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"Why the fuck is he sparkling? That's gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever seen."

"You've been alive for like, ten thousand years, I highly doubt that" Jeongguk replied, studying the screen in front of him.

Since Jeongguk's parents were out, the younger had invited Taehyung over. The two boys had the house to themselves, and they had chosen to watch the famous vampire movie Twilight, which Taehyung was currently ripping on for its cheesiness and inaccuracies. 

Though he hated to admit it, Jeongguk was secretly happy that his parents were working late tonight. They had been home a lot more often than usual, and Jeongguk found himself wanting more alone time. He found it odd since for most of his life all he's wanted was to have someone home other than himself.

They were sitting in the living room, and Jeongguk was currently sitting in Taehyung's lap as the movie played. Jeongguk was trying to remain focused, though it was hard to do so when the older began running his fingers along his waist.

Suddenly, Taehyung's hands went under his shirt and began to run along his bare skin, which made Jeongguk bite his lip. 

Though he found it hard to admit, Jeongguk has been feeling weird these past few weeks. He knew Taehyung and him have always had a little bit of sexual tension between them, but this time Jeongguk actually wanted to do something about it. The younger's been having these fantasies about the older, and they were anything but kid-friendly.

Jeongguk knew this was probably normal since he's never actually had sex before, but a part of him knew that Taehyung wanted it too, though he was being very subtle about it. 

"I thought we were watching the movie?" Jeongguk asked, his eyes still on the TV. 

"I was, but I found something more interesting" Taehyung whispered, and oh, it was hot.

Suddenly, Jeongguk felt something come over him, and before both boys knew it Jeongguk turned around and kissed Taehyung, immediately forgetting about the movie. Jeongguk felt the older's lip ring as Taehyung's hands moved along his body, with Jeongguk straddling him.

Taehyung laid Jeongguk down on the couch, making it now his turn to get on top of him. The older began to kiss his neck, and Jeongguk moaned in pleasure as Taehyung did so, happening to leave many hickeys there in the process.

The movie was playing the background, though none of them were paying attention to it; they were in their own little world, forgetting about everything outside of it. The older pulled away, noticing that Jeongguk needed to catch his breath and once he did so, Jeongguk sat up and pulled his shirt off, and then throwing it to the floor.

Taehyung's eyes widened, and Jeongguk inched closer as he whispered one thing that only the two of them could hear.

"I want you."

Since the couch was such a small space, the two moved upstairs, though their lips never left each other. Jeongguk fell onto his bed, shirtless, as Taehyung got on top of him.

"You're sure your parents aren't coming home tonight?" He asked.

Jeongguk nodded, then before he knew it Taehyung threw his own shirt off and he was kissing him like never before.

Taehyung not only kissed his lips but also his jaw and neck. The older also happened to leave small kisses along Jeongguk's stomach, which made butterflies erupt inside of it.

Though Taehyung liked to be in control, Jeongguk loved fighting him for it. They would often take turns leading, and there were even some moments where they would fight for dominance of the other.

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