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"I can't believe this baby is going to turn eighteen in two days!"

Jeongguk snapped out of his thoughts as he turned to face Hoseok, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hmm?" Jeongguk asked, not having heard a word of what he had just said.

Hoseok frowned, growing annoyed "did you seriously not just hear me? Your birthday is in two days!" 

"Oh, right," Jeongguk said, realizing that the older was right. Out of everything that's happened, that was the last thing on his mind.

Jimin came to their lunch table, unusually quiet. The past few days he's been off, and Hoseok and Jeongguk knew it probably had to do with Namjoon, which was why they never talked about it.

"Can you believe Jeongguk forgot his own birthday was in a couple of days?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"He did?" Jimin said, confused "Jeongguk, you're usually super excited for your birthday."

"Yeah, well I've just had other things on my mind, I guess," Jeongguk said, quietly.

He knew he couldn't let Taehyung affect him, but oh, he was. Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about the feel of his lips on his own, and the harsh words he spoke with such a soft voice.

Hoseok frowned, growing worried "Jeongguk, are you okay? You've been seeming really sad lately, did something happen?"

"You know you can tell us" Jimin added, "we won't judge you."

Jeongguk looked up at his two friends. They both looked so genuine and concerned, but Jeongguk wasn't ready to tell them about Taehyung, not yet.

"Yeah, it's my parents," Jeongguk said "they won't be able to make it for my birthday. I know it happens every year, but I don't know...I'm probably overreacting." 

It wasn't technically a lie, but he just hadn't been that upset by it. 

"You're not overreacting at all!" Hoseok reassured him "hey, now that I think about it, we should have a little birthday party! We always get together on your birthday, but we should have an official party so you won't feel lonely. Me, Jimin, and Namjoon-"

"-Actually Namjoon and I broke up," Jimin said quietly, though it seemed to be the loudest thing in the cafeteria. 

Hoseok and Jeongguk looked towards their friend, and it went silent as Jimin looked down at his food.

"W-well then it can just be the three of us," Hoseok said, breaking the silence "how does that sound, Jeongguk?"

"Sounds good to me" Jeongguk replied. He wanted to get his mind off of Taehyung, and a get together with his best friends sounded like the perfect thing.

"I'm in," Jimin said.

"Great!" Hoseok exclaimed happily, as Jeongguk tried to smile, and surprisingly, he felt a little better.


Taehyung laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

He's been lying there for ten minutes, trying to figure out what to do. He couldn't text Jeongguk, he didn't feel hungry, really, the thought of going outside of this room sounded like hell. 

All he could think about was Jeongguk.

His sad face, pleading voice, and worst of all, his cries after he had left. Taehyung's never seen Jeongguk cry, he didn't think he would have too. But the fact that he was the cause of his tears broke his heart.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now