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Jeongguk's hands were trembling.

A day had passed since he found out his mother has been lying to him for the past eighteen years, or in other words - a day had passed since he found out vampire hunters ran in his family.

Jeongguk had decided to break up with Taehyung. Though it was the last thing he wanted to do, the thought of his parents hurting or even killing Taehyung made his heart ache. Jeongguk also had no other ideas on how to get out of this situation. 

He would rather have Taehyung live not knowing the truth than have him die all because of his mistakes.

Jeongguk knew it was going to be difficult if he just broke up with Taehyung out of the blue. He knew that the older would immediately question him; Taehyung knew Jeongguk so well that he would instantly know something was wrong, so Jeongguk had to create a plan.

He decided to say and do the one thing that would hurt him the most.

Jeongguk knew if he did this Taehyung would hate him and never want to see him again. He knew if he told him the truth it would just make things more complicated, so he thought that if Taehyung hated him, then he would be safe.

He had texted Taehyung to meet him in a park right between both of their houses. They've been there before, but back when they were just friends. To Jeongguk's disappointment, Taehyung said he wasn't busy and that he would be there soon.

Now Jeongguk was waiting for him, and he was dreading the moment he would see his figure walking towards him. Jeongguk knew that he had to do this now or never, but the mere thought of it made Jeongguk want to cry. Nonetheless, he told himself that he was protecting Taehyung, even if the older wouldn't know it.

Finally, Taehyung came out from the shadows, smiling once he saw the younger. He pecked his lips softly, and Jeongguk felt his hands shake even more.

"Hey cutie" he whispered "how are you?"

Jeongguk kept a serious expression, though he felt his voice crack when he spoke. "We need to talk."

Taehyung's smile fell, and he took a step back, looking concerned. "Okay. Is something wrong? You seem a little off."

Jeongguk tried to make eye contact, but every time he looked at him it made the situation more real. He told himself that he had to do this and get this over with, but he didn't want to suffer the consequences.

"I've been thinking for the past few days" Jeongguk started "and I've been lying to you about something for a while now."

Taehyung blinked rapidly, confused "what do you mean you've been lying?"

Jeongguk played with his fingers in order to stop the shaking. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings, so I lied to you. I thought I was okay with the whole vampire thing but I'm not, and the thought of you killing all of those people makes me uncomfortable."

Taehyung fell silent, staring at him. He didn't look angry or sad, just confused. "You're confusing me. So you lied about being okay with who I am?"

"Yeah" Jeongguk replied, lifelessly "I pitied you so I lied to make you feel better because I thought I could look past it."

"You pitied me?!" Taehyung exclaimed, and though it was quiet it hurt just as much if he had been screaming it at the top of his lungs.

Jeongguk could tell he was growing angry. 

"You could've just told me the truth" Taehyung contiuned. "Sparing my feelings? Bullshit. You know I would rather you be honest with me then lie to my face."

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now