked about his scars and Jeongguk gave him the same answer he told Hoseok moments before. After Jeongguk sat down on the couch next to Jimin while Hoseok sat in one of the armchairs closeby.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Jeongguk asked, looking between his friends. Hoseok immediately made eye contact with Jimin.

"What?" Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you looking at each other like that?"

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now