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Jeongguk couldn't sleep.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't. He's been tossing and turning for almost thirty minutes now, and he's counted about fifty sheep now and was still wide awake.

Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung, and it was scaring him. Only two days had passed since their short talk, and yet Jeongguk hasn't been able to sleep since then. The older's words lingered in his brain, repeating themselves over and over again.

It sounded as if he really cared for him.

That mere possibility excited yet scared Jeongguk all at the same time. Of course, he wanted Taehyung to be the person he grew to know back when they were friends, but at the same time, he didn't know if he should trust him or not.

Taehyung made Jeongguk weak, and the younger hated that more than anything. He wanted to be able to be logical and distance himself from the older, but his sad gray eyes and mesmerizing low voice made him want to run into his arms and stay in his cool embrace for eternity.

So, here Jeongguk was, staring at the ceiling for the hundredth time this week.

Deep down, Jeongguk knew Taehyung was a good person and that he was telling the truth. But for some reason, there was a voice in the back of his mind that kept telling him not to trust him and run far far away.

It was the same voice that told him not to let himself fall for Taehyung any further, but Jeongguk always ignored that message.

Deciding that he couldn't stay still for any longer, Jeongguk got up and put on some sweats and a jacket. It was one-thirty in the morning when he put on his shoes and left his house.

Though the younger had no idea where he was going, he let his feet guide him and his mind run wild. When he breathed, air came out of his mind that looked alike to cigarette smoke, which made him realize how cold it truly was.

Jeongguk walked until he found himself in the woods, and though in the back of his mind he knew it was the cursed woods, he kept walking anyway. He was too tired to care, really he didn't care about anything anymore after learning that vampires were real.

He still couldn't believe it, to be honest, he didn't think he would ever. Just thinking about it for no more than five seconds made his head hurt, and he deeply wished that this all was just some long nightmare that he was going to soon wake up from.

To his disappointment, it wasn't.

As Jeongguk walked through the dark woods and listened to the night owls, he thought he spotted a silhouette run past him.

The younger let out a small gasp, turning towards the right. "Hello?"

Another silhouette darted past him, only it came from the left side.

Jeongguk turned the other way, beginning to grow nervous "is anyone there?"


Jeongguk's heart sped up, and before he could even blink a single eyelid something - or someone - attacked him.

Jeongguk felt the breath get knocked out of him as he felt himself being pushed to the ground, seeing nothing but long black hair. He assumed that it was a woman on top of him, but he didn't know for sure.

Out of instinct, the younger tried hitting the creature, but it was no use. They were too strong.

Eventually, Jeongguk got a clear view of the creature, and it was indeed a girl. She was pretty, with pale skin and dark brown eyes, but her face then changed to make her eyes pitch black and her mouth to form fangs, Jeongguk then felt his stomach drop.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now