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"Home sweet home" Hoseok mumbled as he drove. He had only lived in Busan for four years, and now four years later he was back again.

Jimin was in the passenger seat, reading something on his phone. He looked up and glanced outside the window, everything looked the same as it had when they left. Nothing had changed.

But they had.

After graduating high school, Hoseok and Jimin went through a rough patch in their relationship and spent some time apart. They both attended college and continued with their studies, though in their junior year of college Hoseok transferred to Jimin's school, not knowing that the younger was attending. It was almost serendipity, them meeting again.

Not long after that, they got back together. After finishing college they bought an apartment, wth Jimin working to get a masters and Hoseok starting an official job. Then, they got an invitation to something.

They had gotten an invitation to a wedding, not just anyone's wedding but Yoongi and Seung-Ah's.

Surprised would be an understatement for how Hoseok felt when seeing that letter. They weren't close with the man, but he wondered if Taehyung convinced him to put their names since they had helped him so long ago.

"Are you excited?" Jimin asked, turning to the older.

Hoseok thought for a minute. "Yeah, I am. We get to see everyone again."

Though the two still kept in contact with the others, they haven't seen each other face to face in years.

After they rescued Taehyung, lots of things changed. Jeongguk began living with Hoseok since he never wanted to see his parents again. They tried resolving their problems, but some things just couldn't be solved. But since Jeongguk was an adult and about to graduate in a year, he didn't stay for very long.

As for him and Taehyung, it took them practically a year to find Seokjin and also a cure, but the hard work paid off in the end. Taehyung lost the lifelong curse of being a vampire, and he and Jeongguk were finally able to be together.

They moved to Paris after they all graduated, which made it harder for them all to see each other frequently, so now felt extra special.

Jimin smiled to himself. He didn't know why exactly, but he just felt like doing so. Hoseok quickly glanced over and saw him. Though he loved when Jimin smiled, and the way his eyes became small crescent moons, he didn't why he was.

"What?" Hoseok asked him.

Jimin looked down shyly. "I don't know, I just...feel happy."

Hoseok felt his heart flutter, then with his free hand, he reached out and grabbed Jimin's.

"I'm happy too."


The reception went as expected, maybe even better.

Though Taehyung's known Yoongi for so long, he never thought that this day would come. Yoongi had always been the type to keep to himself, to keep a guard up and not let anyone get too close.

But Taehyung was happy that he had found someone, and he felt even happier that he was able to spend the rest of his life with them (literally).

During the ceremony, it hit Taehyung all at once. He tried to hold in his tears, but a few had slipped out to his dismay. Thankfully only Jeongguk noticed, though Taehyung still tried to deny it.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now