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"Why do we need to learn stuff like geometry and algebra? I mean, it's not like we're ever gonna use it in life" Hoseok ranted, feeling annoyed.

Jimin, Jeongguk, and Hoseok were sitting outside, feeling the sunlight warm up the afternoon. It was a study hall for them, and the school day was just about over.

"Engineers use it I think" Jimin replied.

"So? It's not like I'm ever going to use it" Hoseok exclaimed.

Jeongguk noticed that Namjoon was sitting and laughing with some of his friends, and he felt confused as to why he wasn't sitting here with them. To be honest, for the past few days Namjoon's been distant with them all lately.

"Did something happen between you and Namjoon?" Jeongguk asked, suddenly changing the subject.

Jimin instantly looked up "what?"

"Actually I've been wondering that too" Hoseok added "are you and Namjoon okay? You haven't been hanging out much lately."

Jimin looked back down "oh, yeah. We had a fight."

Jeongguk and Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, really?" Hoseok exclaimed "but you guys were fine at your party, and-"

"Can we not talk about it, please?" Jimin said "I don't really want to think about it right now."

Hoseok nodded "okay, whatever you want."

As the two other boys started their own conversation, Jeongguk pulled his phone out, seeing that his mom had texted him, saying that she wasn't going to be around much this coming weekend. That was no surprise to Jeongguk, though.

As he looked as his recent messages, his eyes soon found Taehyung's name, and he felt his heart drop down to his stomach. A week had passed since he had confronted him, and he's felt like shit ever since.

Jeongguk knew he should cut himself off with the older, so he went to his contact and decided to delete it. But, as his finger lingered on the button, he couldn't find it in him to truly press it.

The young boy sighed, turning his phone off. He hated how much Taehyung's affected him, and deep down he knew no matter what Taehyung was or wasn't, he still was going to have a soft spot for him.

Even if he was a vampire that killed others for their blood.

Jeongguk instantly felt sick as he remembered his last encounter with the older, and he shut his eyes, telling himself to forget about him.

"Don't think about him" Jeongguk thought to himself, "he's only a waste of your time."

But that was easier said than done.


It was around dusk, and Taehyung was out walking around.

He didn't have anything else to do since Jeongguk was out of his life. Taehyung was bored and sick of being cooped up inside all day, he simply wanted some fresh air.

As Taehyung walked the streets of the small town, Busan, he noticed that there weren't many people out walking tonight, and instead were driving. He saw that the people beside him were either talking on their phone or walking along the streets in silence.

Taehyung missed that, he missed having to worry about nothing more than an annoying coworker, or even about whether or not he got home in time. He missed when times were simpler.

Taehyung has been wandering around Busan for almost an hour now, and he didn't know what else to do in the many hours to come. But suddenly, Taehyung noticed a certain boy who was walking with a hoodie over his head and some airpods in his ears.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now