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Someone was banging on the door.

Jeongguk had no idea how long that person had been banging for. It had taken him so long to even notice that someone was banging on the door because he was so concentrated.

Jeongguk had fought with his mother earlier in the day.

Once he got home, she lashed out at him because he had texted her on such late notice. Jeongguk had been terrified that she suspected that he was with Taehyung, but it looked as if that were the opposite. 

The younger had been annoyed since he didn't see it as such a big deal as she, which only made the situation worse. This led the two to barely speak for the rest of the day.

The only time his mother did speak to him was when she had briefly informed him that they were leaving to get together with an old friend that was in town. This left him to be home alone for the rest of the night, which was something that Jeongguk didn't mind.

He didn't think anything less of it at the time.

Though it had quickly crossed his mind that they were going hunting, he pushed that thought back immediately. Though he had gotten injured last time, Jeongguk knew they still would never go on a hunt without him.

Now, it was eleven o'clock at night and instead of sleeping, Jeongguk was binge-watching Netflix. He had been so absorbed by his drama that he hadn't noticed the loud pounding coming from downstairs. It also sounded like someone was yelling, but a part of him hoped that he had only imagined that part. 

Jeongguk found himself growing worried. He didn't think he knew anyone that would pound on his door at eleven fucking o'clock at night.

As Jeongguk walked downstairs, he took his time since he was so cautious as to who was standing outside. This seemed to be a mistake since the knocking faded and a new sound replaced.

Someone was trying to knock down his door.

They must have been strong because his whole house practically shook due to the contact. Jeongguk immediately ran to the door and yelled at whoever was outside to stop, then with trembling hands he opened the door to see who was causing such chaos. 

Jeongguk's eyes widened as he saw the last person he ever expected to be standing at his doorstep.


Before Jeongguk could blink a single eyelid Yoongi was grabbing him by the collar and practically strangling him.

"Where the fuck is he?!" He exclaimed. He wasn't yelling, yet his tone was just as deadly and frightening. Shocked was an understatement for how Jeongguk was currently feeling.

"What did you do him? Where is he?!" He was sounding hysterical. When Jeongguk first met Yoongi he thought he was nothing but a chill guy who happened to be a vampire, but here he was practically equivalent to an insane man.

Jeongguk managed to pull himself from the older's grip. "Who the hell are you talking about?"

"Who else? Taehyung, you dumbass" Yoongi snapped.

Jeongguk felt his heart drop. Did something happen to him?

Before Jeongguk could say anything else, Yoongi continued aggressively: "he's been gone for over two hours, and when I tried calling him he didn't pick up once-"

"And now you think he went missing?" Jeongguk asked. He wondered if Yoongi was this protective.

This snarky comment only made Yoongi angrier, and he grabbed Jeongguk by the collar again, pulling him down so their height was equal. "When I went out to look for him, there were hunters."

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now